Amazing this guy is still breathing.

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Sooo many "Dots" that a blind man can see them/their overall Pogrom Goals.

I can only encourage those that are aware of our national situational demise to be pre-pared and Do More of what is necessary to increase preparedness.

Future "Tourist" Attacks will be by Groups, Trained Military Groups from the "Newcomer" Invasion.

Local Police will be overwhelmed by these multiple and simultaneous attacks. It is going to be Domestic War, that the Coupist DC gov Created, and will "pivot" a pretended Response by declaring Martial Law on We/Me/You. It's just Bolshevik 101 playbook.

If I was JoBama, or other democRat NWO Commie in charge, This would occur Prior to the '24 sElections, Certainly Afterwards IF Trump Wins. 2025 = 1775

Si vis pacem para bellum

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"GOP Lawmakers Seek To Block US Funding For Rebuilding GazaP Clearly, GOPers have not received sufficient bribery funds.

"Double Digits: Biden Admin tells Americans that it's soon time for their 10th Covid shot." Seems not enough of us have died, yet.

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Fast forward to 2084 - " It's time for your 210th COVID booster! Book in now! COVID is a deadly disease you know! "

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Perhaps. As likely, only 5,000 of us will remain in slavery to serve the 500 elites who remain.

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Where's Kate Middleton? Maybe her husband should be renamed " Killiam ".

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