deletedJul 11·edited Jul 11
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He is a limited hangout agent because of his shirt?

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deletedJul 11
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Would you care to say a little more?

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He's not in a meeting in Maui. Since he comes from Wall Street, where a dress code is essential, one dresses to the occasion. I do many meetings online, and depending on who is in it or especially if clients are attending, I will dress up. I have no idea what this meeting is about or the subject, or who ran it; it was a short clip. Additionally, I've seen many Dowd interviews, and this is the first I've seen him in a tie. Deciding he is opposition because of his shirt is imbecilic, my man. Do better than that.

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Thank you for being a voice of reason.

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There's a very large elephant in the ER waiting room. And that's the vaccinology elephant itself. Are ANY vaccines - even those who have gone through 10 years of (rigged) "clinical trials" actually harmless? Or effective? Many think not. Maybe ALL jabs need to be stopped. But that's billions in revenue gone!

Human health should never be sold out to the profit motive.

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RemovedJul 12
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What if all vaccinology is a fraud?

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I love Ed Dowd. I think few people dispute his method and calculations on excess mortality since 2020. He worked in conjunction with others to steer people toward and begin looking at insurance figures involving death statistics since they reflected group insurance policies for employed workers...usually the segment among the most healthy...which are now behind a $10,000 paywall. He's the bomb.

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Ed Dowd is brilliant.

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Agreed---his book is highly effective for harried "professionals" who do not have the time to "research"....without even reading the book--one look at all the included graphs tell the story! It is an excellent investment for those wishing to "save" their spouses, friends and family from demicide.

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There was an expectation by life insurers that COVID-19 deaths would decline as vaccination rates increased throughout 2021.

That has not happened.

In a shocking twist, mortality rose sharply, and many insurers are recalibrating their actuarial projections.

“Based upon our analysis of [Centers for Disease Control] national data, there has been a 40% increase in death rates for individuals age 18 to 64 years old across the U.S. when comparing Q3 2021 data to pre-pandemic data from the same period in 2019,” said Jonathan D. Neal, spokesman for OneAmerica.

The impact for OneAmerica totals more than $100 million in group life insurance and disability claims for 2020 and 2021, Neal added — roughly $35 million and $80 million, respectively.

“We’re seeing right now the highest death rates we have ever seen in the history of this business,” J. Scott Davison, the CEO of OneAmerica, said during an online event last month.

Life insurers projected higher losses from the COVID-19 pandemic but were caught off guard by the latest mortality data. Nearly everyone was.

In April 2021, Fitch Ratings wrote that it “expects pandemic-related mortality claims to decline in 2021 due to the global rollout of vaccines. This assumes that virus variants will not diminish the effectiveness of the vaccines.”

As of press deadline, the U.S. had recorded more than 832,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19. Centers for Disease Control data shows overall deaths spiking to 145% of 2019 levels during the third quarter of 2021.

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I suspect continuing excess mortality deaths, although declining somewhat at this point according to an article just read, accounts for our skyrocketing insurance premium increases and for companies ejecting customers who might pose the slightest risk in the fevered brains. E.g., I've read many stories about home owners whose insurance won't be renewed after having a policy for 24 years with no claims. Drones spot one variance around the home, e.g., firewood stored outside, and their home owners policy is canceled.

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The German Health Insurance Companies saw the same shift in mortality after the vaccine roll outs. It was published in Germany. I don't have the link anymore. In the States it was ONE HEALTH ...that put out this information...I think.

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I knew from the beginning that it was all lies. The started with a Fear campaign and it went downhill from there. I knew what happened with the lies of the War on Vietnam and this was worse.

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I have a friend who is convinced her daughter had bird flu. I guess the insanity will not end with the CovidCon.

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Everyone has their own process. The person who knows the most about health is decades ahead. The Quaxcine issue hardly began with Covidiocy. The vaccines predated Covidiocy by many decades. Some of us knew 3 decades ago and were not early to the party. Virus boogeyman is a gift that can keep giving. In Hegalian methodology, the Quax, Vacs are the solution for a clueless public.

The Medical Cartel the delivery boys. The ABC agencies the facilitators.

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Everyone should be a skeptic when it comes to jabs. Any jab. All jabs.

Vaccinations are a criminal procedure that’s been a fraud from its inception.



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Murder by Injection, The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America

by Eustace Mullins - A book distributed by Sons of Liberty, Box 214, Metairie LA 70004.

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Holy s&$t what a genius 😂

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Question is, how many got the heads up pre or post rollout as to which companies were to be bought for treating all the different adverse reactions which were caused?

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Pfizer is on it. They have purchased companies that treat turbo cancers and clot issues. MSM has put out major PSA (Ads) about how common myocarditis and clotting is in children and young adults (Which is news to me, a retired nurse) and on and on. They stand to make billions on all the fall out. Bourla even ecstatically proclaimed it himself.

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"Bourla even ecstatically proclaimed it himself."

SICKENING VULTURE an actual child of holocaust victims...now cheerfully implementing what some are referring to as "the biggest crime against humanity ever to happen"


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As strongly worded as it seems Mr. Dowd words things, what he says here is entirely insufficient.

He calls himself "skeptical of most things," but his skepticism is entirely insufficient.

"I also knew that it takes, from my experience on Wall Street, 7 to 10 years for proper safety vetting of a vaccine before it's put into the arms of humans."

Try again. Like, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the so-called "Godfather of vaccines," just confessed that all safety testing of all vaccines has always been subpar. And, if that comes as a surprise, then you don't have vaccine damage, you don't have a loved one with vaccine damage, or as is the case for almost all humans, you can't recognize vaccine damage.

Anyway, think twice (plus a quintillion more times) before you get near any vaccines or allow your loved ones near them.

Why mince words? I won't.

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I agree that this interview was not Edward Dowd's finest moment. However, I am grateful to him forever for his excellent book CAUSE UNKNOWN. This book has the capacity to light a fire under the asses of those still in the dark about the unmitigated disaster which was "COVID" and particularly our governments "response". CAUSE UNKNOWN -the book- shines a glaring spot light on excess deaths happening world wide since the "rollout" of this lab-engineered bioweapon.

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Health isn't derived from the end of a needle.

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Has anyone heard of or even seen the movie Protocol 7? It’s a story about a Merck whistleblower who sued Merck 10 years ago and it’s ongoing. I saw it in a theater with friends last night and could hardly sleep. What they’re doing is totally evil, despicable, and atrocious. Please go see this film and tell others.


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Here is data from insurance companies showing proof. The excess mortality occurred AFTER the covid vaccines were administered.

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to get the full testimony one has to have a smart phone and click on something. Not fair for those w/o. Its good to resist having a smart phone as its what they will use to control us??

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Hi Miriam, Ed Down did this testimony for the National Citizens Inquiry in Canada. Here is the link for his full testimony. https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/witness/edward-dowd/

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Thank you for your courage, insight, and perseverance, Lioness of Judah1

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The first question is:

# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

d. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

e. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2.1 Ages of Voter

f. minimum18 years

g. minimum 21 years

h. minimum 25 years

i. minimum 30 years

# 2.2 Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 2.3 Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax combined jurisdictions (school district, county, city, state, federal) - Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

j. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

k. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

l. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

m. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

c. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Only married males with children who have never been divorced should be allowed to vote. – Yes - No

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