Unfortunately, Trump has just appointed to Dr Gerald Parker as the Director of the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy...He comes into government directly from One Health.
OH HELL NO TO THE INSANITY OF 'ONE HEALTH'! As if every unique being were interchangeable parts of a soulless AI machine of total slavery!
If only every country exited the WHO!
Hell with the hypochondria germaphobia fear hysteria monkeyshines driving us all ape! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT BEFORE WE ALL GO BANANAS!
SERIOUSLY FOLKS! KEEP FIGHTING! Can't say this often enough! The WHO/UN/WEF are totally criminal entities that must be litigated and dismantled off the face of the earth and its upper level employees tried and jailed. Nothing THE WORLD HELL ORGANIZATION does has any legitimacy.
EQUITY is Orwellian doublespeak for equal ENSLAVEMENT of us proles under the technocratic parasitical malevolent rule by control freak, power-mad psychos. The word EQUITY makes my blood boil whenever I hear it now that I understand its true meaning.
A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.
The world needs a lot more rejections of the UN/WHO's nefarious schemes.
Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.
Can't say this often enough!
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections were/are a huge part of their arsenal!
KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!
Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living! virustruth.net
JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The terrible senators, horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Mike hits all bullseyes when he pulls the trigger, firing off live truth rounds. I’d love to see Dr. Yeadon as head of HHS, but not at the risk of assasination for shutting down the colossal pharma racket fueled by the germ theory hoax.
I had heard of the One Health Initiative some time ago where humans are intentionally lumped in with animals and of course environmental problems. One manufactured problem will impact us all globally and will require a global solution. It is also intentionally letting us know we have no more importance than the animals and everything around us and we will be treated accordingly. The antihuman treatment of the covid travesty will look benign to what our future will be if this One Health takes hold.
OK, but there IS one EXTREMELY SERIOUS manufactured problem: it's been around for nearly 29 years now (actually, more like 31 years in Europe), and it adversely impacts all life on this planet: it's called CELL PHONES & all other wireless devices. Yelling about CoVID & new germs and vaxxes is just distracting from & capitalizing on the effects of wireless manmade radiation. Bill Gates, e.g., invests in both. Read Firstenberg's THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW.
The majority of people proved in 2021 that they are in fact nothing more than barnyard animals. Some traded away their bodily autonomy for an ice cream cone or a lottery ticket but most gave it away for nothing.
I am sad to say that I agree with you. I watched people being herded, separated and lined up into small groups silently, they allowed themselves to be swabbed, prodded, injected with no protest. Dignity and respect for the individual was surrendered without a murmur.
The tv said poison themselves and they complied. Also healthy people waited in their cars for hours to get a swab jammed into their bbb for no reason! Weren’t sick with anything!
Stella Kyriakides, EU Commissioner for Health and Food, said:
‘Today’s opinion confirms that the scientific case for One Health is beyond dispute. While the One Health approach is already being successfully applied in some EU policy areas, including in the area of health as part of a strong European Health Union, there is more that we can do. We can build on the many good practices already in place and solidify our One Health approach across policies, to address more effectively some of the most pressing issues that EU citizens face today.’
(me:) The WHO is just a smoke screen for all the bio-labs-hubs-universities-health/business networks are already functional and in place. They are slowly growing into the core of our economies here in Europe. When the WHO would become irrelevant it is of no consequence, because:
I myself see no other way then being almost invisible and do deals with locals. I see no way out of this. And I see the world with every living thing on the planet slowly wither away except for the ones refusing to be part of it. Due because of the fact that it is ALL based on delusions and lies. It would ALL be different if humanity would be ONE in this.
Bill Gates met with Trump, who still has ties to Big Pharma... and so we get a Fauci 2.0 like character from One Health advising the President. But who knows how that will actually play out. We all know that another Plandemic is in the works. How far they get with it this time depends on how many they can compel to get the jabs, and once you know what's going on, who will get them ?
It is easy now to differentiate the real experts from the fakes who have sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver. The fakes approve of illegal mandates, experimental jabs and MAID. (euthanasia) The experts are opposed to violation of the Nuremburg Code, baby and children jabbing and mandates which are ALL ILLEGAL.
"Please understand that the response to COVID-19 was NOT handled by the Department of Health and Human Services ... Please understand that the main tools of the “One Health Approach” are the PCR fraud and the vicious slaughter of entire flocks of birds and herds of animals.":
Some of us do understand. I can no longer buy eggs through the distribution system, and that also helps with understanding. But then it's not egg laying season here.
"I think it’s well worth listening to his speech, to see how many lies he serves up.":
I can't. It's too much. I did scan the Roguski post. "God help us" is an appropriate response.
Is this the part where people stop insisting that Trump isn’t one of the players advancing the agenda? He still seems awfully proud of Operation Warp Speed. His chief of staff is cozy with big pharma. Now this.
Thank you, Dr. Yeadon for your unwavering courage and Lioness for publishing.
Gerald Parker is a VETERINARIAN. That's right. An animal doctor. If that doesn't tell you what they think of us likely nothing will. I'll spell it out - to them - we are animals.
One of the primary functions of an animal doctor is to euthanize. That's right - to put animals "down" when deemed necessary. "Humanely". Like dogs at the pound.
Get ready. Do not relax into this. Do not follow any man into the slaughterhouse.
check iut and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org..say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..also be aware citizengo.org are an independent organisation which simply means no government can interfere censor or suppress this petition FACT..it currently has 124,888 signatures
OH HELL NO TO THE INSANITY OF 'ONE HEALTH'! As if every unique being were interchangeable parts of a soulless AI machine of total slavery!
If only every country exited the WHO!
Hell with the hypochondria germaphobia fear hysteria monkeyshines driving us all ape! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT BEFORE WE ALL GO BANANAS!
SERIOUSLY FOLKS! KEEP FIGHTING! Can't say this often enough! The WHO/UN/WEF are totally criminal entities that must be litigated and dismantled off the face of the earth and its upper level employees tried and jailed. Nothing THE WORLD HELL ORGANIZATION does has any legitimacy.
EQUITY is Orwellian doublespeak for equal ENSLAVEMENT of us proles under the technocratic parasitical malevolent rule by control freak, power-mad psychos. The word EQUITY makes my blood boil whenever I hear it now that I understand its true meaning.
A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.
The world needs a lot more rejections of the UN/WHO's nefarious schemes.
Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.
Can't say this often enough!
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections were/are a huge part of their arsenal!
KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!
Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living! virustruth.net
JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The terrible senators, horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do.
They only way out is to avoid the soul trap it seems ? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9bDCGtJuSEk&t=2022s&pp=2AHmD5ACAQ%3D%3D
A must watch
Mike hits all bullseyes when he pulls the trigger, firing off live truth rounds. I’d love to see Dr. Yeadon as head of HHS, but not at the risk of assasination for shutting down the colossal pharma racket fueled by the germ theory hoax.
WHY have HHS in the first place?
Lol HHS! Human Homicide Services. Another org trying to dictate what poison the sheep get injected with!
Yeah; while our wildly-regressive tax $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ pay them to have cushy jobs! I'm pretty sure we could easily do w/out.
And they don’t take the jabs, only peasants aka sheep do!
I had heard of the One Health Initiative some time ago where humans are intentionally lumped in with animals and of course environmental problems. One manufactured problem will impact us all globally and will require a global solution. It is also intentionally letting us know we have no more importance than the animals and everything around us and we will be treated accordingly. The antihuman treatment of the covid travesty will look benign to what our future will be if this One Health takes hold.
OK, but there IS one EXTREMELY SERIOUS manufactured problem: it's been around for nearly 29 years now (actually, more like 31 years in Europe), and it adversely impacts all life on this planet: it's called CELL PHONES & all other wireless devices. Yelling about CoVID & new germs and vaxxes is just distracting from & capitalizing on the effects of wireless manmade radiation. Bill Gates, e.g., invests in both. Read Firstenberg's THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW.
The majority of people proved in 2021 that they are in fact nothing more than barnyard animals. Some traded away their bodily autonomy for an ice cream cone or a lottery ticket but most gave it away for nothing.
I am sad to say that I agree with you. I watched people being herded, separated and lined up into small groups silently, they allowed themselves to be swabbed, prodded, injected with no protest. Dignity and respect for the individual was surrendered without a murmur.
Canadians are especially gutless. Only nice if you agree with them and extremely passive aggressive if you don’t.
The tv said poison themselves and they complied. Also healthy people waited in their cars for hours to get a swab jammed into their bbb for no reason! Weren’t sick with anything!
One Health is already a fact here in Europe.
Stella Kyriakides, EU Commissioner for Health and Food, said:
‘Today’s opinion confirms that the scientific case for One Health is beyond dispute. While the One Health approach is already being successfully applied in some EU policy areas, including in the area of health as part of a strong European Health Union, there is more that we can do. We can build on the many good practices already in place and solidify our One Health approach across policies, to address more effectively some of the most pressing issues that EU citizens face today.’
(me:) The WHO is just a smoke screen for all the bio-labs-hubs-universities-health/business networks are already functional and in place. They are slowly growing into the core of our economies here in Europe. When the WHO would become irrelevant it is of no consequence, because:
The WHO is just there to put emotional blackmail onto us and to steer the crowd towards the HEALTH business take over. See recent WHO update:
'WHO's Executive Board discusses health topics of interest to all'
3 February 2025 Departmental update Geneva Reading time: 3 min (803 words)
I myself see no other way then being almost invisible and do deals with locals. I see no way out of this. And I see the world with every living thing on the planet slowly wither away except for the ones refusing to be part of it. Due because of the fact that it is ALL based on delusions and lies. It would ALL be different if humanity would be ONE in this.
Something we shouldn't need for another 90 fucking years unless of course Anthony Fauci is not locked up soon...
Fauci just gets replaced with another Fauci like character.
Please wake up.
You sound fully vaccinated for C19. Lol
Wake up.
I hope these psycho appointments are part of the shite movie ..
These people from the dark side are appointments given to utterly inane In competent
airheads ..
Are they corrupt or incompetent or just plain stupid...!!
The horror movie will play out!
When I look at the light side like kash p and others ( we know who they are )l...
it seems inanely insane to have these swamp creatures on the same bus...
Strange thing is they are delusional ( the inane ) they think they are doing the right things????
Programmed ? Corrupted ?
They are all on the same bus together. It isn't that some don't understand the destination.
They all know where the bus is going.
The likable ones are sprinkled throughout to distract you. Like sprinkles on a shyte cake.
Bill Gates met with Trump, who still has ties to Big Pharma... and so we get a Fauci 2.0 like character from One Health advising the President. But who knows how that will actually play out. We all know that another Plandemic is in the works. How far they get with it this time depends on how many they can compel to get the jabs, and once you know what's going on, who will get them ?
If it affects children or causes worse illness millions will line up.
Gerard Parker isn't just advising the president. He's in charge of pandemic response and vaccines. He has power to act.
Parker is a VETERINARIAN. An animal doctor. What does this tell you?
Thank you Dr. Yeadon and Lioness
It is easy now to differentiate the real experts from the fakes who have sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver. The fakes approve of illegal mandates, experimental jabs and MAID. (euthanasia) The experts are opposed to violation of the Nuremburg Code, baby and children jabbing and mandates which are ALL ILLEGAL.
"Please understand that the response to COVID-19 was NOT handled by the Department of Health and Human Services ... Please understand that the main tools of the “One Health Approach” are the PCR fraud and the vicious slaughter of entire flocks of birds and herds of animals.":
Some of us do understand. I can no longer buy eggs through the distribution system, and that also helps with understanding. But then it's not egg laying season here.
"I think it’s well worth listening to his speech, to see how many lies he serves up.":
I can't. It's too much. I did scan the Roguski post. "God help us" is an appropriate response.
Is this the part where people stop insisting that Trump isn’t one of the players advancing the agenda? He still seems awfully proud of Operation Warp Speed. His chief of staff is cozy with big pharma. Now this.
Exactly. Two friends died immediately after the clot shots distributed as a result of his fucking Operation Warp Speed.
Doesn't look good!
Thank you, Dr. Yeadon for your unwavering courage and Lioness for publishing.
Gerald Parker is a VETERINARIAN. That's right. An animal doctor. If that doesn't tell you what they think of us likely nothing will. I'll spell it out - to them - we are animals.
One of the primary functions of an animal doctor is to euthanize. That's right - to put animals "down" when deemed necessary. "Humanely". Like dogs at the pound.
Get ready. Do not relax into this. Do not follow any man into the slaughterhouse.
Follow Jesus.
Get right with God.
check iut and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org..say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..also be aware citizengo.org are an independent organisation which simply means no government can interfere censor or suppress this petition FACT..it currently has 124,888 signatures
More bad decisions from Trump. Glad I didn't vote for him and his NWO.
A couple of typos, dear Dr. Yeadon.