Keep it up, thank you. Lets continue to expose these criminals.

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The thought of losing a child is a parent’s worst nightmare. Personally I don’t think one can come back from such a loss. What I don’t understand is how such parents aren’t suing such schools for lack of informed consent. I submit that there is sufficient evidence to initiate and prevail in such a case. In a similar vein I’d strongly recommend that parents/students consider transferring their children to schools where such evil isn’t mandated.

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Apr 17
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Hopefully after a grieving period they’ll get really angry and demand justice. Pax

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What I don't understand is why the parents didn't discourage their kids from going to a college that had mandatory vaccinations.

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Abnegating your duty and responsibility as a parent, has become common place. Hand the 2 year old a screen and you don't have to interact or make the effort for the rest of their lives. Trust the "experts" who make money off your kids whether they live or die and you get these totally preventable deaths.

This would have been like someone burning toast in one apartment and the authorities mandating you and your family jump out the 10th floor window because you COULD die if the burnt toast turned into an inferno. Parents in that scenario should stop and say, Wait the F a minute...how about you jump out the window first, before me and my family do and then we'll watch until you hit the pavement. If you get up giggling and laughing, then sure we'll think about following you, but until then, F' off!!!!"

In a society that - on the whole - is championing men in disturbing make-up, dresses, fake boobs, with erections that conduct story hour for toddlers and the parents who feed their kids to the groomers - these deaths are no surprise- sadly.

And then no interest by most of these parents to investigate the true cause of these deaths and then fighting to bring the murderers to justice. Baffling.

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This is harsh but these deaths are just as much the fault of the parents as the colleges. The parent is required to protect their child. My wife and I dealt with this issue with common sense and fake covid vax cards. When you are faced with immense stupidity you must act by employing all means necessary to deal with it.

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Apr 19
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It is the rare 18 yr old that has the experience, background or wisdom to stand up to medical authoritaratism (sp)

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I was thinking this but chose not to launch. I figured it was obvious and would be rubbing salt into a wound. Nonetheless glad you said this. Many parents have subcontracted the raising of their kids to the schools. This was possible 60 years ago as teachers and parents values were pretty much the same. Today… no way. Pax

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That college should pay all of his medical bills and funeral expenses. Then his family should start a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the Jab he had to take. When they use false pretenses to force a vaccination on innocent victims all bets are off. Remember folks, the still want 7billion of us gone to fulfill their plan to take over our world and enslave those that remain. If we don’t act now we deserve what happens to us. Be careful who you trust in government and those who work for them.

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REALLY? UniverCities? WHO, have 'Signed Up' to the CorePoorRat Organised Military IndusTral CONplex ( COMIC) to Not only accept MORE THAN the 30 Pieces of Silver, BUT ALSO, to Enact experiMeantAtION of GAIN OF FUNSTION challenges to ALL living Creatures & Fauna's ExisTense on THIS EX Living Planet! THE ATLANTIS 'CREW' NEVER LEARNED A GOD DAMN THING!! AND, their GOD Ego's WILL, if U.N.checked, WILL end the CurRent Species, BUT, Thankfully, The Planet WILL SURVIVE, The DumbArse Monkeys = WITHOUT US!

Speaking of Monkey business - I Herd/heard K.Schwab was in Hospital. Couldn't JUST DIE, like Many of His/Him/They singular, WEF/IMF/U.N. Multi spectrum protocol 'Victims'! - HopeFully 'Isolated & Alone'!

Wellness to Proper HUmanity - John D.


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Thank you for sharing this. Colleges have become very dangerous places. The other scary medical scandal happening on campuses is sucking patients into the vile 'transgender' business. Here is a post of how they use the Common App, used by millions of students each year applying to colleges, to seek data on potential patients. This happens all while, by the mere fact of using Orwellian language and inquiring absurd questions, they convince all applicants this is normal. Building a generation of global allies is key. https://margox.substack.com/p/focus-on-common-app

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We need a state attorney general to file negligent homicide charges against mandating college administrators, doctors who administer the shots, and the manufacturers.

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Zero accountability! Our dual citizen controlled government, media and justice department will do anything to keep us from holding those responsible for this disaster accountable. By anything I mean WW3, fostering a full on invasion of our borders, start a civil war, etc. Their main power is fear and division. Let's be unified and unafraid. Thanks for posting!

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I have tried talking to various friends and acquaintances about the jabs and vaccines in general about the side effects and dangerous outcomes. Usually I get this look on their faces that I don't know what I am talking about and the subject is dropped. The brainwashing is particularly difficult to overcome in our society and I think it will take years to overcome.

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Look for Dr. Michael Nehls. He’s done many interviews, including one with Tucker. He’s saying people’s hippocampus’ are affected and they are losing autobiographical memory. He has a talk on rumble that has slides and is very fascinating.

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And they are still recommending shots that do not protect the college community because they do not prevent transmission. So, it is not up to the college to decide personal medical interventions for students, yet they are doing so. Missing a year or two of college is worth it if you get to live. The parents and kids are taking a chance with life and limb, it is an act of stupidity. Wake up! There needs to be lawsuits against college mandates. I wonder is Gates or Pharma giving money to these colleges to bully the students into taking dangerous experimental mRNA shots? And if so, how do we prosecute?

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I agree there should be criminal charges. Somewhere there must be one honest law enforcement officer who will take the facts and make the charge. Next up is one honest prosecutor to present the case. These murderers know they are unlikely to be criminally charged so they keep doing it and they will do it again. The universities received incredible sums of money to kill their students and they were happy to serve.

I also have problems understanding why neither parents nor students at "elite" institutions didn't do their homework for the most part. They had every academic advantage and the ability to research past what the CDC told them. I hope someday these people will speak out about why they did not look at the available evidence of harm. I would like to know why going to a school run by genocidal maniacs was of any interest to them. Why is going to be learned in such an institution but blind obedience to murderous authority. I really would like to understand their point of view. It seems like during covid the upper classes totally failed themselves and others. It's striking and it needs to be understood.

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Apr 18Edited
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I agree with much of what you say. Here is my question. In Japan: "April 17, 2024, marked a turning point in Japan as individuals harmed by COVID vaccine side effects unveiled a class action lawsuit against the government at a press event. Japanese citizen journalist Lizzy, who provided video clips (SOURCE) and reporting on the conference, highlighted this as a moment of significant shift,with numerous mainstream media finally addressing the issue." from Aussie17 Substack.

In Italy there is a prosecution. And a few other places have filed criminal charges against officials. So what is up with the US? I know we are a violent society and you're correct to point out that our authorities often do work through violence to get compliance. They certainly did so during covid. However, we see other people in other nation having courageous law enforcement/prosecutors who are taking action. So it's not correct to say that everywhere works the same way. There is something about this society in particular which is stopping law enforcement/prosecutors from doing their job. We do have some good people in these fields but they are not acting. I don't know why they aren't in the US but are in other nations.

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I have yet to see a vaxed obese person die suddenly. This is statistically impossible given that 40% of the US population is technically obese.

What is different about them? Is the fat pad over their shoulder muscle so thick that the needle never penetrates the muscle and the lipid nanoparticles are injected into adipose tissue, thus preventing them from migrating into the cardiovascular system? If the lipid nanoparticles do get into the bloodstream, are they negatively affected, perhaps dissolved excess fatty acids, allowing the immune system to destroy the mRNA inside before it reaches it's target cells? Or, do the majority of the obese take a common drug that affects the vaccine ingredients, such as statins?

The lipid nanoparticles are equivalent to human sperm because they carry to and insert instructions in cells that cause the cells to manufacture something, much like how sperm travel to and impregnate an egg. Like sperm, the injected lipid nanoparticles must avoid all the body's defenses and survive until they reach the intended target, connect to it, and transfer their payload into the cell.

Also included in the vaccine nanoparticles is a Nobel Prize winning chemical called pseudouridine that protects the particles from immune attack.

Natural uridine is in high concentrations in the seminal fluid of males. It has a positive correlation to percentage motile spermatozoa. In other words, it is essential to the ability of sperm to survive and reach the egg, just as pseudouridine in the Vax ensures the lipid nanoparticles with included mRNA will reach cells intact. To further ensure viability the vials of mRNA Vax were frozen, exactly how donated sperm is frozen to preserve it for future use.

In humans, the dietary intake of saturated fat is negatively correlated with total sperm count and concentration.

Fertile men have higher concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids while infertile men have a higher omega-6:omega-3 ratio, which means consuming omega-6 oils reduces sperm count. Omega-6 oils are sunflower, safflower, soy, sesame, corn oils, and rapeseed, aka canola oil. Go figure that the sperm count and birth rates of Western countries are falling. And also in Japan, where rapeseed oil is the top oil in terms of both demand, production, and consumption.

Given the above, and the fact that seed oils stay in the body for 600+ days, obese people would have an excess amount of both saturated and Omega 6 fatty acids both stored and circulating in their bodies from their diet. Is this what is protecting them from the Covid vaccines?

It would be interesting to observe a drop of the vaccine placed on a slide with canola oil or rendered animal fat under a microscope.

-I've considered that obese people are obviously not professional athletes and underrepresented as celebrities and as social media influencers, and thus it is less likely for their sudden deaths to be publicized. But they're not being caught dying on security cameras either.

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Yup the jab folks know needle length should be increased in obese people.

"If given incorrectly, intramuscular injections may result in poor absorption of drug, reduced drug effectiveness, or irritation to surrounding tissues. In this study, IM injection techniques were observed and documented for needle length, injection site, needle insertion, and stretching or bunching of the skin during injection in a population of adult females. The patients' weights and BMIs were recorded to determine the amount of subcutaneous fat at the injection site. In 22 patients of varied weights, 90% of injections were given within current Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) guidelines in normal and underweight patients, and 17% were given within ACIP guidelines in overweight and obese patients. The study concluded that the needle length used is often too short in overweight and obese individuals." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24156877/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8580854/#b0055

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You are so correct. It all makes sense now.

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Wasn't a bad idea to become a college dropout in 2021 and 2022.

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I'd take that over taking the jab. Too bad so many people lost their livelihoods as a result of Resident Briben's vaccine mandates.

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TAGGS has spent $24.5 Billion on COVID Vaccination mandates at College and University level education. Is this why COVID Vaccination mandates appear at schools across the nation? Yale alone has received $1.7 Billion from HHS since 2020.

Yale received $607 million from HHS for this year alone(2022)—versus the $475 million that the university received from tuition. Now, you know why students were mandated "Vaccinations".

Here is part of an essay from Yale Alumni Naomi Wolf:

The interesting part is the enormous money given to schools by HHS. Amounts that far exceed the entire student tuition paid for the year. It is essentially bribe money for "vaccine" compliance.

In 2022 Yale received $607 million. Chapel hill (UNC) received $ 570 million.

You can search the TAGGS site.

He sought us out—we moms, we dads, we straggling, loving renegades—and asked what he could do to protect himself. He said that Yale’s policies were forcing students not only to submit to the bivalent booster, but also to the flu vaccine. He asked about this with the sincerity of a truly very young man who really needed well-intentioned older adults to inform him and to help him, and we had—we had so little real help to give him.

In his earnest, youthful questions there was the embodiment of this crazy paradox of this situation: this young man who may have been there on an athletic scholarship; a young athlete who cared for, cultivated and took pride in his strength and in his body’s capacities—was being forced to take something into his body that could harm him forever. For no reason.

And he probably knew it.

In trafficking cases, you follow the money. As I said in my speech, I had not yet looked at the money trail that would surely be behind such an egregious policy—but I was sure that I would find one. In every case of institutions coercing workers or students or congregants, the institution had taken vast sums of what were in effect bribes—money from the CARES act or from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with strings attached to push “COVID measures.”

When I came home, later, my husband, intelligence analyst Brian O’Shea, quickly found the money trail—from a site called TAGGS that tracks government grants, and from Yale’s own documents. The crime scene he found is indeed stunning.

Yale receive more from HHS than it does from tuition. In 2020 Yale received $607 million from HHS for this year alone—versus the $475 million that the university received from tuition.

In other words, Yale needs HHS more than it needs its own students.

So Yale is trafficking the bodies of its students, to please HHS and to keep that spigot open.

Taken from Naomi Wolf's article:


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This is sickening! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PARENTS????!!!! Stop letting “the state” raise your children!

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The first two cases are local to me (Charlotte).

In the case of the young women who died, if it wasn’t the covid shot it may have been hormonal birth control, which every year kills a few hundred of them. That’s something else the Pharma companies don’t get around to mentioning very much.

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