forgot to add, the moderator of the "Contamination in CV19 “Vaccines”. ALL mRNA Jabs Are Not Fit for Purpose and Must Be Removed From the Market – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Kevin McKernan" discussion is making a SERIOUS ERROR by stating the SPike binds to the ACE2 inhibitors... That's wrong, the SPike binds to ACE2 receptors, not to their inhibitors, thus Spike itself functions as the NEW ACE2 inhibitor, by simply 'taking them out of the circulation'*. It seems funny that MD Greer calls for credibility in comparison with 'other subbstack writers' claiming to be scientists, while he himself is NOT 100% well informed...

It was good to hear some of the new details from Kevin and it is always good to listen to Dr. Bhakdi.

* https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18319-6

-> That RBD domain of the Spike was patented for a long time, parts of it by Walensky's husband himself.

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Banal to blame Russia for the attack on its own dam

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Lot of extremely important news, Thank you! Slowly getting your 'End Times' username..

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