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Apr 4
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He is a wonderful man! My prayer is that God richly reward him in the coming Kingdom and that he protect him and guard him and his family during these tragic times!

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I really hate to say it, but there'd only be riots if people were told they needed to be that upset, which is possible though. All it takes is one mass media campaign that could stoke intense destabilization.

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I'd pay money to see that

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There will be no media campaign

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There will be a manufactured crisis to destabilize the West and implement a new system.

How that happens is anyone's guess.

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We need affordable energy to do that... we have burned up most of the easy stuff...

Now we are steaming oil out of sand

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We can always move to Russia - They have now publicly stated that the 'covid' release was the intentional use of a bioweapon by the West.

They have also destroyed a good few Biolabs, the West ran in Ukraine.

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To prove the point, I’d start with the 20 million dollar question, while showing baby seizures videos:


If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"

Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:


Then, show that every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vacicnes, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!

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Don't know if that is correct...

It would have been correct in the past; but with the


it's difficult to know if people would even rise-up if they knew the facts wrote of here.

Michael Nehl's out of Germany wrote a book based in 'The Indoctrinated Brain' addressing the current Psy-Ops and Poisoning of the world's population. WELL WORTH THE TIME TO READ.


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Here is his fascinating interview on 'Doctors for Covid Ethics' with his slide presentation highlighting his major points in The Indoctrinated Brain.


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THX...Find time sometime tomorrow in between work.

Necessary to stay on top of this to protect those we love

as well as our animals.


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Then add the desensitization of us for YEARS! In the 60's if it'd came out about the subliminal messages being put in children's movies all heck would have broke lose and media would have eaten them alive too! Now people spend thousands at Disney and pay for Disney + knowing all that, the fact they push LGBQT on children, and have had more employees than anyone for pedophilia or human trafficking! 🤦‍♀️👹

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Just came across this link on another substack:


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Clever Boy, are we?

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Please explain.

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VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.

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Yes but it's wonderful that everyone has the choice to say no to a vaccine.. and we certainly appreciate the great services the VA offers to their vets.

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Well that certainly want the case during the plandemic! Many lost their jobs if they did not take those shots so I’d say they had NO choice

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And CDC is recommending it for children and even babies! 😭

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Nothing will remain hidden as this year progresses. The question is what will take place when the full length and breath of the evil corruption, democide, infanticide, is fully understood by the public. Sure there will always be the 30% that will never get it but the bottom line is the great awakening is happening now.

For the last few years all we could really do was keep the light of truth on and seen by as amany as possible: https://puremediaaustralia.org/f/rna-technology-a-trojan-horse-for-genocide

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"if More People Understood That They’ve Been DELIBERATELY POISONED"

What exactly is keeping people from realizing this? Are they completely unaware of any problems? Do they deliberately avoid thinking about it? Do they realize it but refuse to confront it? Are they somewhere beyond caring?

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They don’t want to know. I guess they know enough which fits their actions to trust and take the jab

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I think it is damaged brains...Tucker Carlson interviewed a German man who wrote a book about how most minds are now not working. Someone nehls?.

Yup my brain is damaged too....

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I don't buy the brain damaged/mind control bunko. I think its intended to make people feel powerless and give up.

Propaganda and censorship, yes.

Nano bots in the brain controlling thoughts and targeted dementia, sorry, not imo.

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Apr 3
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one way to notice (that I found years ago) is to turn your TV off for several weeks, months is better, then turn it back on. You should then be able to see the insidious mind control and programming. Not just the "news" but all the shows and advertising. Which is why I haven't had a TV for twenty years.

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Agreed and for all thing's good and holy get OFF fascistbook, twatter, Insta-attention, and china tok!

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Amen. Bingo. We don’t own a TV either and we haven’t owned one in 30 years .. that’s how long we have been married. And we never owned one when we lived in the jungle of Costa Rica 🇨🇷 and before we met in 🇨🇷 … neither of us owned a TV….and when I lived in the bush of Alaska .. no TV. It’s sad that folks today are so far removed from nature …. And they certainly don’t read anymore…a good book …or the Good Book .. but they can regurgitate the lies that the TV spews.. in Costa Rica they have a saying… they habla mucho and say nothing.. oh and here’s a good one for you… a transformer blew up in our neighborhood…and FPL was right on the job ASAP….. and our neighbor kept bugging the guy about when her electricity was going to be turned back on because she was missing her favorite TV Show…I kid you not .. and I said to her …why don’t you sit outside on your porch and read a book .. it’s such a beautiful evening ….and she said I don’t have any books to read. I have never witnessed someone who was so upset over not having a TV to watch …and I said to her …what will you do with yourself …if the grid ever goes down ….and she said well that will never happen …and I said to her …never say never. People need to step away from the idiot box…turn off the idiot box …take a sledgehammer to it….and they need to step out in nature ..God’s nature .. and not be glued to man made objects such as a TV ….that only programs you what to think ….believe….and grow a garden and not a lawn ..like we do …because we are blessed to live on a funky little barrier island that is surrounded by nature.. state parks and the ocean and intracoastal waterway.. we live in a tropical paradise with out a TV. …. life is beautiful…. it’s like being on a vacation everyday!!!! Thanks for sharing your story and thanks for reading my rant. PS it took the FPL guy 2 hours to fix the issue and our neighbor went stark raving mad!!!! lol

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Where in the country do you live?

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Good post, here in rural west the power going out is not frequent like when we were living in Honduras but it happens often enough. Speaking of reading, it is very sad that people don't seem to do that anymore.

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I challenge you "to go there" because you need to. Every bit of science fiction is true.

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We are not zombies or children. We just need to use some common sense. A narrative counter to that of the World Stealth Organization needs to take shape, and it will, and is, as is shown by the Louisiana Senate vote:


Aesop's Lost Fables: The Boy Who Declared Things

with apologies to Aesop


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Your so wrong there are NANOBOTS that w the lipid container of them can cross the blood brain barrier and the spike proteins will forever tell your cells to make all the contents to easily slip into your cells Why? Because w the false instructions your body is made to believe these spike proteins are now part of your natural instructions for things that are necessary a big fraud and lie You know GoLo and RO there are pharmaceuticals that are using venom to stop paralyzing your stomach to digest that’s why your never Hungary your food doesn’t even begin to digest your food how to get it out you can’t then even after quitting the drug this paralysis of your stomach digestion will continue for months after you stop the pills You don’t think they made that to ppl who fear being heavier so take that then you’ll sicker THEY WILL NEVER CURE YOU IF THEY DO THAT YOU WONT HAVE TO PAY THEM ALL YOUR LIFE FOR$ LEAVE YOU SIVK FOR MORE THRY ALREADY KNOW WHAT CANCER IS AND HOW TO CURE IT WAY BACK IN THE EARLY 1900’S THRY ALREADY KNEW FREE ENERGY ETC W PHARMACEUTICALS AND EVERY OTHER WAY THEY DECEIVE AND LIE IS THEY HATE GOD THEY WORSHIP SATAN THEY HATE WE THE HUMANITY WHO STILL HAVE THEIR SOULS THEY SOLD THEIR SOULS FOR MAMON NOT GOD

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Nonetheless, the bioweapons will damage the brain. Together with every other organ. How it manifests, depends on a number of variables.

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Thank you that was it exactly. Thank you for being part of my brain! Truly appreciate the help here on substack.

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my parents still refuse to make the connection. my mom said, my back hurt before the shot, now she has spinal stenosis from massive inflation and sky high blood pressure!

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Dealing with the SAME thing! So infuriating! Common sense is lost! They also cause turbo dementia/Alzheimer’s!

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IT IS THIS! I see it and feel it EVERYWHERE.

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Mike is a true warrior on the right side of history. We are in a very complex situation with powerful and well resourced agents. Inherently we will resist. Will we prevail? Not sure.

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Many who have seen the evidence are STILL unwilling to believe that this is intentional. But hopefully more of them will come around before they're DEAD.

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Arrogance precedes admitting any wrongdoing by blindly trusting the medical mafia. There's just some things people will never face. Such things as big pharma drugs murdering people and doctors doing extreme harm for a buck top the list. They say, no way did the government, big pharma, billy g and fauci deceive us. They just cannot wrap their minuscule brains around the idea that they could be duped to death...literally.

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This makes it a crime against humanity. All those orchestrating the genocide must hang for their participation. Everyone down to the nurse that administered the poison must be punished

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Please can we include the pharmacists and pharmacies?

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The pharmacies were FORCED to administer the vaccine for free and were not reimbursed for their time and labor. They were used and abused along with the American people

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Dr yeadon..THANK YOU again for all you have done and continue to do.

It amazes me that after years of animal trials where all the animals died they d3cided this would be a good idea.

But i can tell you that the NIH here in the us licensed the partents to bioNtec....which explains why it wasn't chosen it was licensed.....from Moderna to Pfizer. Nih is now seeing for the licensing $$$$.

Criminals all of them.

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Dr Yeadon clued up very early on and has been so brave and honourable in exposing the truth. He has prevented many in the UK (especially) from getting the death shot at the risk of his own reputation. He's an absolute hero imo

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I would riot gladly but I think I am in the minority. People are exceedingly capable of deluding themselves to anything that does not fit their world view and comfort zone. Two out of three of my children consider me a ‘conspiracy theorist’ , refuse to allow me to speak my views or send reliable fact based views that support the idea that what was injected was a bio weapon a military countermeasure directed at the population of the world sponsored by the USDoD and HHS. My children are college educated professionals who should understand the scientific method but gladly adhere to the “scientism” now taught in universities and promulgated by Big Pharma and the government. Euphemisms such as “died suddenly” are sufficient explanation for why their age cohorts are dying. All they seem to care about is fulfilling their every wish while they have introduced a time bomb into their systems via multiple vaccinations.Life in the here and now their only concern. Existing not living an examined life following the latest diversion seems to be sufficient. No self reflection on how one can demonize the other in this case their own mother for having divergent views. Oh the machine worked so well on their psyches that they equate compliance with freedom when the whole process relied on coercion. A riot of one or two including you Dr. Yeadon and it would be like that tree in the forest falling - unheard, unreported, unbearably ignored. Lemmings they will all fall off the cliff and never acknowledge that the decisions they made led to this. So sad, I mourn my children while they live and our lost opportunity to be a real family in the way I hoped for. So it is a living death and I mourn every day. When you plan the mass riot count me in but don’t wait, I am nearing eighty and my time

may be limited.

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Oh my goodness. I know how you feel except it is the opposite. I feel like the govt stole my family, their health and their sanity. They are so invested in the MSM. It's terribly sad.

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Bravo madame for keeping your core truth values wide open... everyday I thank goddess that I didn’t have kids ... if mine thought like yours I’d want to kill them😠

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Pray for your children and trust in a good God to open their hearts and minds to truth. Many of us are I similar circumstances with our children. Keeping your joy while being willing to see truth (the good and the bad) will be a testimony to them.

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I’m so sorry you’re experiencing that with your children. That must be so heartbreaking. Mine are also blind but not to that harsh degree. I’m so sorry. I will pray for their awakening

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I'm so sorry! I agree and I'm with you! Stand for nothing you fall for everything! Until we realize we can't vote our way out of this nothing will change! I'll pray your children realize before it's too late. 🙏😭

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Karla, I feel like you have somehow transferred my thoughts into your mind and you have a firm grasp of reality and truth. I feel compelled to tell you, strange as it may seem, that I feel like I am one with you though there probably exists semi divisional opinions on some matters. Every word you say is clear and registers in and on my mind. Do not mourn, do not live a dying life. You are precious and have a dynamic mind...the character I feel behind your mind is multi dimensional and I would consider your IQ as being in the top one percent of the population. Please grasp for me just who and what you are and hug yourself for me. Understand I comprehend exactly what you are saying! This is almost uncannily surreal. I am with you and I am sure many others agree with me about who and what you are. Consider me aligned with your perspectives...they are clearly phenomenal, accurate and true. Always Edward

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Thank you Edward for sharing your thoughts, it was appreciated.

Warm Regards, Karla

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Karla, you are a good woman and it is for you to know that you are not alone and certainly not nor will never ever feel alone/isolated. You are clear, focused and intellectually a star. Do not forget that precious one, and I do not at all consider you anything but a real woman with a fine mind and logical perspective. The world needs more women like you and others I have run into around here. Always Edward

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...and may I add that precious metals may tarnish but they never lose their value. You are still a young woman and a real woman NEVER loses her capacity to the nobler characteristics she was and is born with. Your conversation gives vent to your character and it bespeaks poise and gentleness, the capacity to long suffering and sacrifice. Those are what real women possess and they are defined by those realities. I am sure I am not the only one who cherishes you as I do and it is because of who and what you are. Do not let yourself become unhappy and disheartened...I am not afar from your length of years and I have only become more obstinate and confrontational at and to what I see is the decay all around me. Thus you in your words revived my belief that there are still epitomes of excellence around of the fairer gender, who were and are God's most beautiful and precious creation. That reason foremost why I am here. You are a "proper" woman for sure, and while not the only ones I encourage, I am told I am passionate and thus must take care I do not appear to come on strong. Yet I think you feel and not only hear what I am telling you about yourself and most importantly, I want to make you feel you are not alone and more importantly I understand you which is the key to the door of security for a woman. I am around here a lot, displaying anger and disgust at how things are in these times of perpetual perfidity and corruption. In real life I am aggressively inclined the corrupt CYSTem and and defiant of it.

Feel free and it is not improper if you decide to discuss anything with me, to notify me. I do care. And I do know you are a proper woman. Always Edward

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Hi Edward,

I received your notes but can only respond in this manner- my phone is old and will not support the substack app.

In my April comments I did not acknowledge my steadfastly loyal and loving son who shares my take on covid, he is distressed by his brother and sister who fell prey to the propaganda and remains devoted to all of us.

I appreciate your note and gladly welcome an obstinate free thinker who is willing to reach out to others and communicate with me.

Substack has been my life support since 2019 when the new dark ages began. I trust few but rely on Sasha Latypova of Due Diligence and Art and Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News on substack along with Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Coleman, and the Lioness of Judah. I read others but find the ones I listed to be truly reliable.

Thanks for your replies and notes - I have recently been hospitalized with a life threatening challenge and thanks to my devoted son who insisted I was experiencing an emergency I received life saving care. So I am in the process of coming to terms with my new normal and acknowledging the fact that life is a gift every day. You responded to a comment I made in April in December and made my glad I was still here to read it- your lovely comments we’re greatly appreciated.

Take Care, Karla

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Karla, you have a good son and I am pleased he is your comfort. I am happy you are still with us...you are special as are the other American gals here. I do not care how you respond, it is all fine with me. My objective is and has always been to encourage others and understand their situations. My comments may be lovely but you are one of those women who are God's most beautiful and precious creation. The most lovely things I could say about and to you would be humbled by who and what you are. The thing about Substack is that the women here are more precious than gold and to be true, if I had the whole clear blue Arizona sky to use as a parchment and a golden pen with guilded ink, and the means to write from horizon to horizon I could not give enough credit to the women in my life and those here such as yourself who are beautiful inside and out. Remember that precious one and always understand that I take care to not worship the creation more than the Creator but God was in earnest when He created woman.

Take heart lovely woman, and let your son carry your burdens in the hard times and if you so desire I will do so as well. I do care. And according to scriptures, I would be pleased to enter into the fellowship of any sufferings you have. That is a duty taught me by my Salvation Army mother and my Methodist father. I also love the Word and the wisdom therein. In the morn early I will be taking old and isolated backroads to reach a church 40 miles always whose minister has been of great benefit to me and his wife has been the same to my two little babies. (early teen grand daughters)whose grandpa influences to what is right and true.

I care Karla, and your name is soft and pretty to my ears. I have hundreds of women in my client list but not a Karla. I am so pleased again you have a good son! Always Edward

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Another spot-on analysis from Dr Yeadon! And once again, he's right on all counts. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. This has been a deliberate democide and those in charge should be brought to justice however many years or decades it takes. Sadly, by the time the world realizes they'be been slowly murdered with the mRNA cocktails, many of those responsible will already have passed.

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There is no mRNA

Jabs are cocktail of toxic metals primarily graphene especially and PEG polyethylene glycol..... basically people have been poisoned intentionally....the whole mrna thing is a distraction....lots of analysis on many vials confirms no mrna or spike proteins.

Also arsenic and plutonium traces been traced in vials!??

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I think we're in 5th Generation Warfare now, with the Deep State opposition (us) being mentally paralysed by manipulation of media and controlled opposition, rendering us incapable of cohesive resistance.


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no question 5GW is being conducted against us.

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...because I too didn’t want to believe my own deductions, eariy on ...

MeAlso, and I guess millions more.

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Too few people will get this message, and even fewer will believe it.

I cannot remember how I found Substack, but it was late 2020. This is the only place where I have found the truth. Pity the people who rely on the MSM for truth. The lies start at the govt. level and flow downhill. Those relying on TV will never encounter the truth.

It seems to me like a worthless effort to impose the truth on MSM; they have self-serving funders to please. Where does that leave the rest of us? Sadly, in the US, the govt. is determined to label our message "misinformation" - lies. We have to find a way around this.

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This always bears repeating often and everywhere!

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