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Read this. Note turdo the babyaphobe is a bigoted stalinist lying stooge trying to persecute a charitable organization that helps pregnant women get off the street and feeds them and buys them baby food, diapers etc.

Turdo is damned in his current existence. I am not judging him because it is already written that murderers will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.

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I dare say that most males consider women as receptacles for their dirty plumbing and abortion is the selfish criminal act of a male coward. Abortion was lauded by feminists but the fools never seemed to get it that the process desecrated women. I know women that had abortion and others that used it as a birth control process.

Do not think I am a hypocrite because my chosen fiancee did become in the family way due to my taking liberties. So I just moved the marriage date up and we never even discussed it. The child was a son, who I trust so much that I walked into a lawyers office decades ago and made him co owner of all I owned so when I die, the damned CYSTem cannot claim fees for probate, as he becomes owner of all immediately. It is airtight.

There are many abominations out there, but abortion takes first prize. Scriptures state that God gives a spirit of life at conception and that spirit returns to Him to be judged at the time of temporal death.

I have never been able to understand how any male could accept abortion or in the event of the woman refusing it, abandon her and their child to the dangers of the world out there. The first sin is the abortion but on its tail comes the desecration of the would be mother.

At times I wonder how many can do what they do...sex trafficking, pimping, rape, drug dealing etc and still look in a mirror without puking. How can such people be happy? The reality is that the devil does get his dues in the end and at times in our temporal existences, while God does usually not intervene in the affairs of humanity, every once in awhile He comes along and does. I have seen this happen once but am sure it happens from time to time.

Dismal day, lying here typing and looking out the window but I am bound for town to do work estimates and to meet with a sassy ass gal to have her move my investment assets from a corrupt organization to hers which then will be held for me to sell, or buy more. I trust her and she trusts me. We are non romantic friends and she is a brat at times and I do not hesitate to tell her that. The day she told me she wanted to be friends I took my hat off, pointed to my grey hair, and told her that she wanted me as a friend because I was harmless. I never even got the "s" out of my mouth before she stepped close to me, stuck her finger in my face and said, "But I know better." She is so quick and witty. We both laughed and therein was the beginning of a close friendship that will last to my end. She occasionally calls to suggest I take her out which I do, and enjoy the pleasure of each other's company fine dining.

It is not a secret that a man and woman being friends results in a stronger mind, soul and spirit friendship than same sex friends. With her and one other who is closest to me, that is also the case. Both are much younger and deadly. By that I mean a woman who is intelligent is dangerous but one who is also focused is deadly. I told them both that! They laughed but were flattered. Both have been abused and hurt in terrible ways and I figure that understanding and babying them, respecting them, and confiding in them satisfies their emotional needs as it does me.

I need to get up but will say the closeness is indescribable but without any inappropriate activities. The closest once asked me in our deliberations to set boundaries, if I thought her and I would cross the lines drawn and end up as lovers. It was the last question she asked me in her examination of me before giving her approval. Well, I am a smart ass from time to time and I told her immediately, that could never happen! She asked why? It came so easy and I told her "if I ever went to bed with you I would be committing suicide!!!" Her big brown eyes opened wider, her mouth opened, and she glanced at the hotel receptionist who heard the whole thing. She then erupted in laughter and could not stop. When she did, I knew she wanted me to be her ONLY friend and told me.

That was decades ago but she started by telling me her past and the abuse she had suffered. It tore chunks off my heart but sealed the deal which also will last to my end.

Decades later I learned why they both desired me as a "confidante." It was because they knew whatever was in my head would come out my mouth whether it got me in trouble or not. They saw that as honesty and I have learned that when a woman trusts a man, he is but a few inches away from her love. And I am, but it has not created any problem unless you consider deep and open feelings and emotions as such.

Always Edward

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