Justin Trudeau is a truly horrible person.

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"Life" on Planet Earth. ..... for each action there is an opposite and equal reaction ..... "at some point".

Individual Liberty & Freedom / "What would you Do, If you knew You could not Fail?"

Can Man Be Trusted with Such an Idea as Freedom? Let alone "Practice" it ???

Of course I can "trust" Myself, and would conditionally truat You, but I would never trust They?Them.

There is a "scale" of Trust & Freedom from No Trust to Total Trust which unfortunately for mankind corresponds from No Freedom to Total Freedom.

"When We Can Fully Trust Each Other, There Will Be Peace on Earth".

So now You know "The Game".

We possibly could have some Peace amongst the Rational Beings on the planet, but then there is the other issue of the Insane Beings amongst us. Also this "scale" goes from Insane to Sane as well as Death to Life.

A "Scale" is not one Absolute or Another, btw. It is a Gradient of more and more in the Direction of Freedom or more and more in the Direction of Slavery. An "improvement" is in rhe Consideration of the "Traveller", some Desire death Solutions and some Desire life Solutions, to greater or lesser degrees as well.

CYA, Conduct Yourselves Accordingly. As for Me, "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death".(Patrick Henry) the only Caveat being that I'm not "Asking" as in please "Give" Me.

Perhaps a more workable quote might be, "You can Assume My Liberty or You can Assume My Death"

Permission to Live is Not Needed or Requested.

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These stooges from Obama’s administration, and now Biden’s, are completely ignorant of what needs to be done and just pushing war. Sullivan, Kirby, Blinken, and Austin know nothing about negotiations and peace talks, just war and more war.

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Many of my friends, who are awake to the zionist/bolshevik/marxist takeover of America, saw during COVID that the only way they could escape eventual justice for the BS they put all of us through was to instigate another big war, which seems to play right into their agenda for population reduction and destruction of America. They are against the wall. Be prepared for anything.

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World War is going to happen. The intensity is unknown. Because the EU and US are deeply in debt, they need an excuse to default on that debt or a chunk of it. Decades of politicians makeing promises they can't pay for and endless wars have created the debt; the proverbial can is ruined, no more kicking. This is why China is selling its US debt and not buying anymore. They understand that they will be one of the targets for the upcoming default. The IMF has already developed digital money to replace US currency as the new universal money, just as the dollar became after WW two. The agreement at Brenton Woods created the US financial hegemony, and now that cycle is ending. Wars are ALWAYS distractions from the actual agenda.

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You call President Biden slow for giving the thumbs up to nearby sky diving?? Do you realize he has walked more steps,shaken more hands( with out bribes) and done a great job with America for all Americans. You are biased .

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I read several Substack essays about the coming pandemic - Bird Flu. I asked myself what have I learned since Jan. 2020? (1) pandemics are a lie; (2) COVID was a lie; (3) viruses may not be real, even when souped up in a lab with lots of taxpayer money; (4) vaccination is no way to avoid an apparent contagious disease; (5) public health “experts” are not to be trusted; (6) the PCR test is not diagnostic, so there is no way to prove the existence of bird flu in a bird, other animal, or human.

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