The headline on the cover of Time magazine, June 22, 1970:-

" Middle East in Turmoil ". Good to see some things never change:).

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Trust The "Science"...That Just Retracted 11,000 "Peer Reviewed" Papers https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/trust-sciencethat-just-retracted-11000-peer-reviewed-papers

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Here is one of the problems that all western nations are suffering, they have dissonant uncircumsized cockroach peckerheads for fake leaders who have the IQ of a piano pedal and the appeal of a snot wet handkerchief. There are others...ovomit, biDUMB, macron, etc. The rot starts at the top and this ugly mutha is about as good looking as an inverted tube turd standing on its head,

These are the enemies of freedom and justice, the bugs in the ointment, the diahrhea in the toilet and the green snot rocket entangled in the moustache of a senior teen.

BiDUMB is a potato bean bomb fart and ovomit is the typical house kneegrow with hypocrisy shared by he and moochelle in the mix of their useless existences that beggar description.

The whole lot of them need to be executed for treason and murder. Pieces of assorted coon sh*t freshly deposited in the grape patch not yet set enough to stand on their own two feet.

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