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For some time many of us have been mourning the descent of our nation, the USA, and the descent of the rest of the world as well. So here I am warbling along with others. I think at some point or another, most of us have some terrible trauma or tragedy. Seems to be part of the human condition. Praying for revival.

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Yes. The application of multiple realities caused not by circumstance but by the evil machinations of the enemies of all that is good elected by fools has imposed serious consequences on innocent people. The deviation from what was/is good and planned destruction of many western nations has created many victims caught in the wake of events they were not responsible for.

I can list multiple names of the guilty...ovomit, his ASSministration, turdo and his band of idiots, macron, merkel, etc and so it goes. Policies of planned insanity have swept the world into the sewers with the associated victimization of millions. The dangerous fake jab has made its mark on innocent babies, young people, men and women and the elderly. But everything is corrupt. Religion, politics, entertainment, government, the courts, law enforcement, etc have traded their values and souls for thirty pieces of silver, and as it is written, "the love of money is the root of all evil."

Illegal aliens have been granted access to once stable nations, creating serious problems that are unsolvable, save with the deportation of these all to their countries of origination.

Mourning is the initial response but correction of the problems by any means necessary is the temporal solution needed to get everything back to normal. That has been and will be opposed but it is the start of the solution needed. Fretting, and stagnating in the mess made over the last ten years will result only in deeper problems.

To know why all this has and is happening goes back to the time where we did nothing to oppose evil and brought judgement on ourselves (the world) and we are now paying the piper for. Is the worst over? International bankruptcy may yet add its penalties to many nations.

This is all a repeat of history and the calamities of God's people...bondage, slavery, abominations, defiance and rebellion against God, embrace and tolerance of sin, etc that we have and are suffering at this point in time.

Evil rulers have been chosen, and the only light now on comes once again from the USA in the person of President Trump. But can one man hold back the tide? Moses did it, King Solomon did it, as did other leaders as recorded in scriptures BUT it was only made possible by God and only successful when His will was obeyed. What was and is His will? It is written in the Holy Bible. Nothing else will work. And it will start with the USA or end with it but begin with each and every one of us by honoring Him in all His Ways, living as we are instructed to.

Prepare to meet thy God once again as it is written rings true. I need not elaborate, but many nations have embraced evil instead of good and caused the Wrath of God to abide on everyone.

I am not being melodramatic, but sorrow has come to every house because we decided innocent unborn children are expendable, alternate sexual lifestyles (deathstyles) are acceptable, and love of money is the order and chosen idolatry of the day. I am done. What I have said here is to be found in scriptures anyone can read but rank porn in and of itself has been chosen instead, illicit activity added to that, and the preoccupation with this medium I now use to communicate the Truth has captured many now in the chains of the bondages of their own forging.

Am I right or wrong? Anything said is either true or false, right or wrong, black or white. There is no middle ground with God, we are either for Him or against Him. We either live or die. To live unto Him is wise, to not is rewarded unto ourselves in eternal damnation. True and just Lord art thou and thy ways, and unto thee alone is praise, worship, honor and thanksgiving.

If I am wrong tell me, if I in any way have defended sin, condemn me. Mother told me "you have made things hard for yourself" but I cannot or will not surrender or live a damned life of going along to get along as many have and are doing. "Just shut up Edward and things will be fine. " I would gladly do so but know it is evil to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season as I see many doing. If I have to go down, I will go down swinging straight ahead not veering to the left or right.

As goes the song, "They made only one of me, packed me one to a box, and they will know I've been here before I'm through,

I may walk or I may crawl, I may stand, or I may fall, but let no man tell me what to do."

Does my stand make me a hero? Not at all. But it does make me wise and not in my own eyes wherein lieth destruction that cometh with pride, the mother of all sin.

While life now on this wretched planet is "a long rocky road that has no turning, teardrops on my pillow tell me so..." do not feel alone, I am no better than any of you reading this and I have my own row to hoe, for I have and am facing battles that need being fought.

It is time to stop, for I have said all I need to. But once again I turn to heap praise on the fairer gender, for there is no lovelier than the sanctified woman who lives a Godly life in her existence. Once again I refer you to the existence of the perfect woman, according to King Solomon in the last half of the last Chapter of Revelation wherein he describes his own mother.

Read it and understand there are many more scriptures on every subject in life to be found in the Holy Bible given by God for our benefit. Why then do WE(I include myself as falling short) fail to walk the paths identified therein? I leave you all with that question for our eternal reward or punishment lieth in our own hands.

Always Edward

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Thirty-something years ago home school moms were keeping in touch with each other and with their legislators. We had a phone chain started by one of us calling three and each of those three. Even then and since when one tries to talk to family and sometimes friends about this stuff they would whine, "I'm not interested in politics..."

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