Lol… high cholesterol is not a disease and therefore no one can from high cholesterol.

How wonderful that Bush (R) with republicans help created Homeland Security and now under a D presidentits targeting the republican base. Are any Republican calling this out or trying to protect innocent Americans? if not, why?

I think you headline news series is on par with zero hedges.

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Ahh so that’s why insurance companies are pulling out of California and other states. "Climate change" is costing them too much money. And if people can’t get home insurance then they can’t get loans to buy a house. Devious indeed. I’m thinking that the global parasites have been planning 15 minutes cities for much longer than we thought.

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California also incentivizes developers to build high density housing with a lack of parking for all residents. And they're popping up like weeds. Who knows, maybe high rise apartment buildings are next, with weldable doors so you too can scream like the chinese who died of hunger.

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They are being built in Utah too. Anywhere they can fit they are going up and right next to busy roads. Yeah I’d love to live right next to heavy traffic…

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China rounded up people from the countryside where they were self sufficient and existed on bartering. They put them into apartment buildings where they were no longer self-sufficient, and had to pay for meals more often. Essentially, it was a way to boost tax revenues.

I recall reading years ago that Detroit was actually buying up blocks of decrepit homes (they were VERY cheap - up to 10-35,000) and then razing them, and allowing them to stop providing services or maintenance for curbs, streets, water, sewer, electricity, road maintenance, etc. because it was cheaper to do so than to provide it for people who couldn't afford to pay for them.

Policies in California have been increasingly stringent out rural living, and will include cutbacks on fire protection, thus increasing insurance rates. There seems to be an overall effort to bring people into tight cities and taking away the ability to have farms, etc. Thus making you more controllable and less self-sufficient. And of course, you're paying more and more just to live.

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Pyongyang will send troops to Ukraine. And they are trained and equipped well.

This is unfortunate bad news for everyone except the worst of the worst people in the world, the bankers and the weaponmakers.

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