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Apr 26
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But I continue to point out that God, revealing his thoughts in the Jewish law, indicates that quarantining of sick people is necessary. This would not be something one would need to do unless there was something that could be communicated and cause illness in others. I should add that I am not Jewish. I am Baptist but we hold the Old Testament to be the absolute word of God. And that, dear friends, is my little absurd fragment that I would add to the picture!

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Yeah and the talmud says a man can marry a three year old. Get over your belief in fairy tales, especially jewish ones masquerading as "the one true faith" which is in fact solely intended to control the goy.

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I fully understand what you're saying about the talmud. The law and the prophets are what we abide by. Christ condemned these Traditions created by men and added to the word of God.

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Apr 25
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It's not just vaccines dude, although vaccines may one of the most malfeasant areas of medicine. The entirety of allopathic medicine is corrupt.

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Apr 25
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This is spam.

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I love this man. He is a true hero.

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Apr 25
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I feel the same!

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I don’t know about you JojoThompson, but For me, his was the first— honest— voice of reason at the beginning of this whole disaster. I have no idea how I ran into him. Serendipity? Thank God a lot of us did find him.

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Honestly, for me, I feel like it was a gift from God. It was a gift to know that such a brilliant man would affirm how I felt about the MRNA platform for this vaccine and all of the other stupidities that went with it. So I thank God for him virtually every time I see his likeness or hear his voice. He is truly a gift from God himself!

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I wonder how Dr Yeadon looks at “German New Medicine by Dr Hamer”

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Thank you Patrick! (this is why I love Substack and its subscribers).

I remember listening to a fascinating lecture about 2 years ago that discussed how cancer was always preceded by deep emotional trauma or shock. And that the type of cancer could be correlated and mapped by brain CT to the type of psychological insult experienced.

The same shock/trauma types all left their imprint in the same part of the brain.

It was of course Dr Hamer's German New Medicine.

I think we are so far off understanding how the human body works (and I suspect the question of viruses is but one in a long line of completely wrong assumptions).

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I’ve not yet heard of it. I’ve learned in recent years to be humble and accept that I know very little and much of what I thought I knew for sure isn’t true.

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Connaissez-vous les travaux d'Antoine Béchamp ?

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The German New Medicine is fascinating territory for sure. Also interesting is this one I ran into this week: https://officialbrendanmurphy.substack.com/p/how-illness-actually-spreads Even though it confirmed something many have suspected without evidence for years, it still shocked me initially to finally see it in print.

Bless you for your courage to speak the truth.

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Thank you, will read.

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Jul 7
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Can you tell us more about these animal healings? I am very interested Because I lost a couple cats to spinal injuries.

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I was never involved in vaccines in any way.

Remarkably, afaik, the vaccine division of big pharma has its vaccines facilities in a different place to its regular R&D facilities. Certainly this was true at Pfizer.

So I never even had occasion to meet my opposite numbers in vaccines.

Not a surprise in retrospect that it never crossed my mind that there was anything wrong.

Took our kids for their injections.

Everything was “normal” until 2020.

Now? I recommend no one allow themselves or their children to be injected with “vaccines”.

I also no longer trust anyone in medicine.

For your health, keep well away from “healthcare professionals” and especially hospitals.

Necessary surgery especially after trauma is an exception as well as obstetrics / gynaecology.

A big plus is arguably you don’t need “medical insurance”. What would you want them to do?

I allowed my medical insurance to lapse upon leaving my last employer (which was my own biotech).

That was purely because at the time my general health & that of my wife was good (bladder problems aside, of very long standing), so we decided to self fund in case of need.

I’ve always been mildly sceptical of routine screening. Honestly, we are not cars. We do not need servicing and a 50 point checkup.

I’ve since learned that none of the early screening procedures save lives or improve quality of life.

By inclination, my wife has eschewed all the stock screens applicable to females. Neither of us “know our numbers”, not because none of them have any prognostic value (though I cannot point to one that is definitely a good predictor) but because we know they’re fine as a consequence of preferring healthy living.

I remain on the fence about bacterial infections and efficacy of antibiotics.

Many people tell me that I will in due course understand that this too is fraud. However, at the moment, I remain adherent to the official narrative. My own experience with these is extensive because I abused my teeth as a youngster and later in life had many teeth fail painfully with what seem to me to be infections, resolved by dental surgeries and antibiotics.

Also, note that prescriptions for antibiotics for suspected chest infections were deliberately greatly reduced in 2020, down 50% in USA for example. This was accompanied by a spike in deaths from what was attributed to bacterial pneumonia. Whether this is true, I do not know.

As is said: “Every day’s a school day”.

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they want the elderly dead quickly, as they spend a lot on their medical care in the last 2 months of life. In some places they want to withhold all treatments after age 70.

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I always go back to chicken pox. You have one infected child among several uninfected. Within 3 weeks, many get the same symptoms. Upon re-exposure years later, the ones who had it don't get it again. Why not? If it's merely a toxin, why can't you get it many times? Why do very healthy people get it upon exposure? Why not different symptoms if it's some kind of toxin? Same with measles and mumps. I can't speak for polio or 1918 flu; those could be the result of a particular deadly toxin. But for most, one is immune to re-infection for most "viruses". If it were a poison, you'd get sick every time.

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There are other contagion modalities such as bacteria, fungi, plasmids, and others not fully understood.

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I'm the eldest of six. We all got measles and chickenpox once. My sister had mumps and I got pertussis but all were exposed (no social distancing back then). None exposed ever got it later either. I recently had a mild case of shingles and it cleared within a week so I'm naturally boosted. My grandparents remembered the 1918 pandemic, said no one they knew died and it was mainly big city hysteria. Also told me watching tv would make me an idiot lol.

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Dr Andrew Kaufman has suggested that those childhood ‘diseases’ are symptoms of a detoxifying process of the rapidly growing individuals…a reset if you will, like a snake shedding its skin. An interesting idea. I am also dubious of the germ theory, but struggle to explain disease outbreaks.

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I do believe that terrain has a tremendous effect on health, but I cannot rule out microbes and whatever viruses are either.

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Yes dubious... so we need another viable explanation.

I have not seen one.

Yes the filthy living conditions pre 1900's followed by times of plenty due to the harnessing of fossil fuels might explain this - except that much of the world still lives in filthy slums...

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Apr 27Edited

Of course it's dubious... Just because someone has letters after their name does not make them experts. People blindly believe experts... My MIL visited us over the New Year and was sick. Within three days my daughter got sick with the same symptoms. Then both my husband and I got sick, but because we took lots of fermented garlic it was just a very bad sore throat; did not become systemic. Still quite brutal. Because my MIL was sick we did not go outside. How did we get sick? I did not touch her or her utensils or cups. It was transmitted via air/droplets. Of course viruses exist. People who work in the lab, not their bosses, can tell you that you can infect cells with viruses and detect the viral protein or the genetic sequence in the cells. This viruses do not exist camp is a victim of a PSYOP. We sequence viral integration in the lab all the time. You can use PCR to amplify it as well with proper cycle numbers and controls. It's unbelievable how so many people would rather believe what experts say than their own observation.

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It amazes me how easily people are played... very obviously diseases are transmitted from one person to another ... very obviously not everyone gets a disease - the less healthy you are the weaker your immune system therefore obviously you are more susceptible....

Clearly we do not fully understand the whole virus thing ... but there does appear to be some thing that is getting passed along that makes some people sick....

And clearly some diseases are more virulent than others.

Bossche has stated that at some point a deadly mutation will arrive.

Obviously if he is correct -- then that will prove viruses exist... but we won't be discussing that because we will be too busy going extinct

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Well bacteria are visible under light microscopy ie direct vision, able to be cultured and capable of causing reproducible illness, so its not a far fetch to believe smaller, more transmissible particles (viruses) can do the same. Many physical phenomena eg gravity, heat, have to be observed by their effects rather than direct visualisation.

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That's interesting. So maybe the death toll they spout is totally untrue. Wouldn't put it past them. After seeing what occurred with covid and the moon landing and just about everything else that comes from their quarters.

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If you are referring to the so-called "Spanish Flu", my understanding from what I've read is that the "stats" on deaths are greatly exaggerated (good old fashioned fear porn) and that yes, there seem to have been a combination of nefarious actions (during war time, gee, big surprise there) and unhealthy conditions. Wonder if the latter could be related to "terrain".

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Have you looked into the work of Patrick Jordan and Serum Sickness. He describes the assault on humanity and animals (vet med) illness and vaccine causation in his book ICD-999


he is also here on substack

vaccinefraud2 Patrick Jordan


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My experience with shingles is quite different. I have advanced lung disease from an environmental exposure. I had chickenpox as a child and many times when I’m under stress, the shingles make an appearance. I can almost count on it. However, I worked with the public the entire time through BS-19 and never got more than a slight head cold. I’m 64 and besides 3 vaccines as a child I’m unvaccinated for anything. My dogs are entirely unvaccinated. I have the body of a 30 year old. Nothing wrong except this darned lung situation. I’m still on the fence about terrain and germ theory. But I only eat real food and feed my dogs a raw diet using food as medicine. We stay shockingly healthy.

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How about herpes? Is Dr. Mike implying it's okay to have unprotected sex because genital herpes isn't a thing?

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You may need to reread his post, and with greater attention to every detail. I think you'll find the answer to your question, if you are seeking it.

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Maybe you could just explain it to us ... since I didn't notice a reference to herpes...

I also did not notice any evidence presented for why Mike has arrived at his conclusions.

That... is a problem.

It's right up there with cnnbbc telling us that the covid vaccines are safe and effective.

We didn't believe that ... and we certainly are not going to agree with Mike ... Unless he can provide convincing evidence and respond to questions like....

Measles parties... people gathered their kids to spread the disease and gain immunity... did that work?

Herpes... if viruses don't exist then... is Mike willing to bareback a porn star with herpes blisters all over her coochie?

What is the mechanism of transmission of these diseases? I will to some extent agree with the terrain theory however we have seen many instances where perfectly healthy individuals contracted diseases.... see herpes... see pox in the Americas when the Spanish arrived

There are a lot of questions... and no answers

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Your pose of thoughtfulness is questionable. So I won't continue the intercourse, if you like. But I'll offer one reflection. The implicit logic contained in your questions--also dubious. Bye for now.

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"What is the mechanism of transmission of these diseases?" he said. What is there that you didn't understand? He's asking for the mechanism of "infectious" disease if not what we've been told. I heard his perfectly clear question, why didn't you? And you accuse him of "posing?"

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Did you even read his entire statement?

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I did ... and there is no evidence presented supporting this position .. it's a belief ... not an argument

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The problem is: there's no evidence supporting the opposite view either.

We're told that tipping in a bunch of toxins over a biological sample, resulting in predictable dead and dying cells, that are then pointed to with the exclamation "a virus must have done that" is proof.

I'd say that's just "belief" as well.

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It was a single post, tapped out in the small hours, on my Telegram channel. Mostly to subscribers. I don’t object to it being reposted, but understand you’re not the intended audience.

I don’t want you to believe anything I write.

I want you to do the work necessary to make up your own mind.

Even if I presented evidence for the central points, focussed on the absence of evidence that acute respiratory illnesses are caused by submicroscopic infectious particles called viruses, you might fairly say “How can I be sure that’s all of the evidence & that there isn’t evidence supporting the contention he’s arguing against?” And you won’t.

It’s up to you. I don’t mind what you decided. I’m not selling anything.

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"Speaking as Dr Mike Yeadon, PhD, I haven’t done enough personal, detailed research to be sure that viruses don’t exist, though I suspect that it’s true."

What did I miss when this is an exact quote from the article??

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It’s not an article.

It was a short, summary post on my channel, for the benefit primarily of followers who may have read my many posts over a year and more.

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What you missed, evidently, is the whole proverbial "broad side of a barn." Since my original reply to you was apparently of no help, I'll now answer your original question directly: No.

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No. I don’t recommend promiscuous sex at all. Not primarily because of the possibility of transmission of pathogen, but for other reasons.

It’s viruses, as a concept, that I object to. They’re fraudulent claims.

Are there non viral pathogens? I think yes.

Please stay focussed on the main assault upon us: claims of pandemics of acute respiratory illnesses caused by highly contagious viruses. That’s all lies.

If we survive these assaults, we’ll have all the time we need to cover other things.

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Appreciate your response Doc. I'm sure we could at least agree that whatever the immune system is responding too, it canmot just be the body simply detoxifying, when others end up getting whatever you have (which is where the no virus crowd tend to take us). Hence, my commentary.

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I think this is a valid point you are making here, Dr. Yeadon.

It is essential to make a clear distinction between the current viral model and other possible pathogens. I don’t think we can reject the germ theory yet, at least not until we find out how sick people, with a cold or flu - like symptoms, can make healthy people sick or induce them with the same or similar symptoms.

While we can’t prove viruses do not exist, the current model of virology is clearly flawed, if not entirely science fiction, rather than scientific.

Here is just one example: viruses are believed to be particles of DNA or RNA stands engulfed by some kind of membrane or a shell made of protein (s).

Fine. However, the problem begins with what happens next; i.e. what those simple structures are claimed to do, in order to make the living organisms sick and even kill them.

1. There is not even a theory, or a hypothesis, as to how those dead particles can infect the host, steal its cellular machinery in order to replicate, spread and then “make a decision” whether to kill the host or not. In order to do all those functions viral particles would have to become animate, like other known organisms, like bacteria or bacteriophage. There is not one single piece of evidence or even a coherent hypothesis how this process would work. Dr. Malone along with Dr. Vanden Bossche came up with an idea that viruses are self-replicating genes, or parasites. It is clear that this is just wishful thinking because there are no self-replicating genes and all known parasites are alive. If viruses are self-replicating genes, as Dr. Malone claims, why do they need to infect the host to replicate? So, this is just a lousy attempt to smoke-screen the issue that virology has not been able to address.

2. Another contradiction in virology is the assumption based upon evolutionary theory that viruses' main purpose is to propagate, to leave offspring. If this is true, then it would be in the virus's best interests not to kill the host, which hinders the survival of the virus. In other words pathogens’ infecting the host should never be driven by the goal of killing it but rather making sure that the host survives so that the reproductive viral cycle continues.

In summary, the viral model is clearly flawed but the contagion effects clearly observed between people showing a cold or flu-like symptoms on healthy people need to be investigated and resolved.

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Although the virology model is flawed and the PCR testing misleading, resulting in much mismanagement and exploitation, it seems dangerously delusional to throw out a century of work and experience because the model doesn't fit some theoretical tests such as Koch's postulates.

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I have to agree. Although I sympathize with “no virus group” I keep my eyes open because in the subatomic world almost anything is possible that one may have a hard time to isolate a particular particle to be blamed for a particular outcome… I think it’s plain dangerous…

I think the virology model was created because there was nothing else available to explain the phenomenon of “observable contagion”.

We will have to wait and see what evidence will emerge…

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Interesting, though we must have read different literature. I saw no ability to induce contagion for colds or flu.

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Rather old experiments were done where nasal mucus was transferred from sick people, usually having flu or cold like symptoms, to healthy people, which induced flu or cold like symptoms in 20% of healthy people.

A snot from sick person contains not only microorganisms, like bacteria and fungi, but also, among others, inflammatory cytokines.

Daniel Roytas, who wrote the book “Can You Catch a Cold?” believes based on the many studies that chemical inflammatory mediators, are responsible for inducing flu or cold like symptoms in healthy people.

You can watch Daniel Roytas interview done by Tom Cowan. Roytas talks about the inflammatory mediators starting at the 18 min mark.


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Agreed, but you forgot to mention that flu like symptoms were induced in around 20% of people exposed to mucus from healthy people, too.

People develop acute respiratory symptoms quite often, purely by chance.

This is why it’s been such as effective lie in the era of pretend pandemics.

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The whole thing is so simple. No virus has ever been isolated. There is no sample of whole virus anywhere in the world.

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Dr. Yeadon. What do think about getting analytical chemists involved? Since they have the expertise in isolation, characterization and testing of microscopic particles. Such as the alleged viruses.

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Actually your body gets used to toxins too. We really don't know enough about it because this side of our knowledge is closed out by the medical cartels and so it's not tested at all. But when we are first exposed to something, whether toxins or other organisms, our body gets sick until it figures out how to deal with this new factor. Then it learns to produce the counter to it. Some people seem impervious to toxins, and some people are sensitive, such toxins as frequency pollution (EMF's) included. We really need much more exploration of this theory so we can figure things out and then we'll be so well-armed to handle disease.

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Our air is toxic, yet we adapted. Take a bite of an apple, you don’t have to wait very long until you notice the meat which was protected by the apple’s skin turns brown. I come from the school that everything is toxic, its just a matter of how much... Moderation is the key, which in turn, depends on the individual.

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Every time you find yourself falling back into germ theory because of apparent contagion ask yourself why people tend to be healthy together also. Is that because a health inducing germ or virus?

Or is it because we also 'trigger' each other to be healthy because of our energy, vibes, lifestyle, social cues etc?

How do you feel sharing a house with healthy, active, positive people compared to unhealthy, lazy, depressed people full of baggage who sit about all day watching telly?

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If you grew up in the 50's, your parents would expose you to other sick kids to get you to have childhood diseases while a child, when they were allegedly less damaging. And sure enough, if it was chicken pox you were exposed to, you popped out in the pocks. Either there is a disease vector there or disease is psychological and you experience what you expect, ala placebo effect. It might be that we're on the verge of an entirely different disease paradigm where nothing we thought causative before will be believed any longer...the same as we don't believe in humors and bleeding now.

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I don't know enough to say, but Dr. Yeadon has been censored in important establishment forums so as far as I'm concerned he's very credible.

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The only one I truly trust besides the man in the chair!

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Yes...and Sukarit Bhakdi.

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Yes, yes…of course! The man is no fake…he’s real!

He gets so emotional and as a matter of fact he became very emotional while speaking to Atty Reiner Fullemich.

Took my breath!

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yes but where is the detail... what is he basing this on?

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And... where's the part where they admit wrong doing and the Nuremburg 2.0 trial begins?

Who is the head of the DOD... will he hang? When?

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They aren't invincible. No heroes in capes to be found. We all suffer from human frailties.

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Interesting, and I am prepared to believe it. However I would still want some explanation of how/why these diseases occur - an alternative theory. Why are some viruses seasonal? What exactly is causing these sicknesses?

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Some hypothesize that most "flus" are seasonal due to lower Vitamin D levels in the winter and shifting many gatherings indoors. Also not going to bed when the sun sets earlier in the wintertime. We are meant to have our circadian rhythms stay in tune with the sun rise and sun sets yet we artifically keep ourselves awake too late and then our melatonin production is interferred with as well.

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In bed for 13 hours then?

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Are u serious? Sounds like a bit of an extreme. Although there are individual differences, anyone "needing" that much sleep is likely exhibiting a symptom of illness, or perpetuating same. If you live at the North Pole, you've got other threats to well-being. You just might want to go ahead and hibernate in that case. Questions like yours are either hilarious or ingenuous. Or both, from a certain perspective.

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Herpes? Pox that killed many millions in the Americas when the Spanish arrived?

If it's filthy living conditions ... and terrain ... why aren't the slums of the world overrun with epic death and disease

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We need to do proper research but as long as the medical establishment ignores it , it keeps us and themselves in the dark.

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I'm not sure in your example, but I'm struck by the regularity with which many attribute benign motivation to the medical cabal. There are likely multiple layers to the nefariousness involved and I wonder that profitability is only a relatively superficial and secondary factor. A fringe benefit, you might say.

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Thank you for posting this from Dr Yeadon for whom I have a huge amount of respect and gratitude. Could I ask please if the word 'neither' in. the penultimate paragraph is a typo? I'm pretty sure I understand what he means but just wanted to clarify

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It must be a typo

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Came here to say this. In his original Telegram post, he uses the word “both”.

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Thank you

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Ah I see it's been edited now. Thank you

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I've always had a problem with the Black Death narrative, on account that you don't get rats in the north of Sweden and away from the ports in Iceland. You also don't get rats walking from one village to another at 5 mph. Humans do that though...

There is a lot about diseases that needs further critical thought, thank you for being brave enough to start this process.

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Well, I live in the north of Sweden and can absolutely confirm rats *are* here, sorry. Having said that, I'm with Dr Yeadon on this. I tend towards the emf/advent of modern tech for most illnesses. And the fact of improved hygiene practices ensuring less "infectious" diseases. Just my opinion though. I'm no scientist nor doctor.

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Rats have moved north now, but not in 1448... I was reading this book when the pandemic started, it really is persuasive in it's findings. My grandmother was Swedish, my goodness they love to keep records! - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Environment-Society-Black-Death-interdisciplinary/dp/1785700545

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The introduction of seed oils and other dietary manipulations are significant in the uptick in many disease categories over the last century or so. Go back 150 yrs, maybe less, and heart attacks were pretty much non-existent, as one example.

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Less emf, less food toxins (additives and poisons like fluoride as well), less air pollution, all additive. To get rid of us humans they had to poison us.. slowly of course, to reap all the money they can, and feast on the despair and suffering... Now they are pushing as Dr. Coleman noted: euthanasia for all... all ages, born, un born, old, young.. poor, mentally ill, tired out, ? YOU can have a PEACEFULL Overdose death! MAID in Canada for example.. elsewhere as well. If you are old for sure they push it...

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From the recommended book What Really Makes You Ill, where they write:

The first of these flaws has been recognised by British archaeologist, Barney Sloane, who has claimed that the ‘Black Death’ could not have been transmitted by rats; as reported in an August 2011 article entitled Can We Stop Blaming Rats for the Black Death. The article refers to archaeological work that has been conducted in London and states that,

“…excavations in the city have turned up little evidence of a massive rat die-off coinciding with the plague.”

However there is an alternative theory:

Another interesting piece of the puzzle is that an unusually high level of ammonium has been discovered from the examination of ice core data. A higher than normal level of ammonium has also been discovered in ice cores that have been dated to periods in which other epidemics of ‘plague’ occurred. The result of his investigation of the evidence led Professor Baillie to conclude that,

“There really is enough information about comets, earthquakes and ammonium to permit the quite serious suggestion that the Black Death was due to an impact by comet debris on 25th January 1348 as witnessed by the major earthquake on that day.”

Investigations and analysis of the toxic chemicals found within comets and comet debris have produced further supportive evidence for this conclusion; Professor Baillie explains,

“Apart from ammonium, it is now known that a range of unpleasant, toxic and evil-smelling chemicals, including hydrogen sulphide and carbon disulphide, have been detected in recent comets.”

The presence of ‘evil-smelling chemicals’ would certainly explain the documented reports about the ‘corruption of the atmosphere’; their toxicity also explains how these chemicals would have caused severe respiration problems and rapid death from asphyxiation for those people in close proximity to the dense atmospheric poisoning.

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I believe that’s bacterial, Yersinia pestis, and is easily treated these days with a short course of antibiotics.

I’m not up on this history of this, so apologies if I’m wrong.

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Bubonic plague exists in the Southwest US and is carried by gophers with fleas, the fleas can get on other animals for example free roaming cats, etc and of course humans, and as they say you get a bite and et voila you get buboes and .. the plauge. Cured by modern ABX. Cats and gopher too.. they can get cured I mean, with treatment.

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Gophers = parrie (sp) dogs... sort of like meercats not as cute though!

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Wasn't the pestilence germ carried by fleas? That was sort of what I learned. Not that anything I learnd is worth much anything any longer, as it seems.

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According to germ theory, there are millions of types of viruses running rampant at any time. So why wouldn't the body or immune system become overwhelmed with viruses? The body has it's limitations as far as fighting viruses or any other "bad" guy. This is why I think viruses and pandemics are truly for-scam-only material.

There is still far too much we don't know about how the body and "germs" work and relate. What happened to SARS CoV-1 or the recent SARS CoV-2? Did they just disappear? If they mutated why are they still not mutating? And these clowns want us to believe they can predict pandemics and conjure up viruses at will. What a pile of cowflop.

Why am I not sick all the time with viruses? How, after 74 years can my immune system, if it even exists, still work so well? I am no health nut. There are just too many fill-in-the-blanks for me too ever believe virology is a real science. The local witch-doctor often makes more sense.

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if one reads history -- the majority of people were malnourished... even in Europe... that's why they contracted all these diseases... there immune system was weakened by lack of nutrition.

Assume viruses exist and we are exposed to them constantly ... but if you have a strong immune system ... they have no impact on your health?

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Well... I think genital herpes might be an exclusion Eddy ... lol.

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Also they didn't have toilets or running water.

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You're probably referring to Victorian times, i.e. 19th century. I think you'll find that at the end of WW!, cities and towns in Europe all had running water and toilets. Probably the same can be said for the US but not in remote areas .....

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I just started reading this https://www.audible.com/pd/Dissolving-Illusions-Audiobook/B095L28R1H

Perhaps they will address one of my concerns as a move through it ...

There are some nasty slums around the world ... why are the people living in them not being overwhelmed by these diseases that we have blamed on viruses?

Perhaps the living conditions in slums of pre 1900's were even worse?

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It seem viruses are produced by the body and come out AFTER damage to cells. They do not cause damage. They are the clean up crew so to speak. Perhaps viruses, exosomes and even bacteria change in their make up and behavior according to needs?

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Very interesting. I am not a doctor, but I must say, I have a very rational mind and also an intuitive nature. I often watch people’s defense mechanisms engage as they hear information that they don’t like, especially concerning the Covid debacle or politics. It was obvious that Covid was more nefarious than scientific. Sadly, peoples’ fear reactions makes them easier to control.

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I enjoy being proved wrong ... but I need facts... evidence... I am even more pleased when I am forced to change my mind -- cuz that ensures I maintain my 100% track record of always being right!

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"Pandemics" are caused by the electrification of the air around us via radio waves. Dr. Cowan explains this very concisely and brilliantly here: https://bitchute.com/video/LY6dTOr8PW7s [10:37mins]

Everyone should watch that if they haven't seen it. It's no coincidence that Wuhan was the first to turn on 5G.

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The 5G roll-out continued in haste during the COVID lockdowns.

The symptoms of non-ionising radiation are identical to what was presented as COVID.

Surely those given power in trust would not have deceived us with a false "pandemic" blaming a non-existent virus to mask the roll-out of 5G towers ?

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Maaaabeeeeee! 😎😎

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Yes of course... and then there is the Great Reset - there is even a website for this!!!


And we are being micro chipped

And Deagle...

Did I miss anything?

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I tried to get sick from my son 2020~ didn’t happen! Ate right off his spoon directly after him in beginning of his “ supposed covid”

A cold is your body detoxification

A “ flu” is purely detoxification

Its a gift from God.

When one of my dogs has occasionally eaten something he shouldn’t like maybe a small piece of garlic or onion and they throw up it’s not called the flu. Their body is getting rid of the poison.


The government/fda/bigpharma are new world order liars who need your participation to make money

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Yes but when I had Covid 2 yrs ago ... I took Hydroxychloroquine and I killed it within a day...

Then I got wise and started taking a range of supplements including D... and I have not had so much as a sniffle since... and I feel absolutely fantastic....

Seems I am not toxifying...

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I detox about five days a week I take several things I haven’t been sick in 20 years. I think it’s important to detox and that way it doesn’t build up in your body. Best to you!!

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Simply put:

A cold is your body detoxification

A “flu” is purely detoxification

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If you're not familiar with it a doctor named Milton Rosenau did some very interesting experiments a little over 100 years ago. https://medium.com/microbial-instincts/spread-of-spanish-flu-was-never-experimentally-confirmed-9f91b37c4dd8

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I'm with you all the way on this, Mike. The last 4yrs have been like a degree at uni and still waiting anxiously for the next book to arrive. We are all on a journey of discovery and nobody is going to take that away from us. 🌺Yvonne

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I think many of us have earned PHDs twice over in 4yrs!

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If you want to go on a voyage of the ultimate question of why is the world the way it is study the talmud. Did you know that that particular "holy" book condones the marriage of a man and a 3 year old girl? That may seem, irrelevant to this conversation or even anti-semitic but I assure you that it is neither and it does in fact explain much of the world around you.

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