I posted the following this morning.

List of Candidates Standing for Health Freedom

Arguably, the most important issue on the 2022 ballot


All of this can be found at the Stand for Health Freedom web site, but I formatted for quick reference by way of text links by state. It is imperative people contact candidates to fill out the survey to be listed on this web site to get more votes! There are several states that have none listed and it's important to cover those states as well!

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Wow! I never thought I’d be on the side of 30 radical Democrats. Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption. Too many of our country’s “leaders” or very close relatives have been swimming in it. I wonder if all the $$$ and military equipment we’ve sent there is hush money so the truth stays buried. We need to heed the advice of our first President George Washington. He warned against foreign entanglements suggesting further we treat all foreign nations with benevolence. It’s way past time we ended our involvement with NATO, the UN and brought all our troops and military equipment home. We desperately need to secure our own borders, track foreign nationals here, and deport those who overstay their visas. We should not trade with other countries until they adopt and enforce our clean air, clean water and labor standards. We have all the resources we need here. And most important, we need to eliminate all unconstitutional federal alphabet agencies, vote on paper ballots in person (with the rare exception of absentee ballots for the bed-ridden) with a designated national holiday for federal elections.

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Mc Donald’s successfully rolls out Adult Happy Meals: Big Mac or McNuggets, French fries, drink & toy included boosted traffic 37%

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the Piri Reis map of Antarctica without ice is amazing.

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Red to green … thanks for that, so obvious now.

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You wont hear or read much of what is published here. They do not want you to know what they are up to, the answer to that is short, NO GOOD. Educate yourself and do not let someone else do that for you. Ignorance is causing this mess we are in. Think outside their box.

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I was unaware that the dutch were now being served mealworms. I hadn't heard much about their protests lately.

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