Spot on: They don't care about you (us). That fact should be painfully clear by now; sadly, most people don't get it.

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Essentially, is IS done; that is to say humanity save for Divine intervention. If that is coming (not counting on it) I have no idea what it would look like; as seemingly no one; at least not in any decent numbers; seem to wish to help humanity out of this pile of $%&#.

IF...if I were Providence; I'd squash it all like the bug in the rug. Humanity, by and large; probably isn't deserving of a bail out.

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I have to take a tums after I read these articles . BTW the ACOG and the corporate hospital systems are filled with evil ☠️.

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Strange sounds = HAARP?

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Fantastic, powerful video by this priest (?) above! Thank you.

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Who is he?

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Tedros is a war criminal.

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To whom nothing will be done.

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