Thank you for your commitment to being a TRUTH Warrior - GOD bless you ...

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Truedeu is clearly trying to kill as many Canadians as he can, like most Globalist leaders. He has a goal to meet:

Deagel.com: Forecast 2025 https://infiniteunknown.net/2020/10/31/what-in-the-world-is-deagel-com-deagel-com-forecast-2025/

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Why would poland consider it useful to seize a gas pipeline with no gas in it?

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maybe that OLD one could also be added, becasue it connects Musk with Gates:


and also "Swiss research found ALL mRNA jab recipients suffered some level of heart injury, even if they were asymptomatic." at https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2022/11/14/long-covid.aspx

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The Fox News article seems like a whole lotta propaganda to go out and get your flu shot. Sad.

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