Putin: West pushing Russia beyond ‘red line’. Assad Breaks Silence. Who are the Kurds. Turkey-Iran rivalry intensifies. Trudeau's government COLLAPSING. Dronegate. Bitcoin Surges to $106K
I think these Ukraine theatrics are fully scripted at Bilderberger HQ. The aim is for Trump to get a No Bell peace prize like Obama for bringing "peace" to UKR. In return, Putin gets a "piece" of Ukraine, maybe Crimea, maybe a chunk of Donb-ass. Everyone's happy:).
According to the article above, in a report the Chinese have said they will send drones into areas they intend to attack in the United States in order to confuse our defense mechanisms and collect data PRIOR TO AN ATTACK. Biden says he doesn't know what the drones are or who sent them, sorta like the reconnoitering balloon that collected data across the US earlier. He didn't know what that was either and only shot it down when it was over the Atlantic and had finished its mission. The Biden crime family has made millions from China.....what did Biden agree to? Maybe to allow the earlier balloon to collect all the data necessary to send drones.... and then agreed to dummy up as an attack is imminent so that it can proceed???? Are we under attack by China while the Biden admin. denies it? He's as deep state as it gets and completely amoral, so why not?
I think these incidences state volumes about the satanist, shadow gov minion running our country who is still attempting to trash the US as much as possible before we shift back to some semblance of sanity. What kind of leader sells out to the CCP allowing our national security to be compromised, using the deep state for coverup. It's called treason.
Need more evidence of how twisted Biden is. See United States v. Shiwhere where the Biden government is challenging a Tennessee law prohibiting satanic treatments for minors. Really? ( Also remember gay flag, colors displayed at Easter, pardons, forced vaccines, money to terrorists, FBI weaponization, etc. etc. )
If SCOTUS is bought off and sides with Biden, (using my tax dollars for his twisted agenda) then SCOTUS libs and Biden admin need to be indited for child abuse, treason. ( needs to happen anyway) On Jan 22, a national law needs to be passed protecting the innocent's from these demonics. John 8:44, 1John 3:10. Schools need to be hardened. Parents need to be really pissed and fight back to protect. Wow, how godless does it have to get.
Biden is the absolute poster boy for criminal cabal/satanic/pedophilic corruption. In addition to everything you've listed there are a few other indications of his moral depravity that are characteristic of him and are more than just sexual.....his shoving himself on women, young girls and infants with the sniffing and groping, his showering with his young daughter who is clearly damaged like his son, walking around his pool naked in front of female Secret Service agents who can't leave or protest, and the terrible story of Tara Reed, which as far as I'm concerned was a sadistic rape. These behaviors are actually bullying, forcing, aggressive, shaming behaviors. He likes the parents', agents', not to mention the victims', inability to do anything due to his position and he chooses opportunities where the cameras are rolling like congressional swearing-ins and various photo ops where no one will make a scene. He bullies with what he thinks is his sexual attraction. Gag me. Although it's been removed from youtube, there was one video of a little girl, probably 10 years old, accompanying her parents to a swearing-in and he was actually groping her breasts as she tried to wriggle away numerous times....her parents grinning all the way through it. Sickening. This kind of thing shows what a low-life slimeball he really is as much as his completely amoral political activity and is just another expression of his idea that he has the right to do anything shameless, bullying and aggressive, anywhere to anybody and they have to take it.
I think these Ukraine theatrics are fully scripted at Bilderberger HQ. The aim is for Trump to get a No Bell peace prize like Obama for bringing "peace" to UKR. In return, Putin gets a "piece" of Ukraine, maybe Crimea, maybe a chunk of Donb-ass. Everyone's happy:).
Moron alert.
According to the article above, in a report the Chinese have said they will send drones into areas they intend to attack in the United States in order to confuse our defense mechanisms and collect data PRIOR TO AN ATTACK. Biden says he doesn't know what the drones are or who sent them, sorta like the reconnoitering balloon that collected data across the US earlier. He didn't know what that was either and only shot it down when it was over the Atlantic and had finished its mission. The Biden crime family has made millions from China.....what did Biden agree to? Maybe to allow the earlier balloon to collect all the data necessary to send drones.... and then agreed to dummy up as an attack is imminent so that it can proceed???? Are we under attack by China while the Biden admin. denies it? He's as deep state as it gets and completely amoral, so why not?
Leave the sci-fi to Isaac Asimov. It's NASA that's in the balloon business.
We'll see what happens, hotshot.
I think these incidences state volumes about the satanist, shadow gov minion running our country who is still attempting to trash the US as much as possible before we shift back to some semblance of sanity. What kind of leader sells out to the CCP allowing our national security to be compromised, using the deep state for coverup. It's called treason.
Need more evidence of how twisted Biden is. See United States v. Shiwhere where the Biden government is challenging a Tennessee law prohibiting satanic treatments for minors. Really? ( Also remember gay flag, colors displayed at Easter, pardons, forced vaccines, money to terrorists, FBI weaponization, etc. etc. )
If SCOTUS is bought off and sides with Biden, (using my tax dollars for his twisted agenda) then SCOTUS libs and Biden admin need to be indited for child abuse, treason. ( needs to happen anyway) On Jan 22, a national law needs to be passed protecting the innocent's from these demonics. John 8:44, 1John 3:10. Schools need to be hardened. Parents need to be really pissed and fight back to protect. Wow, how godless does it have to get.
Biden is the absolute poster boy for criminal cabal/satanic/pedophilic corruption. In addition to everything you've listed there are a few other indications of his moral depravity that are characteristic of him and are more than just sexual.....his shoving himself on women, young girls and infants with the sniffing and groping, his showering with his young daughter who is clearly damaged like his son, walking around his pool naked in front of female Secret Service agents who can't leave or protest, and the terrible story of Tara Reed, which as far as I'm concerned was a sadistic rape. These behaviors are actually bullying, forcing, aggressive, shaming behaviors. He likes the parents', agents', not to mention the victims', inability to do anything due to his position and he chooses opportunities where the cameras are rolling like congressional swearing-ins and various photo ops where no one will make a scene. He bullies with what he thinks is his sexual attraction. Gag me. Although it's been removed from youtube, there was one video of a little girl, probably 10 years old, accompanying her parents to a swearing-in and he was actually groping her breasts as she tried to wriggle away numerous times....her parents grinning all the way through it. Sickening. This kind of thing shows what a low-life slimeball he really is as much as his completely amoral political activity and is just another expression of his idea that he has the right to do anything shameless, bullying and aggressive, anywhere to anybody and they have to take it.