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They will admit it as they climb the steps of their gallows.

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Right, Let's get back to that end watch what happens, I think that Crime might go down if there WERE REAL CONSEQUENCES , No Matter Who you are. Always Remember too, VENGANCE IS MINE SAYETH THE LORD.

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No need to admit to any.


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They are only guilty of giving orders. The ones who carry out the orders are guilty of the crimes. I'm not defending them, I am defending logic. We are not aware that we are the problem. But we are also the solution. Giving away our power to these con men and women means we are still backward and stupid. We can take it back anytime we choose. The whole economy is based on oneupmanship and that is not sustainable. We need to think in terms of peer-to-peer if we want out of this trap.

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VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.

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As most Drs and pharmacies are.

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But at least the veterans receive a choice to be vaccinated or not. Also the care is excellent.

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The veterans never had informed consent.

VA had safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot. A VA employee, Fran Cunningham, emailed the CDC with the data.

VA still forced their employees to take the covid shot because of federal government mandate.

VA never warned veterans they could be harmed.

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No one else was warned either. It wasn't just the VA. I certainly hope you don't still receive care from the VA if you are that angry with them. Maybe you shouldn't trust them for your care. Lots of other people and places to be upset about concerning the vaccines. Not just the VA.

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You are not even a veteran.

You have no skin in this game.

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But my husband is and my father was. And several other members of my family.

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And the ACOG still wants pregnant women to get the Death Vax .

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As most medical and pharmacies do also.

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No kidding !!!

My hospital, doctor and pharmacy still are sending me emails and texts just about every other week telling me and my family to get vaccinated to keep myself my family, friends and community safe.

The only way to stay safe is to stay away from them.

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Of course they are.... It's all part of their Depopulation Agenda!!!

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Criminal charges by state AGs is the only answer.

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Depopulation, eugenics and murder is a crime.

Tell it to the judge

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We have the same opinion.

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Once again, this doctor evidences what law students said among themselves -the really smart students went to medical school. Dr. Prasad's last line sums it up to the we were working with what we knew which doesn't fit with the sex parties/liaisons/dinners at ritzy places. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is excellent on the First Amendment and Dr. Kheirty on religious freedoms. I do appreciate the pottymouth demonstrating that sometimes curse words just express it best.

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Identify each by their own voting records. Indict by Petition by millions.

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Yes., no amnesty for covid tyrants. And most of them are well known. Hang them all. No mercy for depopulators and genocidors. Otherwise they will do it again and again.

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Personally, I think hard labor is more appropriate. I believe if a soul is killed, the soul will come back, possibly worse. Punishment is important (and I don’t mean “my rights”, “kiss ass” punishment). I also don’t mean torture.

I mean punishment > Natural Law (missing in society now).

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Bukele shows the way.

Objectively I think public stocks displaying the criminals are humane.

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Intelligence has been bred out of most doctors.

They are destroying the lives of their own kind. Willfully.

That’s how unhuman they have become.

They’ve all been fucking the wrong people. That’s funny, but true.

Which is precisely why they are having an impossible time fucking with those of us devoted to pissing on their graves.


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I’d NEVER waste my piss on an evil killer. Lol!

I don’t EVER want to become (I won’t) like this evil in the world.

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I can’t wait to piss on Fauci‘s grave. Then I’m going to buy the cemetery, put a urinal over his decaying remains, and charge admission.

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LOL! Best idea evah!

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The engineered collapse of the USA is but months away. I doubt anyone will be held accountable by their fellow humans. But the Lords of Karma have a surprise for them.

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What if they admit they were wrong, the covid jabs, vaccine IDs and mrna are kaput, they give up their jobs and pay a fine? I would think that an obtainable exchange for amnesty, which they don't deserve in any way. Otherwise, I want trials and execution or life in prison where appropriate. Millions are dead. This was done for purposes of monetary profit and genocide, because they arrogated to themselves that exclusive decision. Our biggest problem is psychos with too much power.

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Forgiveness is between God and the sinner, that is a personal act then comes the consequences from government and judicial authorities. Forgiveness and secular consequences are two seperate issues.

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There must be consequences or they will do it again and again.

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No amnesty.

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I would never agree to granting amnesty for these crimes. Guilty doctors should lose their licenses AND face criminal penalties involving jail time, financial retribution, and community service.

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