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I love this man. He is a true hero.

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I wonder how Dr Yeadon looks at “German New Medicine by Dr Hamer”

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I always go back to chicken pox. You have one infected child among several uninfected. Within 3 weeks, many get the same symptoms. Upon re-exposure years later, the ones who had it don't get it again. Why not? If it's merely a toxin, why can't you get it many times? Why do very healthy people get it upon exposure? Why not different symptoms if it's some kind of toxin? Same with measles and mumps. I can't speak for polio or 1918 flu; those could be the result of a particular deadly toxin. But for most, one is immune to re-infection for most "viruses". If it were a poison, you'd get sick every time.

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I don't know enough to say, but Dr. Yeadon has been censored in important establishment forums so as far as I'm concerned he's very credible.

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Interesting, and I am prepared to believe it. However I would still want some explanation of how/why these diseases occur - an alternative theory. Why are some viruses seasonal? What exactly is causing these sicknesses?

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Thank you for posting this from Dr Yeadon for whom I have a huge amount of respect and gratitude. Could I ask please if the word 'neither' in. the penultimate paragraph is a typo? I'm pretty sure I understand what he means but just wanted to clarify

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I've always had a problem with the Black Death narrative, on account that you don't get rats in the north of Sweden and away from the ports in Iceland. You also don't get rats walking from one village to another at 5 mph. Humans do that though...

There is a lot about diseases that needs further critical thought, thank you for being brave enough to start this process.

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According to germ theory, there are millions of types of viruses running rampant at any time. So why wouldn't the body or immune system become overwhelmed with viruses? The body has it's limitations as far as fighting viruses or any other "bad" guy. This is why I think viruses and pandemics are truly for-scam-only material.

There is still far too much we don't know about how the body and "germs" work and relate. What happened to SARS CoV-1 or the recent SARS CoV-2? Did they just disappear? If they mutated why are they still not mutating? And these clowns want us to believe they can predict pandemics and conjure up viruses at will. What a pile of cowflop.

Why am I not sick all the time with viruses? How, after 74 years can my immune system, if it even exists, still work so well? I am no health nut. There are just too many fill-in-the-blanks for me too ever believe virology is a real science. The local witch-doctor often makes more sense.

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Very interesting. I am not a doctor, but I must say, I have a very rational mind and also an intuitive nature. I often watch people’s defense mechanisms engage as they hear information that they don’t like, especially concerning the Covid debacle or politics. It was obvious that Covid was more nefarious than scientific. Sadly, peoples’ fear reactions makes them easier to control.

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"Pandemics" are caused by the electrification of the air around us via radio waves. Dr. Cowan explains this very concisely and brilliantly here: https://bitchute.com/video/LY6dTOr8PW7s [10:37mins]

Everyone should watch that if they haven't seen it. It's no coincidence that Wuhan was the first to turn on 5G.

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I tried to get sick from my son 2020~ didn’t happen! Ate right off his spoon directly after him in beginning of his “ supposed covid”

A cold is your body detoxification

A “ flu” is purely detoxification

Its a gift from God.

When one of my dogs has occasionally eaten something he shouldn’t like maybe a small piece of garlic or onion and they throw up it’s not called the flu. Their body is getting rid of the poison.


The government/fda/bigpharma are new world order liars who need your participation to make money

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I'm with you all the way on this, Mike. The last 4yrs have been like a degree at uni and still waiting anxiously for the next book to arrive. We are all on a journey of discovery and nobody is going to take that away from us. 🌺Yvonne

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