Not today, Satan! Get lost!

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Amen! 🙏 🙌

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Bitcoin is wasted energy for the sake of an abstraction that will be used to extract value from those who know how to make things, fix things, and grow things.

A "strategic reserve" of a useless abstraction is a foolish waste of effort for the sake of creating a false scale to rob those who can't pump megajoules into a processor farm to "mine" abstractions.

It's technocracy at its finest.

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I'm glad someone commented on the absurdity of promoting a product like Bitcoin that requires large amounts of electricity to be "coined". Advocating Bitcoin and lowering electrical production is inconsistent and crazy. If there's anything that might promote "climate change" (which, for the record, I think is a hoax), it's Bitcoin.

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Why can’t we define foreigners we allow into our country? Non-tourists, people who intend to live and work here? Immigrants. I cannot recall any govt. employee, or wannabe employee, defining desirable immigrants? This ought to be a national conversation.

Strange that the federal organization tasked with managing the border - is not.

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Why am I not surprised that it was Obama who convinced Biden to not run agan?

As time goes on, I trust Obama less and less. He annihilated any hope I may have had for him. And I disagree with his idea of desirable change. He may have joined the Deep State.

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So are we going to sit quietly and allow Zionist Israel to create enemies in the region and manufacture war? Then drain the American economy to supply weapons of mass destruction and other hidden support or money laundering? General Wesley Clark warned every one of this exact plan to occupy land and create war which is all connected to the Greater Israel Expansion Project. I am actually a direct descendant from the Tribe of Judah and the original people of the land - not apart of the deceiving implants sent by way of The Rothschild family.

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