Yes it is.

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When did the majority of this continuous flow of bad news for America start? The year Joe Biden was selected, is the answer. Think back to pre Biden times and very little of the present day fuckery was going on. Biden and the people who installed him are creating all of this and we have no opposition party in DC only the Uniparty. The eight years of Obama was the start, Trump being elected threw a wrench in their plan for four years, and now they are making up for lost time.

Time for a mass awakening of you will one day wake up in a country you do not recognize, if that hasn't happened already.

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Agenda 2030 is picking up pace.

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Wow! This is an amazing amount of information you’ve pulled together. It is difficult to read the horrors that go on.. particularly the live babies being left to die..thank you for the work you do!

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