RemovedMay 31
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I have a feeling that like professional wrestling Russia and NATO are coordinating their moves. The two need each other. Putin, because NATO is a convenient bogeyman. NATO, because they need a reason to exist. Ukraine provides it.

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RemovedJun 1
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Russian gas is still transiting thru Ukraine to Europe. I think they had to get rid of Trump and install Biden in 2020 so they could get the planned Ukraine war going. Trump probably wouldn't have given Zelensky anything. Biden follows orders. Funny how as the COVID op wound down the globalists had Ukraine ready to roll!

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Hate speech, the epitome of 1984 double think

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Joshua Steinglass, hmmm? Every single.....

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'Ass loathing Jesus' is but one anagram of those suitable from 'Joshua Steinglass'.

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biDUMB is so stupid he does not know he is already dead....brain dead. He died the day he was elected.

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Frightening headlines :\

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