Thank you Dee, I know Australia has become a problematic nation like many western nations.
Dee, the problem is that few if any care to speak Truth to power let alone identify the bad things happening all around us. For example, anyone taking the tact I do would accuse me of being "racisssssss". (the fools cannot even pronounce that word correctly (they miss the "t") let alone understand the real racists are the bigots who push affirmative action. Those types in pushing it are tacitly admitting that minorities need a head start to compete with others. Thus they are the real racists prejudicial against whites.
Affirmative action programs are racist. Period. If you look at any agency embracing that program you will see that agency has non qualified people that pose a liability. I see this all the time in law enforcement where the necessity is that officers should not have weak unqualified employees whose failures endanger the well being and very lives of not only those they serve but also of those they work with.
What about medical school? Would anyone not want the best there is to perform critical operations in lieu of a defective and unqualified top qualified doctor? That is a no brainer.
So true
Love from Queensland Australia
Thank you Dee, I know Australia has become a problematic nation like many western nations.
Dee, the problem is that few if any care to speak Truth to power let alone identify the bad things happening all around us. For example, anyone taking the tact I do would accuse me of being "racisssssss". (the fools cannot even pronounce that word correctly (they miss the "t") let alone understand the real racists are the bigots who push affirmative action. Those types in pushing it are tacitly admitting that minorities need a head start to compete with others. Thus they are the real racists prejudicial against whites.
Affirmative action programs are racist. Period. If you look at any agency embracing that program you will see that agency has non qualified people that pose a liability. I see this all the time in law enforcement where the necessity is that officers should not have weak unqualified employees whose failures endanger the well being and very lives of not only those they serve but also of those they work with.
What about medical school? Would anyone not want the best there is to perform critical operations in lieu of a defective and unqualified top qualified doctor? That is a no brainer.
The secular humanists are insane.