Rocket fire around the "Alamo" Baghdad Embassy. Militarly, the USSA has been "Set Up" by the democRat JoBama Coup Regime to lose the next war, Again.
Not that the USSA is a "White Hat" in Foreign Affairs, or that We the People of this USSA will not suffer at the hands of Foreign Enemies ..... BUT that these Domestic Enemies, NeoCons, Bols…
Rocket fire around the "Alamo" Baghdad Embassy. Militarly, the USSA has been "Set Up" by the democRat JoBama Coup Regime to lose the next war, Again.
Not that the USSA is a "White Hat" in Foreign Affairs, or that We the People of this USSA will not suffer at the hands of Foreign Enemies ..... BUT that these Domestic Enemies, NeoCons, Bolsheviks, democRats, rinoRats, are Destroying Our Country on multiple fronts from Social to Economic.
The Point being We Do Not Need anymore Foreign Wars for blood & profits. We Do very well Need a Restoration of the Republic from this current Demoncrazy, and the only question remaing is "How" to accomplish this Restoration of Lawful Constitutional governments, Federal & State both need a ReBalancing vis a vie We/Me/You citizens..
Rocket fire around the "Alamo" Baghdad Embassy. Militarly, the USSA has been "Set Up" by the democRat JoBama Coup Regime to lose the next war, Again.
Not that the USSA is a "White Hat" in Foreign Affairs, or that We the People of this USSA will not suffer at the hands of Foreign Enemies ..... BUT that these Domestic Enemies, NeoCons, Bolsheviks, democRats, rinoRats, are Destroying Our Country on multiple fronts from Social to Economic.
The Point being We Do Not Need anymore Foreign Wars for blood & profits. We Do very well Need a Restoration of the Republic from this current Demoncrazy, and the only question remaing is "How" to accomplish this Restoration of Lawful Constitutional governments, Federal & State both need a ReBalancing vis a vie We/Me/You citizens..