And Kate Middleton remains nowhere to be found. Missing Princess Syndrome has struck. Where is she? Someone knows something. But the Royals are off limits. They are keeping shtum until after the UK election. Another choice of puppets.

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"Massive tornadoes strike Iowa, including Greenfield and Carbon, causing major damage and casualties" Yup, and the excess wind demolished wind turbines. Ironic.

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Screw Germany

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Hamas 'Abducts' IDF Female 'Observers' - Aka; 'Lookouts' - From IDF's Nahal Oz BASE, on Oct 7th.

Are 'THEY' the same as The U.S. 500,000 Military 'Observers' in Vietnam, & the U.S. & AllLies of the Willing COMBAT- 'Observers/Advisers' Est 750,000 Military in Desert Shield/ Storm ??

Next; Going by the ProperGanda 'Productions' of White Helmet Theatrical Inc., of AllLies of The Willing & Western/Israeli Proxies(Throughout TOTAL 'History', & Inclusive of THE 4 Years PLUS TO COME [2030 endGame]CON-VID SWINDLE), HOW could Anyone - NOW- 'Trust' that ANY of these 'Film Footage/s- Reports' IS/ARE 'Genuine'??=

The Average Individual, STILL with Analytical thought Process, CANNOT 'Trust' Authenticity! AND, ALWAYS ASK - WHY NOW- for 'Release' of said Video? - Wouldn't have Anything to do with ICC 'Procedings' against Israeli 'Management' of OCCUPIED Territories?? AND, 'Standard Operational Proceedings' on fallout/fallback 'Justifications' (false Flag inclusives) = Show Traumatised Females OR Children for Emotional Strategic Leverage 'Tools'. = AND, it's A Pity this wasn't 'Equally' Forthcoming on Palestinian Citiizens plight in IDF OCCUPIED & DESTROYED Cities that SHOULD have been Displayed on Social & MS Media Platforms - IF we're talking 'Equality'! = SELECTIVE Operational Stratagy!!

Last; If this IS 'Real', along with 'Usage' of Local CONvenient IDF 'Vehicles & Transport', WERE, these Women IDF Surveillence/Spy UNIT 8200, Requiring IDF Forces on 7th Oct, to use 'ALL MEANS NECESSARY' (Air Gunships Inclusive), to 'Wipe Out' ALL 'Moving Traffic' - Civilians Et Al, Israeli AND Palestinian Et Al, to Stop 'Interrogations of Captured U 8200 'Operational Intelligence agents'??

'Israeli' Airspace/Frontiers, ONE OF THE MOST 'ALL SPECTRUM' SURVEILLED ZONES ON THE WHOLE PLANET!! = The 'TheaTricsks' CONtinue!

Wellness - John D.

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