The Ukraine Deputy Minister Twitter is gone....

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Share far and wide. Dr. Marty Markary of Johns Hopkins University interview on MSM - https://video.foxnews.com/v/6309557805112#sp=show-clips

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The Ukraine Deputy Minister link does not work. I did a search and could only find an article on RT. Any other links available?

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would like to make a citizen’s arrest of Harari.

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Ukraine smells of Biden Inc. a money laundering operation… is the woman Hunter’s new squeeze? Again great articles Lioness. I find it interesting that NYC has a commercial protecting yourself from nuclear war dust and Menlo Park is not that far away!!

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Re: Hariri - That’s the point, serpent told Eve, “[5] For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.”

Words matter. “As gods” does not mean they will be gods. No one will ever be God. This psychopath is literally channeling the mind of Satan, the original psychopath and sore loser. When diabolical psychopaths have all the money and all the power, they say the occult plan out loud. Let him keep blabbering. This is exactly what the collectivist elites intend and have worked towards for over a century since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

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Wonder if he was referring to gods like the gods of God's Council...who he gave the nations to...who did not do very well at all with them.

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He’s a crazed megalomaniac

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I think Harari watched too much Shazam and wants to be Billy Batson.


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Harriri? He sure is something.......on the spectrum maybe?

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