The item about EVIL DR ROSS KENNEDY demonstrates the necessary action to correct the real disaster -- its not a problem of faceless bureaucracies oppressing us, but it's a stream of individual malfeasance by specific people who must be identified, named, and individually attacked until they repent or until the end of time. EVIL DR ROSS K…
The item about EVIL DR ROSS KENNEDY demonstrates the necessary action to correct the real disaster -- its not a problem of faceless bureaucracies oppressing us, but it's a stream of individual malfeasance by specific people who must be identified, named, and individually attacked until they repent or until the end of time. EVIL DR ROSS KENNEDY is demonstably incompetent and nobody should want, nor accept, his services. Likewise, concerns about "CDC" hide the fact their decisions aren't some monolithic entity but specific individuals. We need to identify individual villains and advertise their crimes, loudly and broadly. As the hysteria subsides and sanity returns, more or less, some people will eventually be held accountable. We need to make sure the right ones get justice they deserve. Don't let them hide under cover of their bureaucracies.
The item about EVIL DR ROSS KENNEDY demonstrates the necessary action to correct the real disaster -- its not a problem of faceless bureaucracies oppressing us, but it's a stream of individual malfeasance by specific people who must be identified, named, and individually attacked until they repent or until the end of time. EVIL DR ROSS KENNEDY is demonstably incompetent and nobody should want, nor accept, his services. Likewise, concerns about "CDC" hide the fact their decisions aren't some monolithic entity but specific individuals. We need to identify individual villains and advertise their crimes, loudly and broadly. As the hysteria subsides and sanity returns, more or less, some people will eventually be held accountable. We need to make sure the right ones get justice they deserve. Don't let them hide under cover of their bureaucracies.