Assad flees to Moscow. Israel, US Launch Strikes in Syria. Iran faces backlash. Trump calls for Ukraine ceasefire. Democracy Is Dead. The Banking Collapse has a Foreordained Date
President Assad/ Syria., flees to Russia. Now we see the 'AllLies of the Willing' Co-OP, of The U.S/U.K./NATO/ISRAEL (Also Supported by AUSTRALIAN Govt) that Created/ Trained/Supported/Financed/Supplied Groups such as the I.S.I.S PROPER Terrorists, AND, ADD ANOTHER DESTROYED Sovereign State - Syria, to the Greater Israel List! This also includes ILLEGAL Exterior Forces, Occupying ANY of that Sovereign Country UN-INVITED, AND/OR, ALL of the ILLEGAL BOMBINGS!!
Terrorism 101; Def; 'Person or Persons who use Bombing, kidnapping or Murder - To Change Government policy. U.S/U.K./ ISRAEL/ NATO (Australia in tow)/ Accomplices Including Central Banking & Global-Private 'Investment' Groups/ THE UNITED NATIONS. = ALL GREEN TICK'D.
The 'Cabal' has been trying to 'Oust' the Non Sub-Servient Assad Govts Since the Late 1960's. Guess the GangStars finally got there, regardless of the collateral damage!
President Assad/ Syria., flees to Russia. Now we see the 'AllLies of the Willing' Co-OP, of The U.S/U.K./NATO/ISRAEL (Also Supported by AUSTRALIAN Govt) that Created/ Trained/Supported/Financed/Supplied Groups such as the I.S.I.S PROPER Terrorists, AND, ADD ANOTHER DESTROYED Sovereign State - Syria, to the Greater Israel List! This also includes ILLEGAL Exterior Forces, Occupying ANY of that Sovereign Country UN-INVITED, AND/OR, ALL of the ILLEGAL BOMBINGS!!
Terrorism 101; Def; 'Person or Persons who use Bombing, kidnapping or Murder - To Change Government policy. U.S/U.K./ ISRAEL/ NATO (Australia in tow)/ Accomplices Including Central Banking & Global-Private 'Investment' Groups/ THE UNITED NATIONS. = ALL GREEN TICK'D.
The 'Cabal' has been trying to 'Oust' the Non Sub-Servient Assad Govts Since the Late 1960's. Guess the GangStars finally got there, regardless of the collateral damage!
What goes around - Comes around!
JOHN D. - Citizen.
Who created science lol
The world is a TOTAL mess.
Pray and be thankful for the basic things that we all take for granted like food, water and shelter. 🙏
Looks like Syria is Libya 2.0 if Assad has done a runner. Another successful Anglo-Zionist UKUSA deep state globocabal operation. ZATO roolz!
Regarding the re-opening of Notre Dame -