10 billion more for Ukraine.... where’s the printing press ? . .. is this from Babylon Bee 🐝. ?

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Anyone who hopes Republicans will save us from the WHO, despite empty rhetoric to the contrary, will be sorely disappointed. All career politicians are on the same team; why do you think virtually none of them tries to warn us about the predatory WEF, World Bank, IMF, City of London, etc.?

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Very interesting re: The Chabad. The 7 Noahide laws are not your friend. Do your research folks. If you believe that Christ is the ONE and ONLY messiah then you better be ready to have your head cut off. I'm not being hyperbolic. The Chabad has already implemented many undercover laws here in the US. Look up The Chabad and Trump, Desantis and every president in the last 30 years on Google images and it'll tell you everything you need to know. I'm not speaking of Jews, I'm speaking of the Chabad....And they HATE Christianity/Christians. Also, israelinewslive.org has some great articles regarding what's coming for Christians when the Noahides are fully implemented.

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What a collection! Discouraging news today all in all as the same old flies all come to land on the same old B.S.

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legal analysis of fraudulent agreement between Pfizer and Israel

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Lets see...$500M / 5000 people in E. Palestine = $100K approx ave home value in E Palestine

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