Yes in Britain midazolam was used in care homes in 2020. It is a fact. This was done under Matt Hancock’s watch the minister of health at the time. Midazolam is a Drug normally used by an anaesthesiologist during a minor or short op. It is a nuclear bomb of sedatives. Hardly recommended for the elderly. But hey ho, it appears we are all expendable these days. Any doctors want to jump in here. My credentials RN, FNP, MN

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Good old versed … ditto Mary Ann Dowrick. Could it be possible that Medicare dollars spent would be less if they get rid of the people who use Medicare??

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Thanks much. Excellent compilation.

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The irony of Mr. BlackRock talking about entitlement. And affordable housing.

Can we add Vanguard and BlackRock to the list, please?

We are going to need some heavy duty hardware when the time comes. Steel that retains its edge. Between the globalists, the Shot pushers, media, social media types, and the national/local politicians, business will be good.

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