I don't think the UK farmers realize that Starmer is implementing the UN/WEF's Agenda2030 push to end family ownership of businesses of all kinds. UN/WEF wants to concentrate ownership in the hands of the trillionaires and big corporates. They gaslight us that the rest of us "will own nothing and be happy."

My intention, however, is that the UN/WEF will own nobody and be deeply unhappy!

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I think they realize how can they not? Either that or its gotten so bad already that the controllers don't care what the public wants & are just going full bore ahead as it appears is going on world wide at the moment. WHO Pandemic ScamDemic Treaty will be a sealed deal this coming May in many countries if people don't wake up stand up & Just SAY NO. I mean seriously, they will stop at nothing, burning down Greater L.A. the the lame stream media being able to hide the fact it was intentionally done with DEWs, SMART Metres, Weather modification & Paid arsonists is a testimony as to how they already control it all. Saying those whose lives were devastated 700 dollars & the folks in NC & TN they weather warred out a big 750 dollars a billions upon billions go out to Israel & Ukraine.....Go figure please. They don't care what the serfs think or feel as they know they intend to a.) kill as many of us as they can & b) trans human (ize) those that remain & through their C40 5 G Kill Grid SMART cities for stupid people will Geo Fence the residents in as seen in Hunger Games. Remember Klaus Schwab (rothschild) the founder of WEF stated dure the ScamDemic That by 2030 YOU WILL OWN NOTHING & YOU WILL BE HAPPY. Eat zee Bugs! (I can guarantee you NONE of this will apply to them as they consider themselves the owners of the goyim to do with what they wish & the talmud states that they must kill & eliminate the goyim & the memory of them. The future is not looking too rosey if left to the WHO WEF & the Alphabet soup of controlling unelected groups that are screwing humanity over 'royally'. All the very best to you, we are on the same page !

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Yes, thank you. You're reminding me of what J Edgar Hoover wrote in "The Elks Magazine" in August, 1956:

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent."


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Trillions yes TRILLIONS of our taxes are going to shit 💩

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We are making our way to a fever pitch with Hamas it seems

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Thank you for the work you all do. ❤️

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If Canada became the 51st state it would be the largest, most powerful state in the union. Does America want that?

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