Pfizer's primary mRNA injections "temporarily" impair semen concentration and total motile count among donors.

Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda: Anti-Sperm Antibody Is One of the "Adverse Events of Special Interest" Found in the Secret Pfizer Document
“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
Texas Republicans declare Biden ‘not legitimately elected’
The party’s state convention adopted a plank denouncing the US president’s election as illegitimate
exas Republicans adopted a plank to their platform declaring the 2020 election of Democrat Joe Biden as US president to be illegitimate on Saturday, during the party’s first in-person convention since 2018. It was one of several planks signaling the party’s further shift rightward.
“We reject the certified results of the 2020 presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States,” the resolution, passed by voice vote, reads.
BREAKING: Run on the Banks in China – Long Lines in Henan, Shanghai, and Dandong
People are reportedly lining up for hours in China to obtain money from their bank accounts in China. The large cities of Henan, Shanghai, and Dandong are three cities where the lines are long.
After years of COVID mandates and a government that the average Chinese down deep doesn’t trust, the people of China are scared that they will not be able to retrieve their life savings. In some cities, people are standing in line for hours to receive their money from their bank.
Macron’s party loses parliament majority – projections
The centrist coalition appears to be losing ground to both the left and right
French President Emmanuel Macron’s coalition has lost its absolute majority in the parliament while Marine Le Pen’s National Rally is on its way to a 10-fold increase in seats, the first projections following the second round of the election show.
According to the early returns, the presidential coalition Ensemble is projected to take up to 230 seats, which would give it a relative majority in the National Assembly. However, the centrist coalition, which includes Macron’s Renaissance party and several others, is set to fall short of the 289 seats necessary for an absolute majority in the 577-seat National Assembly. In 2017, following Macron’s election as president, the La Republique en Marche (the party changed its name to Renaissance in May 2022) sent 308 deputies to the Palais-Bourbon.
Ukraine Says "Prepare For The Worst" In Donbas; Kharkiv Will Likely Be Next "Frontline City"
Russia's military is citing fresh 'successes' in the Donbas region after reports days ago that Ukrainian forces may have stalled its advance in Sievierodonetsk. "The offensive in the Sievierodonetsk direction is developing successfully," Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a video address Sunday.
He said the key village of Metyolkine at the city's eastern edge had been taken. At the same time the Ukrainian governor of Luhansk province, Serhiy Haidai, admitted that "The situation in Severodonetsk is very difficult" as the Ukrainian fighters are outnumbered and outgunned.
Dozens of Ukrainian officers killed in missile strike – Russia
The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that Kalibr missiles were also used to destroy Western-supplied M777 howitzers and armored vehicles
Russian warships have destroyed a Ukrainian command center with Kalibr cruise missiles, killing dozens officers, Moscow's Defense Ministry reported on Sunday.
“More than 50 generals and officers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were killed,” the statement outlined.
The strike took place near the village of Shirokaya Dacha in Dnepropetrovsk Region. It hit a compound where commanders of several Ukrainian units had gathered for a meeting, according to Moscow.
BREAKING: Did Lithuania Light the Fuse on World War III?
In a move of staggering stupidity and hubris, Lithuanian banned the transit of Russian goods to Kaliningrad effective today, June 18, 2022. Kaliningrad, which is wedged between Poland on the west and Lithuania on the east, is home to almost a half-million Russians and the headquarters for the Russian Navy’s Baltic Sea force.
Lithuania claims it is simply abiding by the sanctions imposed by the European Union. After all, Lithuania is a member of the European Union and NATO. But that is the point. This is a deliberate provocation. It is laying economic siege to a vital interest of Russia. While there is no immediate danger to the Russian population of Kaliningrad, this is a flash point that could lead to an actual war as opposed to a special military operation.
Russia said preparing UN resolution condemning Israel for Damascus airport attack
Security Council draft proposal reportedly says strike violated international law, undermines regional stability and Syrian sovereignty; Israeli officials doubt it’ll pass
Russia is putting together a proposal for a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel, which it blames for a recent attack on Damascus Airport that put the site out of commission for several days, the Kan public broadcaster reported Sunday.
Israeli officials confirmed to the station that Russia is working on the resolution but doubted that it would gain much support. The US also has veto power at the UNSC.
Fauci Refuses To 'Stop Funding Chinese' Research With US Tax Dollars
Dr. Anthony Fauci said he was unable to commit to stop federal funding from going to Chinese scientific research, despite the U.S. intelligence community assessing the regime as America’s top adversary.
Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), made the remarks while appearing virtually at the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee hearing on June 16, during an exchange with Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kansas).
“The NIH is still funding research in China, at least $8 million since 2020. In the Intelligence Community’s 2022 Annual Threat Assessment, the Chinese Communist Party is presented as one of the top threats to the United States, along with Russia, Iran, Syria, and North Korea. To my knowledge, only China is receiving U.S. research dollars,” said the senator during the hearing. “When will you as director of NIAID stop funding research in China?”
DOJ launching “hate crimes” snitch line, but of course all HATE targeting conservatives, Christians and pro-life baby defenders will be utterly ignored
(Natural News) The Biden regime is launching new “bias-related” social initiatives that include a “hate crime” reporting hotline.
The Department of Justice (DoJ) announced on May 20 that it is spending $10 million in taxpayer money to fight hate crimes and other “bias-related incidents” as part of a nationwide snitching push.
Conservatives, Christians, pro-life defenders of unborn babies, and other non-politically correct Americans will of course be excluded from the effort. Only LGBTQs, pro-death cultists and other far-left people will be protected
The NWO Blueprint To 'Save The Earth' Mandates 7 Billion Death Sentences And America's Future Chinese-Communist System Would Have No Compunction About Carrying Out Mass Murder Here
- The Globalists 'Human Extermination Agenda' Is Now Irrefutable
With the biggest topic that google decided to censor on ANP stories being the globalists 'depopulation agenda' that we've been reporting on for years now, with at least 15 of their ANP 'kill list stories' having to do with Deagel's 2025 forecast which at many points showed an America with less than 100 million people living here by 2025, we're going to be taking a look within this ANP story at just that: proof that the US Government and the globalists actually NEED a massive 'die-off' in America and across the planet and they're pushing it along every step of the way. Yet they've been labeling it as a 'crazy conspiracy theory' if spoken of by anyone who sees what is really going on.
Our Economy In a Nutshell
The economy has reached an inflection point where everything that is unsustainable finally starts unraveling.
Our economy is in a crisis that's been brewing for decades. The Chinese characters for the English word crisis are famously--and incorrectly--translated as danger and opportunity. The more accurate translation is precarious plus critical juncture or inflection point.
Beneath its surface stability, our economy is precarious because the foundation of the global economy-- cheap energy--has reached an inflection point: from now on, energy will become more expensive.
When you hear BNT162c(2), run, don't walk, RUN away.
It's already in the clinical 'trials'
They are trying to revoke Dr. Pierre Kory's license to practice medicine
He just got the notification. Any doctor who uses early treatment to save lives is going to have their license to practice medicine revoked. That's just the way it goes.
EXCLUSIVE: Vaccine-injured Canadians search for answers
Canadians that were injured by COVID-19 vaccines say they are frustrated by the slow response taken by federal government and Canada's healthcare system, with many also questioning why the mainstream media has not been covering their stories.
"All I ask for is any kind of resources for us. You can't sleep, you can't walk, you can't exercise, you can't do anything. You can't even think with the brain fog," said Dawood Al-Janaby. "I was ignored, I was left alone, and I'm not sure how long I'll survive this.
On Wednesday, the Western Standard put out a call on Twitter for testimonials from vaccine-injured Canadians. It received over 130 messages from people claiming they were injured after taking COVID-19 vaccines.

U.S. Farmers Issue Dire Warnings of Looming Food Shortages as Most Americans are Clueless as to How Their Food is Produced and Unprepared for What’s Coming
Unless you have a farmer in your family, or in your circle of friends and contacts, chances are that you are among the millions of people in the United States that seldom give thought to how the food you buy and eat is produced.
Ask the typical American where the food on their table comes from, and probably 99.9% of them will answer: the grocery store.
The grocery store is a modern-day retail outlet that most of our forefathers did not enjoy. Prior to the industrial age post WWII, most neighborhoods had local businesses and farmers who supplied the bulk of that community’s food, from the milkman who delivered dairy products, to the town butcher who processed meat, to the town baker who produced products from grains, etc.
Your Government is trying to kill you & Depopulate the planet; Official Government Reports, Confidential Pfizer Documents & the Cost of Living Crisis prove it
In 1993 a book was published by a former spy of the MI6 named Dr John Coleman. In that book, Dr Coleman wrote the following –
“At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.
The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.”
Many people would most likely disregard the above claims as “tinfoil hat nonsense”.
But unfortunately, official Government data, confidential Pfizer documents, and real-world events such as the current cost of living crisis, the alleged impending climate change disaster, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the ongoing development of Artificial Intelligence, strongly suggest that there exists an agenda to depopulate the world, and your Government is, in essence, attempting to kill you.
China using bogus covid tests as excuse to freeze billions in deposits, lock residents out of bank accounts
(Natural News) As punishment for trying to protest, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is freezing people’s bank accounts under the guise that they magically tested “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
According to reports, some Chinese residents are now seeing their CCP-required covid “smartphone” apps turn red as they venture near banks to try to pull their money out, leaving them unable to do so.
Jennfier Lopez introduces daughter, 14, with they/them pronouns during LA benefit gala
Very bright fireball illuminates the night sky over Brazil
A very bright fireball illuminated the night sky over Bahia, Pernambuco, Ceara, and Sergipe, Brazil on June 16, 2022.
The event was recorded by 10 cameras owned by Clima ao Vivo.
glad some brave souls are finally vociferously pushing back for the kids’ benefit.
I am heartbroken for Dr. Kory and others who stuck their necks out for humanity.