"PHG Foundation at Uni. of Cambridge gives us a substantial clue:'… better understanding of [RNA] vaccine adverse effects is needed & can include inflammation or autoimmune reactions.' Autoimmune reactions — the human immune system attacks healthy elements & processes of the body itself. The body goes to war with itself. I’m sure you'd volunteer for a test run of the vaccine, right? You would certainly offer up your child for a grand experiment wouldn’t you? Conscience is such an annoyance, isn’t it? Don’t you want to have the whole world as your guinea pig?"
CEPI “We want to stop future epidemics by developing new vaccines for a safer world” Translation: We will develop vaccines for every future epidemic we will give you. Despite (or because of) the fact that Covid vaccines didn’t work and instead, harmed billions of people died
“CEPI is innovative global partnership between public, private, philanthropic & civil society organisations working together to accelerate development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases & enable equitable access to these vaccines for people during outbreaks.” A more relevant quote: “CEPI was founded in Davos by governments of Norway & India, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust & World Economic Forum.” Bill Gates? WEF?"
If you want to live..........STAY AWAY FROM DOCTORS and take your health into your own hands (unless it's an emergency). I did 12 years ago when I had cancer. If I would have taken the medical route I would be dead by now
I have not been to a doctor in 8 years and have no plans to go in the future
I just had cancer removed (uterus). I was scared to death…not of the cancer, but of the HOSPITAL! I prayed constantly for God’s protection. I was one of the rare few that caught it early and didn’t have to have chemo/radiation. And I have the exact same attitude as you! I’m learning so much about my health and my body. It’s truly an awakening! I don’t think most of us need doctors…doctors need US! I’m so glad you’re doing well Russ! God bless you! Truly!
I consider my life BC (Before Cancer) and AC (After Cancer) when it comes to medicine and doctors. Before I got cancer 12 years ago (Bladder and Kidney) I used to think doctors could do no wrong. Now I think just the opposite. In fact when it comes to treating most disease, modern medicine/doctors are a failure. If I would have taken the medical route for cancer I would be dead by now. Instead I did my own research (a ton of it) and found that healing cancer comes from faith in God, eating right, exercise and removing as many toxins from your life as possible.
I am 61 years old, take no pharmaceuticals and feel like I'm thirty. I have not been to a doctor in 8 years and have no plans to go in the future. How do doctors make patients? By keeping them on pharmaceuticals for whatever disease them may have and seeing them over and over again. There is no money telling patients to eat right, exercise and remove toxins from your life. But that is exactly what people need to hear as Hippocrates said thousands of years ago "Let food be thy medicine".
One of the books I've read was "Never be sick again" by Raymond Francis. It it he said "There is only one disease: cellular malfunction. There are only two causes of cellular malfunction: deficiency and toxicity. Therefore, there are only two causes of disease: Either cells are getting too little of what they need or too much of something they don't need. The common denominators of all cellular malfunctions are deficiency and toxicity." I am proof that this is true as I changed my life when it comes to eating and removing toxins out of my life. Doctors make cellular malfunction worse by prescribing drugs to mask a symptom and not addressing the root cause of the disease. Again, they need reoccurring patients to make a living.
Doctors have their place in society, but I believe only in emergencies, trauma, and injuries.
What an AWESOME commentary on health and life! I will be 59 next week and it’s absolutely amazing how my attitude toward food and all things natural has totally been tweaked! I always felt this way, but never took it too seriously. I DO NOW! Just from having the tumor removed and eating differently, I’ve lost 20+ pounds! I haven’t been 139 lbs. in YEARS! I also do intermittent fast, walk, take good supplements and NO SUGAR. I do partake in a cocktail occasionally-lol! I’d really be interested in the book you read! And, the most important thing you mentioned is: GOD! I think that’s the most important “supplement” of ALL!
Thank you Renee Marie. I'm happy to hear your cancer was able to be removed. I would have been terrified of the hospital also! I am learning so much also, and have come to feel that unless it's life or death, I will go nowhere near a hospital. I'm being as proactive as I am able when it comes to staying healthy. May God continue to bless you!
I just love Prof Sucharit Bahkdi through these last 2,5 years with cv-19 he is one of the voices of truth, he said already in the beginning "masks are useless and asymptomatic spreading has never been proven"
Only wish he could reach a wider audience but social media is supressing him.
The mad scientist are in their labs celebrating the possibilities of destroying God’s creation, mankind. The interesting part is that in doing so, they destroy themselves. They have been so busy plotting, planning, and developing their concoctions, the obvious has escaped their thinking.
Thank you. My main discussion is on John XXIII on. Who gets to decide qualifications of the Pope? I say it is the Catholic Church itself, thru the perennial teaching of Catholic Church. Is this reasonable to you?
By the way, which is an aside, but a rather important one... We have been witnessing the Great Apostasy. Since the one true Church is the Catholic Church. Reason... we have no pope, evil false popes have hijacked the Vatican, formed a false church aping Catholic Church and most failed to notice, dig down, search for inconsistencies and aren't Catholic. Guesstimate: 200k Catholics, which are only true Christians. The Catholic Church is a tiny remnant.
Love you for your tireless work Dr Bhakdi . May you and your family ,I know you have a young son ,be safe, 🙏❤️Jane retired MBBS UK
—- H E I S C O R R E C T —- A B S O L U T E L Y …!!!!
"PHG Foundation at Uni. of Cambridge gives us a substantial clue:'… better understanding of [RNA] vaccine adverse effects is needed & can include inflammation or autoimmune reactions.' Autoimmune reactions — the human immune system attacks healthy elements & processes of the body itself. The body goes to war with itself. I’m sure you'd volunteer for a test run of the vaccine, right? You would certainly offer up your child for a grand experiment wouldn’t you? Conscience is such an annoyance, isn’t it? Don’t you want to have the whole world as your guinea pig?"
Vaccine for the China virus—the planet is the guinea pig for a vast experiment - https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2022/10/14/vaccine-for-the-china-virus-the-planet-is-the-guinea-pig-for-a-vast-experiment-2/
CEPI “We want to stop future epidemics by developing new vaccines for a safer world” Translation: We will develop vaccines for every future epidemic we will give you. Despite (or because of) the fact that Covid vaccines didn’t work and instead, harmed billions of people died
“CEPI is innovative global partnership between public, private, philanthropic & civil society organisations working together to accelerate development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases & enable equitable access to these vaccines for people during outbreaks.” A more relevant quote: “CEPI was founded in Davos by governments of Norway & India, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust & World Economic Forum.” Bill Gates? WEF?"
If you want to live..........STAY AWAY FROM DOCTORS and take your health into your own hands (unless it's an emergency). I did 12 years ago when I had cancer. If I would have taken the medical route I would be dead by now
I have not been to a doctor in 8 years and have no plans to go in the future
I just had cancer removed (uterus). I was scared to death…not of the cancer, but of the HOSPITAL! I prayed constantly for God’s protection. I was one of the rare few that caught it early and didn’t have to have chemo/radiation. And I have the exact same attitude as you! I’m learning so much about my health and my body. It’s truly an awakening! I don’t think most of us need doctors…doctors need US! I’m so glad you’re doing well Russ! God bless you! Truly!
I consider my life BC (Before Cancer) and AC (After Cancer) when it comes to medicine and doctors. Before I got cancer 12 years ago (Bladder and Kidney) I used to think doctors could do no wrong. Now I think just the opposite. In fact when it comes to treating most disease, modern medicine/doctors are a failure. If I would have taken the medical route for cancer I would be dead by now. Instead I did my own research (a ton of it) and found that healing cancer comes from faith in God, eating right, exercise and removing as many toxins from your life as possible.
I am 61 years old, take no pharmaceuticals and feel like I'm thirty. I have not been to a doctor in 8 years and have no plans to go in the future. How do doctors make patients? By keeping them on pharmaceuticals for whatever disease them may have and seeing them over and over again. There is no money telling patients to eat right, exercise and remove toxins from your life. But that is exactly what people need to hear as Hippocrates said thousands of years ago "Let food be thy medicine".
One of the books I've read was "Never be sick again" by Raymond Francis. It it he said "There is only one disease: cellular malfunction. There are only two causes of cellular malfunction: deficiency and toxicity. Therefore, there are only two causes of disease: Either cells are getting too little of what they need or too much of something they don't need. The common denominators of all cellular malfunctions are deficiency and toxicity." I am proof that this is true as I changed my life when it comes to eating and removing toxins out of my life. Doctors make cellular malfunction worse by prescribing drugs to mask a symptom and not addressing the root cause of the disease. Again, they need reoccurring patients to make a living.
Doctors have their place in society, but I believe only in emergencies, trauma, and injuries.
The most important supplement: GOD! YES!
What an AWESOME commentary on health and life! I will be 59 next week and it’s absolutely amazing how my attitude toward food and all things natural has totally been tweaked! I always felt this way, but never took it too seriously. I DO NOW! Just from having the tumor removed and eating differently, I’ve lost 20+ pounds! I haven’t been 139 lbs. in YEARS! I also do intermittent fast, walk, take good supplements and NO SUGAR. I do partake in a cocktail occasionally-lol! I’d really be interested in the book you read! And, the most important thing you mentioned is: GOD! I think that’s the most important “supplement” of ALL!
Thank you Renee Marie. I'm happy to hear your cancer was able to be removed. I would have been terrified of the hospital also! I am learning so much also, and have come to feel that unless it's life or death, I will go nowhere near a hospital. I'm being as proactive as I am able when it comes to staying healthy. May God continue to bless you!
We are both in God’s loving care.
I am very interested in hearing about your approach in treating yourself.
If people did not comply, none of this would have happened.
Moritori Te Salutant -Those who are about to die salute you" - Roman Gladiator salute to Caesar
I just love Prof Sucharit Bahkdi through these last 2,5 years with cv-19 he is one of the voices of truth, he said already in the beginning "masks are useless and asymptomatic spreading has never been proven"
Only wish he could reach a wider audience but social media is supressing him.
Him and his wife, a doctor, do so much GOOD for our World! He’s one of the doctors that really an affect on me!
The mad scientist are in their labs celebrating the possibilities of destroying God’s creation, mankind. The interesting part is that in doing so, they destroy themselves. They have been so busy plotting, planning, and developing their concoctions, the obvious has escaped their thinking.
Hello, you have some good writings. However, can we have a discussion on one item... You called Paul VI, John Paul II , Francis by the title of Pope.
Like almost everyone on the face of the earth, you are mistaken.
Catholic teaching is clear: A claimant to the Papacy must be Catholic.
Would you like to discuss?
My position is clear if you read all the articles on the subject of the Papacy. You are free to disagree.
Thank you. My main discussion is on John XXIII on. Who gets to decide qualifications of the Pope? I say it is the Catholic Church itself, thru the perennial teaching of Catholic Church. Is this reasonable to you?
By the way, which is an aside, but a rather important one... We have been witnessing the Great Apostasy. Since the one true Church is the Catholic Church. Reason... we have no pope, evil false popes have hijacked the Vatican, formed a false church aping Catholic Church and most failed to notice, dig down, search for inconsistencies and aren't Catholic. Guesstimate: 200k Catholics, which are only true Christians. The Catholic Church is a tiny remnant.
If this good man is speaking, the world needs to pay attention!! This is scary! How do we make this maddness stop?!!