Update - the Chinese rocket crashed into the south central pacific at 1000 UTC on the 4th, a bit earlier than the Aerospace prediction of 1800 plus or minus 6 UTC. But not bad. Caught the dramatic conclusion of Greenland movie last night, where an asteroid devastates our planet. Stuff falls out of the sky all the time. Maybe some day we’ll figure out how to stop them. Until then, we’ll continue to rely on luck. End times might not give a lot of warning.

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What do you think this means? What will happen in your opinion?--- Blood moon lunar eclipse to rise on Election Day.

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A client of my wife said she was tired on Halloween, didn't wake up, she was 54, in good health, yesterday my boss shared his 20 something son died Wednesday... I just saw him a few days ago, they didn't say how. I don't know if either was jabbed (I expect so).... this July after a coworker got 2nd booster, then c19 weeks later and died of it shortly after that, I was hoping more people I work with would wake up. So much deception. Come Lord Jesus, but His return is sweet as honey to us who believe, bitter in the stomach for those who don't (and for all who will endure Tribulation).

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Thanks for good works here. Lots to absorb. God bless everyone here reading!

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Cometh hell in a colorful bow-tied hand basket.

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Protect the babies, protect the children, protect the innocent who do not yet understand the evils of this world nor have the capacity to deal with it.

It's no longer being argued that life begins with conception.

Can you imagine being conceived into this world and that the last action of your life was someone trying to end it?

Oh wait ... yes, I can.

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