The world sure looks like it’s in turmoil, eh?

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We ain't seen nothing yet!

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Whatever will be, will be.

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I don’t like riding, I would rather drive, but this time the government is too big, and slow to change direction, for my tastes.

I like a country where woman are woman, men take charge, and thank God I wasn’t born in the 1990s or since.

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You might like Bulgaria. 😊

My younger daughter gave me the book “Border: A Journey to the Edge of Europe” by Kapka Kassabova. Excellent read! {begin quote}In ancient times, much of this territory was known as Thrace. Thracian cult sites and magnificent gilded tombs are still being discovered today, but the Thracians themselves are, Kassabova says, "perhaps the least known of the ancient peoples of Europe."

It’s fair to say that most contemporary Americans, including well-read ones, know as little about the history of the Balkans as they do about Thrace. As Kassabova deftly shows, it's complicated.{end quote} https://www.washingtonindependentreviewofbooks.com/index.php/bookreview/border-a-journey-to-the-edge-of-europe

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I don’t think I’ll be moving anytime soon, Bulgarian or any other places I could visit would not like my Zastava M-92, https://i.imgur.com/lDhqsld.jpg

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Updated pic.


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Thrace is a neat and interesting place to read about. The Fourth Turning in America will be more exciting though.

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Meanwhile Ukrainian Armed Forces are actually now INSIDE the Russian Federation and attacking targets. Putin is sitting in his bunker playing 5D chess. On a Gameboy:).

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Aug 9·edited Aug 10

Just imagine a country where the government could refrain from causing the world's problems in order to gaslight us into buying the "solutions."

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Hegelian dialectic has been their drug of choice for centuries.

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Ain't that the truth!

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