Two headlines jumped out at me amid all these red-herring wars & mayhem articles. And they are both critical to the mob's agenda if they are to achieve their ultimate goal, which it is to watch America burn.

The first item of interest is the one where they starve us all close to cannibalism because, let's be honest, noones gonna be lining up to eat critter crumble. But who, [apart from them] can afford $15 loaves of bread?

The second item on their agenda is to destroy what's left of Christianity. I think they've almost got this one over the line, and it is possibly THE one true thing that will save your great country - bringing Faith back into your lives. To these dark-dwellers it will be the garlic clove necklace, the upheld crucifix, the stake in the heart. These demonic beasts cannot win against your good God, nor your freewill to choose Him.

Faith will save you all from their insatiable desire for your blood and it is Faith that will keep you safe.

They have spent an eternity getting to this point; send them back there - to No Man's Land where they truly belong.

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This is the moslem plan that is a part of sharia law. This practice will and has a huge effect on demographics adding to fewer homogeneous people and increasing the numbers of moslems to the place where they do what has been done in Hamtrack Michigan, which is now a moslem majority enclave where the mayor and all council members are moslem and can vote for sharia law legally imposing islam. The moslem goal was and is still the conquering of the world and it may well be the judgment of God to use this religion to punish the abortionists, kill homosexuals and instantly classify all non moslems as second class citizens with no standing in law.

God used "strange and foreign" people to punish the Israelites and it is perfectly logical for Him to do it again. We have accepted the murder of innocent unborn children and the approval of homosexuality and Islam will quash this immediately when and if they take over by demographics.

Such fools damned liberals be...there are none so blind as they who will not see. Note the irony. Two abominations to God being defeated by a religion that is controlling, unjust and cruel. DIEverSHITty is a weakness leading to destruction, not a strength.

Men like me will be beheaded/executed for speaking the Truth. It will be an honor to die for my faith and to be rewarded as a martyr unto the ONLY true God and Savior, Jesus Christ the Son of the living God. Why are people afraid of telling the Truth and dying for it? The last chapter of Revelation verse 8 lists cowards as being damned. It is the Truth that sets us free. Why not embrace it, defend it and proclaim it? If you need strength the Holy Spirit will give you that even unto death. It is better than living as a slave, and denying He who suffered and died for all. Does there exist a remnant who will stand true? Or will all be cowards, denying the faith? Jesus encourages those who would suffer for Him. He says, "wait a little longer" that is, be true to the end and I will give you a crown of glory. What is that exactly? It is being exalted and living under the floor of the Great Throne room where one can talk to God as Enoch did.

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