Bound and determined to spread more War for Profit and Power for the Central Bankers and Crown Corporation Death Cult, remove all ownership of RESOURCES, destroy all BUSINESS and murder the poultry other livestock under the LIE/FALSE PRETEXT of Avian Flu...TO FORCE FAMINE TO ACCOMPANY PESTILANCE AND DEATH AS USUAL.

It's as though these Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits believe all are stupid to the patterns of history...And, as though people won't rise-up to eradicate the evil from the Earth to send it back to hell with the human souls choosing to host it. JUST a repeat of the Dark/Middle Ages, Bolsheviks, Mao's Youth Mass Murdering Hoards and Cambodia's Khmer Rough all rolled into one.

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Barges on the loose…. Hmmmm🤔

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That just happened by accident right?

I don’t think so.

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Me neither

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Planet Fitness cancelled a fitness challenge event in Detroit today "due to unforeseen circumstances". Hmmm... I wonder what those circumstances are? Record profit loses, men shaving in women's spaces, men getting arrested for entering women's locker rooms... or possibly lack of interest in supporting this business?

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"Sources told the outlet that Miller allegedly asked a female gym member in the locker room to lotion him up and take a shower together." ^_^

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Normally I read and appreciate your collection of news stories. Not today. Your publication of Paul Craig Roberts was a dud. I phoned my investment manager for information, he was not impressed. Whatever point Roberts was trying to make was NOT HELPFUL.

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