Luciferase... the name alone gives me the creeps

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Senator Antic is a hero

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Just for contrast, https://www.jstor.org/stable/2779118. Christian Intolerance of Homosexuality, historically. I think the Christians might have started it, just to be clear. Religion (Catholic) didn't work for me, (elder priest abused my sister) but after that, I also figured out that some of my Ojibwe/Chippewa near relatives in Canada were essentially forced to become Christians, (1750-) well, then my 'fear and loathing' made much more sense. And my final point, I will not try to convert anyone to being pagan, trees and plants my elders and teachers. Thanks for keeping an open mind.

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Christians are opposed to homosexuality, unless they're the ones doing it to altar boys. They're against murder unless they're the ones murdering other faiths, or their own if insufficiently pious. The Bible says we're all sinners, which applies to Christians as much as anyone else. Seems to be fundamental human nature. We're also very creative about rationalizing our sins.

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....confessionals an early form of blue check marks?

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Catholicism is nor Christianity its a Babylonian Mystery religion so is Paganism, two sides of the same coin. The Religion of the Luciferian Elites Worshiping creation instead of the Creator. I have many articles posted on the subject. Thanks for keeping an open mind

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Thanks LofJM, Hence my rejection of Catholicism, innately. I do not agree with your grouping paganism as you do. For me it stands alone as a way to convey the ultimate respect for soil and earth, our food provider, so mother. We all know Gaia, some more than others. Before there were any religions, any books of religion, any churches, there were plants and trees. Eons older than we. That's all I am tryin to say, they are the first and purist teachers. Same with most of the animals. (https://storyteller.travel/animals-that-mate-for-life/) All other teachings n books are filtered by humans, unavoidably. Sometimes this is great, sometimes it amplifies types of badness. Usually both. One must be quite discerning, obviously, and we are all occasionally fooled by dogmas. Or frequently fooled. There is a meme about how people who want communism just say we havent done it right yet. For me, I can substitue religions into that meme. I don't think any religion (which I define as worship based on certain sacred books that few see and who seek members for financial gain) can be done right. People are perfect the way they are born, no other involvements necessary. That is, if any more do get born these days. Oi. Paganism is not = to (insert any word here).

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