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Russia warns US and UK of Ukraine’s ‘dirty bomb’ plans
The chief of Russia's General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, relayed his concerns to his US and British counterparts in a rare phone call
Moscow has discussed the threat of Kiev potentially using a “dirty bomb” with London and Washington at the level of the chiefs of the General Staff, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday. The Russian chief of defense, General Valery Gerasimov, raised his country's concerns in a phone call with US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, and with his British counterpart, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin.
Russia calls up UNSC over ‘Ukraine’s dirty bomb’
Moscow reiterated warnings about a potential nuclear provocation by Kiev
ussia will consider the use of a so-called “dirty bomb” by Ukraine as an act of nuclear terrorism, Moscow’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, wrote in a letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.
The Russian Defense Ministry warned on Monday that Kiev’s forces could be planning to detonate a “dirty bomb” in a bid to intimidate the local population, trigger a refugee exodus to the EU, and portray Moscow as “a nuclear terrorist.”
US doubles down on denial of ‘dirty bomb’ warnings
The Pentagon chief has rejected “false allegations by Russia about Ukraine,” describing them as a pretext for escalation
US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has rejected Moscow’s warnings about Kiev’s alleged plans to deploy a ‘dirty bomb’ to frame Russia. The statement came during a phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart on Monday.
The Pentagon chief spoke with Minister of Defense Alexey Reznikov to “reaffirm the unwavering US commitment to support Ukraine's ability to counter Russian aggression,” according to the readout of the call.
30 House Dems Urge Dramatic Shift In Biden's Ukraine Policy: 'Get Serious About Diplomacy Or Risk Nuclear Miscalculation'
In a wholly unexpected development, given that until just yesterday any prominent person wishing to talk Ukraine peace plan possibilities or who expressed hope for a negotiated end to the war was denounced and shouted down as a 'Kremlin agent', a group of 30 House Democrats is now urging the Biden administration to pursue a diplomatic track with Moscow.
The Washington Post, which detailed the contents of a letter sent to President Biden by the Congressional Dems, underscored they are calling for the US to "dramatically shift" its strategy on the Ukraine war for the first time, with the grinding conflict now reaching the eight-month mark.
5 signs indicating that war between Russia and NATO is on the brink of spiraling out of control
Have you ever found yourself completely losing your temper in the middle of a heated struggle of some sort? Whether it is a hotly contested sporting event, an actual fistfight, or a bitter battle against an online foe, it can be way too easy to lose your temper. And when tempers flare, you can end up losing control and doing things that you deeply regret later.
Unfortunately, the same thing is true on an international level. Russia and NATO have both become absolutely obsessed with “winning” in Ukraine, and leaders on both sides are getting angrier and angrier. And when leaders become extremely angry, they can do really stupid things.
Israel launches daytime strike on Damascus – Syrian media
At least two blasts were heard in the capital city on Monday afternoon
One soldier was injured following Israeli airstrikes on Damascus, Syrian state media has reported, describing a rare daytime attack after a string of bombings on the capital and other cities in recent weeks.
Syria’s air defenses activated to repel the attack at around 2pm local time on Monday, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), which cited an unnamed military official.
Israel Destroys Iranian Drone-Making Plant In Syria
The Israeli Air Force reportedly destroyed an Iranian drone factory during a bombing raid on Syrian territory on Friday, coming at a moment that Iran-manufactured drones are focus on international attention for their alleged use by Russian forces in Ukraine.
The attack is being described as the first such Israeli operation in Syria in a month. Prior to this latest attack, Israeli attacks on Syria had come almost weekly. But Israel's Haaretz in describing this new operation presented "a more complicated picture of a drone manufacturing and weapons storage site not far from Lebanon and Israel's borders," citing an external war monitor.
China After The Party Congress: What Now?
When Xi Jinping’s predecessor as leader of China and its Communist Party, Hu Jintao, was removed from the closing session of the Party Congress on Oct. 22 in full view of the 2,300 delegates, it was a demonstration to the world that Xi had swept aside all rivals and is now the undisputed ruler of the nation.
Yet, in his political report to the Congress, Xi listed an array of deep-seated problems, which his victory does nothing to resolve because they are the product of the political system he is determined to defend. Indeed, his victory will exacerbate these problems because in choosing subordinates, he has given priority to loyalty to him over experience and competence in government.
US Wants To Break Up Taiwan's Chip Hub To Shield Supply Chains In Event Of China Invasion
The global semiconductor industry is entirely dominated by Taiwan. And that is a significant security risk for Western countries if China were to invade the island nation.
"If you allow yourself to think about a scenario where the United States no longer had access to the chips currently being made in Taiwan, it's a scary scenario.
"It's a deep and immediate recession. It's an inability to protect ourselves by making military equipment. We need to make this in America," US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told CNBC this past summer.
Emmanuel Macron Summoned To Vatican For Interfaith Meeting And Closed Door Session With Pope Francis
Emmanuel Macron has been summoned to the Vatican for a 3-day interfaith meeting and for closed-door ‘peace plan’ sessions with Pope Francis.
French President Emmanuel Macron was summoned to Rome on Sunday for the start of a three-day peace summit hosted by the Community of Sant’Egidio, a Catholic charity known for its efforts to promote interfaith dialogue, notably in Africa. On Monday, he had an exclusive, closed-door meeting with the Catholic king at the Vatican. Welcome to Day 952 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve.
Britain's soon-to-be PM Sunak rules out a general election.
Today is a huge milestone for AI: finally an advanced AI robot becomes prime minister
Sunak is seen here leaving Downing with a red folder that turns green any moment.

BREAKING: Judge Strikes Down NYC Vaccine Mandate for City Workers. “It’s null and void,” says attorney Chad Laveglia. “We just defeated the vaccine mandate for every single city employee.”

Coming This Winter: The European Commission Pushes EU States Towards WHO’s Pandemic Treaty
Between the beginning of June and the middle of 1 July 2022 Europe saw a tripling of Covid cases. Since then, case numbers have been falling again, but remain high among people aged 65 years and over, with consequent increases in hospitalisation rates and intensive care unit (“ICU”) admissions in this age group. Overall, more than 2 300 people still die every week in the Europe Union (“EU”) of Covid. These numbers are worrying not least since they are likely to be an underestimation of the real situation.
Our regular readers would be forgiven for thinking these are words to introduce one of our usual and repeated warnings about the harms due to Covid injections or another of our articles about the “pandemic of the vaccinated.” But it’s not. They are words taken from the first paragraph of the European Commission’s ‘EU response to Covid-19: preparing for autumn and winter 2023’ published on 2 September 2022.
Canadian doctor warns 50% of kids who got myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccines will be DEAD in 5 years
(Natural News) Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker, a Canadian doctor with 45 years of experience in emergency medicine, family practice and on military bases, has made an alarming claim that the five-year survival rate of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine-induced myocarditis in children is just 50 percent.
Host Ben Armstrong shared Shoemaker’s claim in an episode of “The Ben Armstrong Show.”
The doctor noted that around 95 percent of people in intensive care units are fully vaccinated and this is because their immune systems are already damaged.
Deaths of American Under 25s is Soaring Since the Rollout of Covid Injections
In the first two and a half years of COVID, 150 thousand more American under-45s have died than expected. But, almost half of those deaths have occurred in the last twelve months, wrote Joel Smalley. And now he has noted that the deaths of even younger Americans are soaring. “As bad as the story is for the under-45s, it’s a whole lot worse for the under-25s.”
By the end of February 2021, around 1,200 more than average under 25s had unexpectedly died, not from Covid but from government policies. Vaccination of American under-25s started in earnest in February 2021. A year later, by the end of February 2022 excess deaths of under-25s had increased to around 6,000 – five times more.
Radio DJ dies of 'heart attack' on air: Shock as local station announces 55-year-old breakfast host 'passed away while presenting his programme' this morning
A local radio host died from a suspected heart attack while presenting his daily breakfast show.
Tim Gough, 55, was presenting his morning programme for GenX Radio Suffolk when the music stopped playing half way through a song, about an hour into his slot.
The music resumed a few minutes later but Mr Gough, who had been speaking just moments earlier, did not return and later the station confirmed he had passed away.
Army research into nanotechnology and quantum mechanics similar to what’s now being put into “vaccines”
(Natural News) The United States Army is spending millions upon millions of your tax dollars on a variety of weapons including nanotechnology and quantum mechanics, which just so happens to be a key component of Big Pharma’s latest “vaccines.”
Carbon nanotubes are being investigated as a replacement for traditional silicon-based semiconductors, according to Joe Qiu, who is affiliated with the One Army Research Office. This new technology, Qiu said, is especially useful at very high frequencies in the 30-plus gigahertz range, as well as in very short wavelengths such as millimeter wave, which are used in the naked body scanners at American airports.
Is it Possible to Patent Genetically-Modified Humans?
“When we’re modifying the genome of an organism we can put our signature, our name, into the genome.” – “What is God? God creates. Well, we can create now.” – “We deserve to be credited for our work. We have lobbyists in politics and the courts to make sure the patenting and owning of parts of the human genome continues.”
Not word for word but, these are recollections by Dr. Carrie Madej of remarks made by Dr. Craig Venter of the Human Genome Project during a speech in 2014. Dr. Venter also talked about how vaccines could be useful to modify people’s genomes. Dr. Madej discussed this during an interview, watch HERE (starting at 45 mins).
Man In England Becomes First Ever To Have Microchip For His Bank Card Implanted Into The Back Of His Right Hand From Biotech Company Walletmor
Arnie Szoke is the first Brit to get microchipped with a bank card implant from biotech company Walletmor — letting him pay with just his right hand. Szoke, 40, forked out £350 to have the operation done in Germany.
We have long told you that the world’s largest and fastest-growing tech sector is biometric technology, and one of the companies leading the way is Walletmor. What product do they make? Human implantable microchips and bio-technology to enable buying and selling to be conducted using implants in you body. Their app that goes with the implant is called Purewrist. Walletmor is just one of dozens of highly-funded companies investing billions in human implantable biotechnology. Evidentially someone in Silicon Valley has read Revelation 13, and wants to get a jump on the action.
Many Western countries are trying to ban NITROGEN (and thus meat)
(Natural News) In recent months, The Netherlands has been all over the news for trying to eliminate the element nitrogen, which makes up about 78 percent of Earth’s atmosphere. It turns out that many other Western countries are trying to do the very same thing.
In their quest to stop “global warming” and “climate change,” the globalist infiltrators in many Western governments have decided to wage war on nitrogen, which plants need in order to grow. Their claim is that nitrogen is heating the planet too much and must be eliminated. (Related: The Dutch government is now seizing farms at gunpoint in an attempt to eradicate nitrogen from its borders.)
100 Dutch schools forced to serve insects
The Netherlands has become a testing ground for the globalist Great Reset being pursued by the World Economic Forum. In the process, people's diets are being switched to insects. After most farmers in the Netherlands were officially ruined by suspect "nitrate laws", insects are currently being introduced in schools.
A project was launched to manipulate public opinion and many people are playing along. In a Twitter video the project in which insects and mealworms are served in 100 schools showed how children were being introduced to the “new normal” of the Great Reset.
It is not known whether their parents agreed to these questionable nutritional experiments. It’s a tried and tested method to introduce behavioural change through uninhibited children
You wont hear or read much of what is published here. They do not want you to know what they are up to, the answer to that is short, NO GOOD. Educate yourself and do not let someone else do that for you. Ignorance is causing this mess we are in. Think outside their box.
I was unaware that the dutch were now being served mealworms. I hadn't heard much about their protests lately.