Testing, 1,2,3, testing…

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The entire world knows that Arafat died of aids. He fancied young boys so fervently. He married a so called Christian who supposedly converted. We also know that she walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars to keep her mouth shut. Who fathered her daughter? only she and hamas know. Why everyone is shocked by the sexual abuse and torture by the present perverts of Gaza and West Bank is ignorance of the first degree. The hypocorasy of their religious beliefs and their personal perversions is astounding.

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Thanks for the link to the study on the transplacental mRNA. Why they only had two study participants seems odd, but here's their Conclusion: "Our findings suggest that the vaccine mRNA is not localized to the injection site and can spread systemically to the placenta and umbilical cord blood. The detection of the spike protein in the placental tissue indicates the bioactivity of the vaccine mRNA reaching the placenta. Notably, the vaccine mRNA was largely fragmented in the cord blood and, to a lesser extent, in the placenta. To our knowledge, these two cases demonstrate, for the first time, the ability of the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA to penetrate the fetal-placental barrier and reach the intrauterine environment." (developing infant). https://www.ajog.org/article/S0002-9378(24)00063-2/pdf

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