Power grab along with CBDCs.

China type social credit system and control.

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"CBDS"? Or am I just misreading..😘

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The next one will be bacterial. Moderna’s working on it. Sadly his book is only in German.

Dr Heiko Schöning

Doctors for Covid Ethics

His 35 min presentation


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WHO and teddy boy are disease X. Ignore and prosper.

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:Private Comment Box:

My arms are getting very strong with all this upsidedowniness, or the top of my head's flat... or some sort of somethingness.......


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You must be “down under”.

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But no

Waaaay North

In the land of the snow

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What about The Black Death of 1347? ... OTOH nearly 700 years ago... was purportedly a bacterial infection spread by infected fleas jumping off rats, and zero hygiene... 🙄

IOW a total stretch? Same situation with sundry "smallpox" epidemics of which I recently read some curious conjectures... 🤔

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You can still get the plague of Justinian.


The CDC should tell everyone to wear masks. In fact over the last millennia they should never have been taken off. Unless you are going to wear blackface like Justin Trudeau.

/Saracasm off

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The cause of the plague called The Black Death has never proven. There may have been an event like a meteor or earthquake that initiated the illness. We are unlikely to ever know because the rat story is too appealing.

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I recall something like what you're writing in "Vanishing Illusions", if not "Virus Mania".

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Just another bilking of the nations.

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They've tried to create one, but if Ralph Baric couldn't do it, I'm skeptical it can be done.

Poisonings can be done, with Anthrax, Smallpox, but you need a whole series of ICBMs to deliver it, I'm not sure the SS-18 qualified as big enough, even with refrigerated warheads. Heck, they might as well been sending beer, for all the deaths they would have caused (not to minimize the deaths, but relative to the 2 megaton re-entry vehicles, a waste).

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Aerosolised weaponised mRNA anthrax? The Antidote? Mrna antibiotics to ruin the microbiome? Where? Oxford, Toronto, Melbourne.

Nightmare scenario. Let’s nobble ‘em first!

Dr Heiko Schöning

Doctors for Covid Ethics

His 35 min presentation


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I can't say I'm up on mRNA anthrax.

Will listen to the English translation.

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Thanks your measured overview in the voice of reason is appreciated.

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Porton Down supposedly closed its doors in the 80’s until we had the Schipol poisonings in Salisbury…. Turns out they went under the radar… funnily enough the Common Cold Research unit in Salisbury “closed” in 1996 after 40 years of trying to find a cure for the cold virus.. turns out it was moved to Porton Down who have yet to discover how to outwit a fast mutating virus… what makes the ill informed press think they will succeed now?… we are being set up for something that is never going to work… simply because as soon as a vaccine is created.. the virus mutates.

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No-one trust ‘vaccines’ any longer, even the classic ones. Sounds as though they may be working on releasing a powerful deadly bacteria followed by an mRNA antibiotic antidote, with the same hoopla fear ramp to get us going. The same managers but a fresh cast for the next act. Happening now? At a Moderna facility near you?

Dr Heiko Schöning

Doctors for Covid Ethics 35 min presentation


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The world has gone mad… people can develop a toxin that maims and kills millions in broad daylight and no one get arrested.. but if someone writes an offending article on a social media platform.. the thought police can force they way in .. take them into custody.. real actions of harm no problem…a few provocative words.. Nick Nick Nick.

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IMHO call it X(42)

God Bless Douglas Adam's.

We know the answer is 42 wonder what the question is?

How many roads must a man walk down....

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There are three ongoing pandemics running concurrently.......... idiocy, lies and lunacy. Cure? Don't fall for any of them.

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68 years no pandemic! No one ever wore a mask, except those who were very Ill already, our heroes wore mask. Batman, and other comic heroes.

Never a vaxxine shot will be taken. However there will be people lining up for shots and happy to wear mask

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I don't trust the WHO, they are terrorists.

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I guess 2024 needed a disease named after the 24th letter of the alphabet. Masonic fingerprints everywhere.

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Our Human Bodies Are Water Based.

Nothing Derived From Manufactured Metals Or Petroleum Should Be Injected Into Them.

Nothing. Not A Goddamn Particle.

Next Question ...

( There Shouldn’t Be Any. )

( And There Never Should Have. )


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