"Stargate was started last year...they've already broken ground...They have 10 data centers...[but it's] not fully funded because OpenAI has no money."
I prefer Actual Intelligence. Only Actual Intelligence can produce Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence will never create Actual Intelligence. Case closed.
STARGATE AI doesn't need to compete with God given intelligence because it doesn't need to be as intelligent as God's creation to serve its purpose.
It is a vast control grid to monitor your daily compliance to mandatory medical procedures like vaccination and to freeze your bank account if you don't comply and much more.
STARGATE is real. It's already up and running in Abilene, TX. Many more facilities are being built across the US.
Ed Dowd is spreading nothing more than rumors to deflect attention and persuade people to forget about it until it's fully operational.
Are you saved?. you're a follower of JC so is Satan .Well l just heard his name was seen once on that plane of Epsteins. and Trump said he's not seen him for 16 y’s . since he threw him out of mar lar go .😎
Fur Pete's sake quit using the damn word mandate. If you ppl want to stay aware, you have got to work on doing on your own reading, not research, just reading. And it takes a backbone to BE AWARE..
And did you listen to this vid, bc I do know that ppl jump into comment sections talking but it's evident that they did not read a comment and/or listen to a vid.
STARGATE AI will not compete with native human intelligence. It will control the day to day continual compliance to mandated medical procedures like vaccination and punishment for non-compliance like freezing bank accounts.
AI can certainly do these things. The case is far from closed. For your own sake. Wake up.
Modern AI has no business in any givernment function. Modern AI will only serve to make humans dumber than they ever were. Artificial Anything always turns out to be bad for humanity. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree
Stop wasting money of Bullshit initiatives and start spending on training young Americans in How It's Made again. Stop investment in foreign nations and Stop foreign investors from buying up The USA. ##DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators ##FreedomIsNotFree
Ed, I pray your intuition is correct as the Abilene, TX project is absolutely monstrous and needs to stopped. The whole TRACK, TRACE & TARGET anything is not a good idea for PRIVACY RIGHTS not to mention the total elimination of one's ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO INFORMED MEDICAL CONSENT?
My guess is that's why Musk and his merry band of computer kids recently invaded the US Treasury.
They say it was to collect financials on government programs like USAID and close down it, which likely needs closing down, but they also collected all the data of over one trillion dollars in disbursements from SS, Veterans, Medicare, Disability, Private Businesses, etc. and all the private information on the individuals receiving the payments, SSNs, DOB, Banking info, home addresses, medical records, etc.
I think they will likely use this information to train STARGATE and begin the data transfers needed for STARGATE to operate.
I'm keeping an eye on this. If no one prosecutes Musk since what he did is illegal, it means they are all in agreement about STARGATE. Good to know.
The main thing is - don't fall for the ruse. While everyone applauds the closing down of USAIDS many other surreptitious things are happening behind it's screen.
First of all, I don't fall for ruses. I have been at thus a long time. I follow Ed, probably seen every interview he has done. He is in the know, just bc you haven't heard him speak on it, doesn't mean he hasn't. I do my homework when it comes to me believing someone.
I watched it all unfold, ppl and their COVID grifts, man. However, I was aware that a group of ppl ran the world before covidsmovid.
As far as Musk, I don't think that man has any malice in his heart.
There has NEVER BEEN A AUDIT of the Government.
I fully believe that they Trump, and the rest are trying to deliver us right into Dig Id.
Just as Sasha has suggested, the way to fight is a state level.
I don't fall down into every conspiracy thing out here.
I'm quite adroit at seeing what's going on.
I stand on the outside of the Matrix, always have.
SO? Where is the funding from ming from. Ed didn't say one damn word that alleged that it wasn't up and running.. relistej to a 2 min vid, and open your ears up instead of blocking out bc you KNOW more.
To be aware, you have to take it all in, then when you get experienced at that, you begin to see exactly what is taking place.
Bc I'm not the one on here making claims. If you don't know how to read and find who supplied the funding, then learn, instead of insulting ppl, changing their words instead of just answering the damn questions . I'm not the one to be coming at like that.
I wish I could simply give you a list of names, but I don't know their names and I doubt many know. I'm not sure the individual names are important as there have been many from the beginning of time. Though they all serve one master and it isn't God.
I do know they are the same people behind the WEF and Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari the transhumanist and Bill Gates and all the other people and institutions who are working in tandem to bring on the end.
Old school Illuminati, Freemasons, Jesuits, the Vatican, Zionists. The powers are vast.
That should tell us how much effort it's taking to try and conquer God's creation - us. It should give us confidence and understanding of what Jesus told us time and again - that we have nothing to fear.
Trump has sold himself. It's obvious. I'm sorry he did it and I'm sure it's his human flaws that brought him to such a sorry state, but now it's our job to stay aware and alert and open ourselves to the truth God is showing us so we can protect ourselves and our children by making the most informed decisions we can based in God's wisdom.
Well there is only one group involved in the global takeover . Those that do their bidding are just muppets.
The Puppet Masters are who is in charge and mainly have thus gotten this far bc ppl just sit online and chat.
They ap their hooved hands and feet every time something slices thru and takes us another step closer to things YOU CAN NOT BEGIN TO IMAGINE THEY HAVE PLANNED.
Oracle isn't a sideshow. Open AI is not a joke, but Ed Dowd is doing WHAT these days?
How is he making a living? Free videos on YT? Hmmm....
The first facility for STARGATE is already built and functioning in Abilene, Texas.
Tossing out doubts that are only rumors is what I would do as well if I wanted everyone to dismiss STARGATE and forget about it.
Stargate is data and information processing AI facilities that will contain all medical and personal information on everyone in the US and 24/7 surveillance. To end personal autonomy of any kind and all for sale to turn a profit. Like livestock inventory.
What are they expecting from Trump? This entire crowd lives to make money. They don't read poetry or hear birds chirping unless they are paid to do so. So why the show and why now?
Actually he left it up to the governors. Trump did not create the shots. Brandon administration ushered them in and then tried to force them on us. No telling what would have come about operation warp speed if they hadn't installed Brandon. I don't believe any politician is coming to save us, but we have to get facts straight and come together. Any saving will be up to all of us eventually.
No he did not!
Well he shouldn't have listened to evil Fauci. I will have to look up about the other .
slip slideware, the Ellison man
I prefer Actual Intelligence. Only Actual Intelligence can produce Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence will never create Actual Intelligence. Case closed.
Yes the one GOD✝️🕎 gave us .nothing can compeat with that.
STARGATE AI doesn't need to compete with God given intelligence because it doesn't need to be as intelligent as God's creation to serve its purpose.
It is a vast control grid to monitor your daily compliance to mandatory medical procedures like vaccination and to freeze your bank account if you don't comply and much more.
STARGATE is real. It's already up and running in Abilene, TX. Many more facilities are being built across the US.
Ed Dowd is spreading nothing more than rumors to deflect attention and persuade people to forget about it until it's fully operational.
Why is he doing this? You'd have to ask him.
God Bless.
Are you a Christian?. and Donald trump was not that friendly with Epstein. He knew him 16 years ago. never seen him since.
Are you a Christian? I'm a follower of Jesus Christ.
Trump's name is listed as a passenger 16 times in Epstein's flight log.
There are many photos and video clips of Trump and Epstein together and interacting in a variety of social situations.
It's no secret.
Of more curiosity to me is why are you bringing this up?
Are you saved?. you're a follower of JC so is Satan .Well l just heard his name was seen once on that plane of Epsteins. and Trump said he's not seen him for 16 y’s . since he threw him out of mar lar go .😎
I'm not playing this game.
The early followers of Christ called themselves this in the early years AD.
The term Christian didn't come into existence until much later.
Trump says a lot of things. The list is being published. You can find it if you look.
Fur Pete's sake quit using the damn word mandate. If you ppl want to stay aware, you have got to work on doing on your own reading, not research, just reading. And it takes a backbone to BE AWARE..
And did you listen to this vid, bc I do know that ppl jump into comment sections talking but it's evident that they did not read a comment and/or listen to a vid.
I read the article. I watched the video. I made a comment. End of process.
Naw. Then, you mixed some things up in your head.
I asked you a question, you came back with nasty, then asked me my question.
You can block me but you don't decide I'm not done with anything.
You shouldn't drag ppls name through the muck if you can't back it up.
I never stated that there was no Stargate in your state. You got into your head that's what I really meant behind my words
I don't play word games. I'm up for an exchange, maybe a conversation.
You are not on the conversation list.
Now, I may be done. 🤣
STARGATE AI will not compete with native human intelligence. It will control the day to day continual compliance to mandated medical procedures like vaccination and punishment for non-compliance like freezing bank accounts.
AI can certainly do these things. The case is far from closed. For your own sake. Wake up.
Modern AI has no business in any givernment function. Modern AI will only serve to make humans dumber than they ever were. Artificial Anything always turns out to be bad for humanity. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree
Stop wasting money of Bullshit initiatives and start spending on training young Americans in How It's Made again. Stop investment in foreign nations and Stop foreign investors from buying up The USA. ##DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators ##FreedomIsNotFree
We have never invested in foreign nations, you're confused.
The fact that Ellison looks like a used car salesman doesn’t help either. No offense to used car salesman🙀
Well, that's exactly how he appears and conducts himself.
Here is my perspective from a Christian view.
I also believe you are 100% correct.
In the end, God wins and they will fail. The real question is, who’s side are you going to be on ?
GOD gave us free will.. Or don't you remember?.
I remember.
People can change their minds and directions as well.
This was towards your comment that God will win and they will fail.
That's why I commented about free will.. there are ppl out here who believe all they have to do is pray, I don't buy into that. That's nonsense..
Ed, I pray your intuition is correct as the Abilene, TX project is absolutely monstrous and needs to stopped. The whole TRACK, TRACE & TARGET anything is not a good idea for PRIVACY RIGHTS not to mention the total elimination of one's ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO INFORMED MEDICAL CONSENT?
Dowd is deflecting attention from Stargate for reasons anyone can guess.
It's real and it's happening. The Abilene facility is built and working.
Not good, not good at all.
My guess is that's why Musk and his merry band of computer kids recently invaded the US Treasury.
They say it was to collect financials on government programs like USAID and close down it, which likely needs closing down, but they also collected all the data of over one trillion dollars in disbursements from SS, Veterans, Medicare, Disability, Private Businesses, etc. and all the private information on the individuals receiving the payments, SSNs, DOB, Banking info, home addresses, medical records, etc.
I think they will likely use this information to train STARGATE and begin the data transfers needed for STARGATE to operate.
I'm keeping an eye on this. If no one prosecutes Musk since what he did is illegal, it means they are all in agreement about STARGATE. Good to know.
The main thing is - don't fall for the ruse. While everyone applauds the closing down of USAIDS many other surreptitious things are happening behind it's screen.
First of all, I don't fall for ruses. I have been at thus a long time. I follow Ed, probably seen every interview he has done. He is in the know, just bc you haven't heard him speak on it, doesn't mean he hasn't. I do my homework when it comes to me believing someone.
I watched it all unfold, ppl and their COVID grifts, man. However, I was aware that a group of ppl ran the world before covidsmovid.
As far as Musk, I don't think that man has any malice in his heart.
There has NEVER BEEN A AUDIT of the Government.
I fully believe that they Trump, and the rest are trying to deliver us right into Dig Id.
Just as Sasha has suggested, the way to fight is a state level.
I don't fall down into every conspiracy thing out here.
I'm quite adroit at seeing what's going on.
I stand on the outside of the Matrix, always have.
SO? Where is the funding from ming from. Ed didn't say one damn word that alleged that it wasn't up and running.. relistej to a 2 min vid, and open your ears up instead of blocking out bc you KNOW more.
To be aware, you have to take it all in, then when you get experienced at that, you begin to see exactly what is taking place.
The funding is evident in the facility in Abilene and the ten other facilities under construction. That massive facility didn't appear from thin air.
There are local people in Abilene recounting their experiences of working at the facility.
If you have superior insights from taking it all in, spill the beans.
Tell us - What is exactly taking place?
Reading this smart aleck response, tells me you need to work on your comprehension.
I asked you about the funding.
Furthermore, your ''tell us" phrase says it all.
I'm done dealing w ppl like you.
I don't have to put up with this crap. And I won't.
You can't answer the question so like most people who fabricate things, you attempt to deflect by throwing shade.
I said the funding is evident becaue the facilities exist in reality and are being built.
I don't have a list of international bankers names to give you and I don't see that's necessary.
If my neighbor buys a new car that's sitting in the driveway I know money came from somewhere to buy the car.
I'm not being smart alec. That's a stupid tactic.
You didn't attempt to answer my question.
Bc I'm not the one on here making claims. If you don't know how to read and find who supplied the funding, then learn, instead of insulting ppl, changing their words instead of just answering the damn questions . I'm not the one to be coming at like that.
Redonkulous... spoken like a true Gen Xer!
This certainly raises another red flag, after the hundreds are already flying in the wind.
Why is Trump doing this with these guys?
Because this is the global plan for takeover and he is beholden.
Beholden to who is a good question.
Take a guess. I have no idea.
The same people who brought on The Great Reset with new branding.
Who were they?
I wish I could simply give you a list of names, but I don't know their names and I doubt many know. I'm not sure the individual names are important as there have been many from the beginning of time. Though they all serve one master and it isn't God.
I do know they are the same people behind the WEF and Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari the transhumanist and Bill Gates and all the other people and institutions who are working in tandem to bring on the end.
Old school Illuminati, Freemasons, Jesuits, the Vatican, Zionists. The powers are vast.
That should tell us how much effort it's taking to try and conquer God's creation - us. It should give us confidence and understanding of what Jesus told us time and again - that we have nothing to fear.
Trump has sold himself. It's obvious. I'm sorry he did it and I'm sure it's his human flaws that brought him to such a sorry state, but now it's our job to stay aware and alert and open ourselves to the truth God is showing us so we can protect ourselves and our children by making the most informed decisions we can based in God's wisdom.
Harari is an EVIL subhuman. They are scum. I heard that all must pass the Schwab test before being accepted. I won't go into those details. But, being
Harari is a gay you get what I mean.
Well there is only one group involved in the global takeover . Those that do their bidding are just muppets.
The Puppet Masters are who is in charge and mainly have thus gotten this far bc ppl just sit online and chat.
They ap their hooved hands and feet every time something slices thru and takes us another step closer to things YOU CAN NOT BEGIN TO IMAGINE THEY HAVE PLANNED.
I WILL NOT BE A SERF , I'm going down swinging.
VERY GOOD QUESTION.. I have my suspicion
Oracle isn't a sideshow. Open AI is not a joke, but Ed Dowd is doing WHAT these days?
How is he making a living? Free videos on YT? Hmmm....
The first facility for STARGATE is already built and functioning in Abilene, Texas.
Tossing out doubts that are only rumors is what I would do as well if I wanted everyone to dismiss STARGATE and forget about it.
Stargate is data and information processing AI facilities that will contain all medical and personal information on everyone in the US and 24/7 surveillance. To end personal autonomy of any kind and all for sale to turn a profit. Like livestock inventory.
It's real and it's happening.
I was going to pass you by however this comment proves to me that you don't do your homework. You deal in assumptions.
I deal in facts. Your problems are yours.
Btw, I don't believe I've posted any problems.
Catherine Austin Fitts says it’s Operation Warp Speed 2.0: https://rumble.com/v6dp1cj-catherine-austin-fitts-stargate-is-operation-warp-speed-2.0.html
What are they expecting from Trump? This entire crowd lives to make money. They don't read poetry or hear birds chirping unless they are paid to do so. So why the show and why now?
Yes! We are dealing with”children “!!!!!!!
Speculation: so this is the brief (3 hours) DT got from BG before taking office?
Actually he left it up to the governors. Trump did not create the shots. Brandon administration ushered them in and then tried to force them on us. No telling what would have come about operation warp speed if they hadn't installed Brandon. I don't believe any politician is coming to save us, but we have to get facts straight and come together. Any saving will be up to all of us eventually.
Well l will investigate this .