Trump Halts All Military Aid To Ukraine. Trump admin weighs lifting sanctions on Russia. War returning to Gaza? Ontario’s Premier Threatens to Cut Off Electricity to U.S. The Fight to Take Back Europe
Oh boy, my sarcasm level is on overload right now…
Transgender surgeries increase suicide…who would have guessed…(everyone with a couple brain cells)
Mossad anyone…does anybody wanna place bets on the Ukrainian ambassador being found after “suicide” due to the threats being made to imposter “Israel”?
Is anymore proof needed that mankind is devolving…the sun has set on the golden age…
Of all the articles that one jumped at me and grabbed my throat.
Was thinking EXACTLY the same thing. Whodda thunk that hacking an emotionally unstable person's genitals off leaving them with irrevocable physical damage and perhaps chronic pain might leave them a little depressed? Especially since at the end of the brutality they STILL can not function as genuine person of the opposite sex. No sexual enjoyment no nada. Just nasty consequences. Whodda thunk THAT would be depressing.
Yeah. I can see how the big brain PhD shrinks and the depraved "schools of medicine" that are complicit in this atrocity could totally miss that hacking someone's genitals off might be destabilizing for an already straight jacket ready individual. 5-10 years of advance medical and psychological education at an elite medical school can't possibly prepare you for a decision that a 10 year old could instinctively correctly make with just a little Sunday school and normal upbringing. "Daddy, I don't think hacking my brother's genitals off will make him happy and is not a nice thing to do to him.". No amount of education can prepare you for the instinctively and intuitively obvious. Gratuitous mutilation bad. Not obvious if you are REALLY REALLY smart and REALLY REALLY well trained. But hey, THERE WAS MONEY INVOLVED and the mutilations are covered by state and insurance funding. Honest mistake.
At least back in the Mengele days no one had the audacity to call it "gender affirming" and force a reluctant public to fund it and call it a right. Back then they were at least honest enough to own their depravity, "we mutilate people because we think they're vermin". But today it is all about optics. They don't say what they are REALLY thinking when they cynically do atrocities for cash. The optics require they call it "gender affirming". And the silent passively complicit public sit by and buys it.
Not the hyped up crap we are being fed. Thanks, Junior. That didn't take you long did it?
It is not a dangerous deadly disease. Anyone who has lived long enough already knows this. Junior and his office, the HHS, are using the same playbook as covid to hype it up with the exact same language used during the covid "plandemic".
Read Dr. Malik's stack for the truth. I feel so sorry for the children. Used as pawns in this game. They are being intubated in the hospitals and it's killing them. Just like covid.
So, let's say Russia gets trigger-happy and swats down every single British plane . Bit of a setback, but no worries - we've still got 42 fully operational tanks. That's one for every two Premier League teams and just enough to fill a decent-sized car park. Meanwhile, Russia? Oh, just a modest 9, 000 tanks ー roughly one for every Tesco Express in Britain.
Now, let's talk boots on the ground. Britain’s got , including reserves, about 75, 000 soldiers - which is roughly the number of bouncers needed to keep peace on a Saturday night in Newcastle. Russia? A cool 1.1 million, not including reserves. So, about 15 times more, but who’s counting? (Oh, right, we are.)
Missiles?Let's just say Russia’s arsenal makes ours look like a middle school science project. If we fired every missile we had, they might just mistake it for a celebratory fireworks display.
Conclusion: If diplomacy fails and war breaks out, Britain will fight valiantly... for about six and a half minutes. After that, expect a shift to guerrilla tactics - primarily in the form of sarcastic tweets and strongly worded letters to The Times, lamenting Russia’s refusal to deindustrialize, squander precious battle prep on DEI trainings, or feel even a hint of shame in loving their country.
Seems we've reached that special time in the "Christian" west where hacking off genitals is a gender affirming human right and aggressively fighting to stop pointless killing in Ukraine and perhaps avoid WWIII is considered unsophisticated and reckless.
Talk about upside down clown world. Never thought I'd see the day when Mengele surgeries were embraced as a gender affirming right and when many of the left and descendants of the wonderful Vietnam war experience would support a pointless murderous war for "as long as it takes". Perhaps till every last Ukrainian is dead or moved away.
Exactly Roberto Lopez
Read it please!!
Wow that was a lot of news , you guys are on top of things. Thanks
I think I just caught a case of whiplash 😜😂
Oh boy, my sarcasm level is on overload right now…
Transgender surgeries increase suicide…who would have guessed…(everyone with a couple brain cells)
Mossad anyone…does anybody wanna place bets on the Ukrainian ambassador being found after “suicide” due to the threats being made to imposter “Israel”?
Is anymore proof needed that mankind is devolving…the sun has set on the golden age…
Of all the articles that one jumped at me and grabbed my throat.
Was thinking EXACTLY the same thing. Whodda thunk that hacking an emotionally unstable person's genitals off leaving them with irrevocable physical damage and perhaps chronic pain might leave them a little depressed? Especially since at the end of the brutality they STILL can not function as genuine person of the opposite sex. No sexual enjoyment no nada. Just nasty consequences. Whodda thunk THAT would be depressing.
Yeah. I can see how the big brain PhD shrinks and the depraved "schools of medicine" that are complicit in this atrocity could totally miss that hacking someone's genitals off might be destabilizing for an already straight jacket ready individual. 5-10 years of advance medical and psychological education at an elite medical school can't possibly prepare you for a decision that a 10 year old could instinctively correctly make with just a little Sunday school and normal upbringing. "Daddy, I don't think hacking my brother's genitals off will make him happy and is not a nice thing to do to him.". No amount of education can prepare you for the instinctively and intuitively obvious. Gratuitous mutilation bad. Not obvious if you are REALLY REALLY smart and REALLY REALLY well trained. But hey, THERE WAS MONEY INVOLVED and the mutilations are covered by state and insurance funding. Honest mistake.
At least back in the Mengele days no one had the audacity to call it "gender affirming" and force a reluctant public to fund it and call it a right. Back then they were at least honest enough to own their depravity, "we mutilate people because we think they're vermin". But today it is all about optics. They don't say what they are REALLY thinking when they cynically do atrocities for cash. The optics require they call it "gender affirming". And the silent passively complicit public sit by and buys it.
The true documented history of measles in this stack -
Not the hyped up crap we are being fed. Thanks, Junior. That didn't take you long did it?
It is not a dangerous deadly disease. Anyone who has lived long enough already knows this. Junior and his office, the HHS, are using the same playbook as covid to hype it up with the exact same language used during the covid "plandemic".
Read Dr. Malik's stack for the truth. I feel so sorry for the children. Used as pawns in this game. They are being intubated in the hospitals and it's killing them. Just like covid.
God Bless.
So, let's say Russia gets trigger-happy and swats down every single British plane . Bit of a setback, but no worries - we've still got 42 fully operational tanks. That's one for every two Premier League teams and just enough to fill a decent-sized car park. Meanwhile, Russia? Oh, just a modest 9, 000 tanks ー roughly one for every Tesco Express in Britain.
Now, let's talk boots on the ground. Britain’s got , including reserves, about 75, 000 soldiers - which is roughly the number of bouncers needed to keep peace on a Saturday night in Newcastle. Russia? A cool 1.1 million, not including reserves. So, about 15 times more, but who’s counting? (Oh, right, we are.)
Missiles?Let's just say Russia’s arsenal makes ours look like a middle school science project. If we fired every missile we had, they might just mistake it for a celebratory fireworks display.
Conclusion: If diplomacy fails and war breaks out, Britain will fight valiantly... for about six and a half minutes. After that, expect a shift to guerrilla tactics - primarily in the form of sarcastic tweets and strongly worded letters to The Times, lamenting Russia’s refusal to deindustrialize, squander precious battle prep on DEI trainings, or feel even a hint of shame in loving their country.
Did I read that correctly, Ukraine threatened Israel … ?
Seems we've reached that special time in the "Christian" west where hacking off genitals is a gender affirming human right and aggressively fighting to stop pointless killing in Ukraine and perhaps avoid WWIII is considered unsophisticated and reckless.
Talk about upside down clown world. Never thought I'd see the day when Mengele surgeries were embraced as a gender affirming right and when many of the left and descendants of the wonderful Vietnam war experience would support a pointless murderous war for "as long as it takes". Perhaps till every last Ukrainian is dead or moved away.