Judging from the way Trump's ear looks completely healed and uninjured less than fourteen days after the alleged assassination attempt, maybe the FBI Director is right to cast doubt on Trump's ear having been struck by a bullet?


Miles Mathis would probably agree:


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Reid Hoffman's offer to Harris of money in exchange for specific demands would be illegal in most civilised societies. It's a criminal offense called "bribery."

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Donkey Henry does nothing but LIE.

Healthcare workers in BC still have to disclose vaxx status for all sorts of diseases, plus they're not allowed to discuss anything other than the official govt narrative with patients.


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Kamala Harris is a nasty bytch.

Perfect politician material. POTUS-grade? Maybe, maybe not. So far the bookmakers have Trump as the favorite by a sizeable margin. But stay tuned. Things can change fast in politics. Maybe the real players have yet to make their bets. 😀

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I don’t think it was any coincidence that “the heavens opened” to drench the Olympic opening ceremony.

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Tell me it ain’t so Joe … did u leave your Soul in Vegas ? Will the real Brandon stand up . 🤣

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My lib friend said "the opening ceremony was SOO well done, Simply beautiful! Amazing!" Didn't it get rained out? "NO! There was a little rain, but not a prob."

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If the Olympics have chosen to be involved in pagan/satanic rituals for their opening ceremony, that is wrong. It should not happen.

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Can anyone send me the link with the preacher on; prophecy checklist. He started in Deuteronomy end in 2tim.

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Can anyone give me the link to the preacher that spoke on Deuteronomy and end in 2 Tim. He called it the prophecy checklist

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So disgusting and disrespectful!

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Remember the Covid Olympics? Tokyo 2020. Not many do. Because nobody showed up!

Thanks, Fauci, you party pooper.

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Thank you for the round up of important issues.

Images Comply=Olympic Games=Magics Employ . Anagrams.

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