US, Israel declare Iran will never be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon in joint Jerusalem Declaration.

'Cognitive decline': Biden tries to 'shake hands with thin air' during Israel trip
Meet Ukraine's new Deputy Minister - 25 year old Anna Sergeeva. She has ZERO experience in Government or Business, and never had a job before.

World is nearing ‘brink’ of nuclear war – Tulsi Gabbard
Biden is escalating the Russia-Ukraine conflict, risking a catastrophic fight with Moscow, an ex-congresswoman has warned
President Joe Biden’s administration is driving the world toward a devastating nuclear conflict by using the Ukraine crisis to fight a “proxy war” with Russia, former congresswoman and 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has warned.
“The American people need to understand the seriousness of the situation that the Biden administration and leaders in Washington have put us in,”Gabbard said on Wednesday night in a Fox News interview.
Russian state TV warns war will expand to Poland if US continues to arm Ukraine
A Russian state TV host warned Tuesday that President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine could expand to Poland if the US continued to arm Kyiv’s forces.
On a broadcast of Russia Channel 1’s “60 minutes,” TV host Olga Skabeyeva made the veiled warning saying that if the West continued to send aid to Ukraine the conflict could intensify, Newsweek reported.
“If God forbid, Americans deliver missiles that can travel 186 miles. Then we simply can’t stop,” the TV host said.
“We’ll go all the way to Warsaw.”
Ukraine Used US Missile In Massive Bombing Allegedly Killing 7 Citizens, Injuring 80 More
Ukraine authorities have taken credit for a recent bombing they say destroyed a Russian arms depot, but Russia claims it actually hit a fertilizer facility in a civilian area.
Monday night, multiple videos of a massive explosion in the Kherson region began to spread online.
*****BULLETIN***** Shopping Mall Signs Warn of Nuclear War Emergencies
he Menlo Park Mall in Edison, New Jersey is just one of many large shopping malls in upscale areas publicly warning people about what to do if a Nuclear Bomb Hits! They have been told by government to begin warning people . . . because Nuclear War with Russia is not only a possibility, it has become a likelihood.
The horrifying reality that would be a nuclear blast is becoming so likely now over the Russia-Ukraine/NATO troubles in eastern Europe that governments and now private sector industries are warning people about what to do when a nuclear bomb goes off!
"The Damage Could Be Huge": Chinese Banks Tumble, Swept Up In Mortgage Nonpayment Scandal As Borrowers Revolt
On Friday, shares of China’s banks extended their slide to a two-year low amid fears widespread mortgage non-payments would spark contagion within the banking sector (see "China On Verge Of Violent Debt Jubilee As "Disgruntled" Homebuyers Refuse To Pay Their Mortgages") even after the local banking and insurance regulator said it will maintain continuity and stability of financing policies for the real estate sector.
Moody’s weighs in on Germany’s energy plan
Berlin’s goal of cutting energy ties with Moscow is not an easy task, the rating agency warns
International ratings agency Moody’s said on Wednesday that Germany’s target of reducing its dependency on Russian gas to 10% by 2024 will be difficult.
“While Germany has already gradually reduced its reliance [on Russian imports] from 60% in 2020 to 35% by mid-April, reaching the 10% target means replacing about 42 billion cubic meters, which will not be easy,” the statement reads.
Euro falls below dollar parity
What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?” It’s The New World Order
The idea that there is an agenda for global government among the financial and political elites of the world has long been called a “conspiracy theory” within the mainstream and the establishment media. And sadly, even when you can convince people to look at and accept the evidence that banking institutions and certain politicians work together for their own purposes, many folks will STILL not entertain the notion that the ultimate goal of these power mongers is one-world empire. They just can’t wrap their heads around such a thing.
Economy Expert Explains the Impending ‘Polycrisis of Doom’
sing charts and “krisenbilder,” i.e., “crisis pictures,” Tooze illustrates the many interconnected stress patterns at play on the global scene. The first graphic below illustrated the situation as of January 21, 2022.
Many Crises Are Hitting All at Once
As noted by Tooze, we now face a series of significant challenges, and a) they’re hitting us all at once, and b) several of them reinforce and worsen each other. Also notable is the fact that there’s great uncertainty associated with some of them.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Forced Vaxx Is All-Out War On the Human Race (Video)
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny joins The Alex Jones Show on Tuesday to break down how the medical tyranny program to force vaccines on the public is all out war on humanity.
Video: Rand Paul Accuses Biden COVID Resurgence Doomers Of “Sensationalism”
Responding to warnings of a COVID resurgence from the White House and the Department of Health & Human Services, Senator Rand Paul accused Biden officials of engaging in “sensationalism”.
Appearing on Fox News, Paul accused his now arch nemesis Anthony Fauci, as well as HHS head Xavier Becerra of spreading doom without providing any empirical evidence.
Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they're embarrassed by 'bad science' - including vaccinating children under 5 to 'make their advice palatable to the White House,' doctors claim
Two of America's top health agencies are reportedly hemorrhaging staff as poor decision-making, described by staff as 'bad science,' has led to low morale.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are both suffering staff shortages, according to Dr. Marty Makary, a top public-health expert at Johns Hopkins University, writes at Common Sense, the Substack run by former New York Times columnist, Bari Weiss.
Major decisions made by the agencies that hurt morale included support for masking in schools, school closures during the pandemic and the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children four and under.
India reports first case of monkeypox
The patient, who recently returned from the UAE, is in stable condition, the authorities say
India has reported its first monkeypox case as the World Health Organization (WHO) plans to convene an emergency meeting over the global outbreak next week.
The patient is a 35-year-old man who had returned from the UAE to the southern Indian state of Kerala on July 12, Veena George, the state health minister, said on Thursday.
STUDY: 99% Of COVID-19 Data Websites Secretly Track Users.
Shocking, we know...
The vast majority of governmental and COVID-19 tracking websites employ third-party trackers on users without consent, according to a new study.
The revelation comes from a recent paper – “Measuring Web Cookies in Governmental Websites” – published by a cohort of European researchers funded by groups including the European Research Council (ERC), the European Union, and the Spanish government.
“A potential risk from e-governance is that since it represents a unique point of interaction for mandatory and indispensable services for all citizens, it can, unintentionally or not, become a single point of monitoring and tracking for the entire population of a country. A readily available way to achieve that is with the use of Web cookies,” cautions the paper.
Bio-Security State: Big Pharma’s Complete Takeover OF FDA
It is inconceivable on any level that thorough testing would not be required for life-altering drugs such as experimental mRNA injections, but Big Pharma’s influence over the FDA has accomplished just that, giving eugenicists full and autonomous control over human health and genome. Thus, humans are the last frontier to be conquered in the quest for total resource management, aka Technocracy.
Globalists planned the impending “food armageddon” YEARS ago
(Natural News) It might seem that the current calamities facing our country and world are all coincidentally occurring simultaneously as a byproduct of government “incompetence,” but do not be fooled: It was all planned out by these cretins years ago for such a time as this.
That Rockefeller Foundation document we recently told you about offers a mere glimpse into what the globalists have had planned for the world, probably for many decades or even longer.
CDC Directs LGBT Children to Secretive Chats About Sex Changes, Activism, the Occult
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is promoting to youth an online chat space that discusses sex, polyamorous relationships, the occult, sex change operations, and activism, and is specifically designed to be quickly hidden while being used. It also mixes LGBT adults and children and is run in part by Planned Parenthood.
Called Q Chat Space, the platform is advertised on the CDC’s LGBT Health Youth Resources page, archived here. The chat service, which describes itself as “a community for LGBTQ+ teens,” is available for those ages 13-19, can be hidden from parents, and focuses on a number of mature themes.
More than 40 people unaccounted for after severe storms and floods hit Virginia, U.S.
Severe storms hit parts of Virginia on July 12, 2022, causing major flooding in Buchanan County where more than 100 homes were damaged and 44 people were unaccounted for, as of July 14.
Officials said the number of unaccounted people reflects those that have been reported to law enforcement by loved ones and family members as being unable to make contact with them.
“We have 44 individuals unaccounted for at this time due to the flooding event that has occurred in the Whitewood area of Buchanan County,” the Buchanan County Sheriff’s Office said.
Very bright fireball over Hungary and Croatia
A very bright fireball streaked through the night sky over Hungary and Croatia at 01:13 UTC on July 13, 2022.
The object entered the atmosphere over northern Croatia at 29.3 km/s (18.2 mps) and ended above Lake Balaton, Hungary. It became visible at the height of 103 km (64 miles), lasted over 6 seconds and reached a terminal height of 37 km (30 miles), according to Denis Vida, meteor physics postdoctoral researcher at Western University.

Re: Hariri - That’s the point, serpent told Eve, “[5] For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.”
Words matter. “As gods” does not mean they will be gods. No one will ever be God. This psychopath is literally channeling the mind of Satan, the original psychopath and sore loser. When diabolical psychopaths have all the money and all the power, they say the occult plan out loud. Let him keep blabbering. This is exactly what the collectivist elites intend and have worked towards for over a century since the beginning of the industrial revolution.
would like to make a citizen’s arrest of Harari.