Thanks Lioness, for illuminating this great man's work.

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Vernon Coleman is a an absolute hero; I just love the man. May God protect and keep him well for many years to come.

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Thanks for your efforts to help!

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Old joke: What's the difference between a doctor and God?

A: God doesn't think he's a doctor:).

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It is amazing how much everything start to look like the Nazis right? They were also into this.

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Many of the supporters of the Third Reich were predatory industrialists from "free" nations such as the U.S. and U.K. Rockefeller definitely was one - many American soldiers were killed in war with weapons provided their enemies by American industrialists. I do believe this is a long-time conspiracy of the rich against the rest of us. They have used the law to transform the human race into helpless dependents. The things we could easily do even 50 years ago, we need done for us now. Only way out is to leave, find a way to take care of ourselves. We've accepted bad food and bad health care in exchange for our freedom. Being free is a lot harder. Can we get it back?

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War is a racket. Follow the money.

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We must regain freedom. The dystopian ideology of the globalists are not worth living. Its outright slavery!

But its very true - they have created a system where people can live very easy, and that is by design, making your own food and fixing your own stuff takes alot of time and effort today! And money! The land you can have today is more expensive !!

Imagine in the 80s, farmers could live on 50 hectares and like 15-20 cows --- that could make them a living! Today farms are giga factories with 300+ hectares and a lonely farmer in a big tractor and hundreds of cows in one stable! And they cant make money without subsidiaries, which they become depending on and then now government can fuck them however they want!!

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Being from Michigan, I remember when Dr Jack Kevorkian wanted to help suffering people with terminal illness, and he was named "Dr Death" and they demonized him. At least he had a good heart, knowing the medical system was going to kill them anyway, and likely painfully, he wanted to give them a painless death. Now, it's like ordering McDonalds!

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I have to disagree with the "good heart" part. Kevorkian had an unnatural obsession with death and apparently got a thrill watching people die. It's unlikely compassion was his main motivation.

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Kevorkian did have a good heart..

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I know that was the story we were fed by the media, prosecutors and the medical establishment. In the last few years we've learned...they lie. I didn't know him personally, so can't say for sure, but...does that make what I said really any less believable than your version. We know the medical establishment was killing them slowly with poisons, and unafordable experimental treatments...sure one might get a life extension, out of how many thousands who suffer, needlessly and hopelessly? Which was their choice, he didn't search them out and take away their hope. I've watched someone suffer, no thanks.

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Also wondering if this will be part of the organ harvesting, eh hmm, "organ donor" program? Those who don't have family there will have no idea what is really happening to these people. ??

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Organs aren't viable for anything anymore. Everyone is contaminated.

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That doesn't seem to be stopping the practice though. ? Unsuspecting people will receive who knows what? Just like blood donation...no idea what's going to befall people who need transfusions during surgery? I give blood and since the vaccines, it appears that many have a difficult time. The last 2 Xs, I have seen them poke people 2 and 3 Xs, before they find blood that even wants to flow, apparently. I took a book this last time and only read 2 pages and I was done. Thankfully no clotting from shedding of whatever the story is.

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This is coming from NICE - National Institute for Clinical Excellence. NICE is not really very nice at all. They are a bunch of greedy and merciless murderers.

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Jacqui Deevor in the UK is investigating these Midazolam murders. They killed her father. Here's the link to her 2024 documentary Playing God - An Investigation into Medical Democide in the UK https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/playing-god

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Imagine signing a DNR that includes, "and if this surgery doesn't go as planned", I agree to euthanasia.

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Having been a witness to an assisted suicide, I hope it's available if I end up in similar circumstances. A family member had terminal cancer, advanced, and heavy meds were no longer cutting the pain. It was sad, but it was time. Rather than writhe in agony for more days, maybe weeks, or, if she could get the meds, lie in a drug induced coma, she took the last act that she could and left us. The mixture she took put her into a deep sleep, and after about 40 minutes or so, she was gone. To me, any civilized country should have this option. What's going on in Canada, however, is a very different kettle of fish.

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If ever euthanasia is legal and accepted, medical doctors who are tasked with the purpose of sustaining and preserving life should have NO part in it. Doctors used to take an oath to that effect, but that's become meaningless. In that vein, I don't know how any woman can trust an obstetrician to adequately value the precious life of her unborn child when the same medical practitioner is willing to kill the unborn children of other women.

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Our Heavenly Father gives life and takes life. No one else should.

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This is absolutely another threat that they have been working on for decades, how convenient to just discard your elderly… And we can convince them that it’s the unselfish thing to do… Meanwhile, they force vaccines on people saying if you didn’t get it, you could kill grandma or grandpa…

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Yes and in UK now they wont pay so the elderly can get heat, so now its totally ok if they die from a vax injury, ehm i mean climate change, or freeze to death.

Its exactly this propaganda crap that should have made people think! Yet most would have happy turned is into the trains going to the kz camps. And they cant see that they are like the Nazis.

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They are only going to give you a “choice” which will later turn into an obligation.

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Beware of any organization containing the names Public, World, Global.

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Logan's Run. They will have euthanasia targets and keep moving the age downwards. They want to control everything - births, deaths, climate, carbon, money, credit, food. But being trans is ok, lol.

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Humanity vs. the deep state.

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Great feature and TRUE.

Just like the toxic shot people are being COERCED, FORCED and literally abandonded and chastized IF THEY SAY NO.

It is SUICIDE not mercy killing . SUICIDE is not humane or Gods plan.

Natural death ONLY is peaceful and this is not peaceful. The drugs paralize so one cannot move or talk but the would be screaming STOP.

BULLETS and a firing squad would be far better .

This is PLANNED GOVT extinction and has been all along .

MAiD in Canada is now the 5th leading cause of all death. Worse it does not cover all the thousands and thousands of drug death by overdose and Fentanly etc.

This is Satan and the NEW WORLD ORDER of totalitarianism. You are being placed in chains.

Wake up and FIGHT because one day it will be YOU, or your precious family .

Thank you Vernon. May Angels watch over you.

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