Regarding cooking oil shortages, that's probably a good thing. The proliferation of oils has led to an epidemic of heart disease, and frying foods at the high temperatures that requires oils produces other chemicals that damage our systems and shorten lifespans. Good riddance. Maybe some people will find better, safer ways to cook.

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Russis didn't destroy US weapons sent to Ukraine - not without checking them first for new technology they could template or reverse engineer. In fact, I can't help but be suspicious, considering the many enemies the US has here on our own soil right now, and the treachery of the biden administration, that some of the weapons sent to Ukraine may have, indeed, been "secret" state of the art

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Inspection before attack would require control. Russia doesn't have control. They probably have agents in place to tell then what to attack. They have other means for getting access to our technology.

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Obamma finally gets one right -- "It's time to pick a side." That's a declaration of the war that has been underway since 2016, initiated by his administration. Anyone who doesn't pick a side, now, is choosing surrender. There are no noncombatants in this war. You're either fighting for freedom, or you're supporting tyranny.

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Any chance of a few less stories about the fake war in Russia and ukraine. It is getting tedious. A distraction while thousands are dying and becoming seriously I’ll from the poisonous experimental biologicals.

Good to see tesco is right on top of supply chain problems. Every field around us is blooming with rapeseed. I think many use this stuff for cooking. Is the ukraine the only country that makes cooking oil. Come on, let’s wake up and stop the nonsense reporting. Please.

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For Biden it's a good distraction. For Putin it's a plan.

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Any chance of few less comments from you?! That will be 👍

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Nonsense? I don't think so. The Ukraine/Russia war is a VERY important part of their plan.

"A Staged Russia/Ukraine Conflict Is Part of the Plan To Take Down the Current World Order"


If you don't like the reporting you don't have to read it, or you can start you own stack and post whatever you consider important

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If you don't like what's being reported, you either don't understand its importance, or don't care.

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JEREMIAH 50:18 (NKJV) [WITH INTERPRETATION]:Therefore thus says YHWH (the Lord) of hosts, the God of Israel: “Behold, I will punish the king of Babylon [PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES] and his land [AMERICA], as I have punished the king of Assyria [PRESIDENT OF SYRIA – AND HIS CITY, DAMASCUS].”

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Globalist want a war. Plain and simple.

Shutting down farmers, raising petrol prices, food shortages, on and on can better be excused away in a war.

No war.

No good excuses

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