Thanks Lioness, for posting this man's video.

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The fake great reset only reset my dogged determination to ignore it all and never comply. The great reset has fallen in importance to well lower than bowling pin resets.

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I think you under-estimate them. Remember, Monster Gates has already told us to expect a two-parter, the second part much worse than the first. The Great Reset is all teed up and ready to go.

"The Great Taking" documentary:


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In my opinion, no one died directly of Covid, either in 2020 or since. But millions HAVE died from the bio-weapon called a "vaccine".

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Lioness- perhaps a resource to share the truth about the white fibrous clots the embalmers have been finding. They are also being found by cath lab workers in the living.


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Dr Vernon Coleman is a beacon of light in this dark world.

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Vernon Coleman has been rock solid since this whole Covid thing began. Other “Covid warriors” have conveniently forgotten or changed their tune to comply with the approved counter-narrative, you can spot the liars by how many followers they have on social media. Think about it, how can a truth teller garner hundreds of thousands of followers and not be completely cancelled? They can’t.

Go Vernon Coleman! Go Mike Yeadon. Go JJ Couey. Go Jessica Hockett. Go Housatonicits.

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I love the old man in the chair! Thx❤️

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you tried to warn/tell us democide 101

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I love his info but I disagree on the AIDS date. Read Dr Mary's Monkey..

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Let us pray 🙏 that all of this will begin to unravel quickly for the sake of humanity. And thank you Dr Vernon. I ordered the book "They want to kill us". An excellent read. In Canada where I live we have the Maid program Medical assistance in dying. Easily accessible for those who want to check out early.

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Suicide is never a good idea. The consequences after death are serious.

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Is the great reset the bolshevik's plan for depopulation?

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Rather the Zionists plan for depopulation.

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Meh, Zionists, NAZIs, Bolsheviks - all Elohim/Archon psyops.

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Democide, I say

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Keep going Vernon

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"And thank you for watching an old man in a chair." Ha, ha, ha 😆 As long as God is with us, we win.

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GOD's blessings to you Lioness - a courageous & dedicated TRUTH Warrior. In GOD we Trust - dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves ...

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Our epoch’s epic hero, God bless him !

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