Death and destruction plans everywhere. Book of Revelations warning?

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mass migration. didn’t ancient rome have issue relating to “mass migration”?

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Many of these stories are connected to the fact that the "governments" we live under are treasonous, taking orders from entities far above nation states. I am hoping that laws forbidding taking orders from the WEF/WHO/UN will be enforced by Oklahoma and Louisiana.

This is certainly not the full answer but it is a start. So for example, Oklahoma City is something worse than a C-40 (fancy word for 15 min.) city. It is a "cognitive" city. Citizens there should challenge this as it was decided without their knowledge or consent in a kind of treaty signed with PPPs and the UN. Now they have a law to back up dismantling this act of treason by local satraps. It will be interesting to see if they do confront this act of treason using the new state law. It would be a real test case and they should do it!

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Some days you just don't want to get out of bed:).

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