Oct 5Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I think where you threw me off was when you wrote ‘did not do what it was intended to do’… it was never intended to do anything other than the death and destruction it has caused.

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The doctors and nurses giving the shots have taken them themselves with many experiencing mental illness. So, we have the mentally ill in charge of our health.

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We still have a long fight in front of us👍🤗

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When an Experiment is Mandated on populations, their leaders should face Public Executions.

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I agree. Time to get the rope.

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Mentally ill and some physically incapacitated. We need to figure out which people they listed as exempt from getting the vax. I heard it was over 11,000. Many of them no doubt know the dubious reason this poison was ever released. The Georgia Guidestones told it all. There is an evil that lurks in our government and with globalists that has misguided so many of them into killing off 6.5 billion of us. It was based on a lie. So now they want war. Perhaps they should all be hauled before the world court to be judged by the rest of us as to whether they should live or be hung for their crimes against humanity (their own words). I for one plan to be there for what they’ve done to my loves ones. I feel no pity for them.

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The only thing missing is for the citizens if each of the 182 countries impacted according to DJT in 2020, to deliver their CRIMINAL leaders to satisfy the December 2021 Filing @The International Criminal Court by Dr. Michael Yeadon and 17,000 Frontline Doctors. We MUST find these Nefarious Actors and DRAG them if necessary to meet their fate of CERTAIN PUBLIC EXECUTION. Deliver the ORIGINAL ELEVEN to grease the Bearings of The Wherls of Justice as They are Indeed Quite Rusty.

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Jabs attacked the mitochondria in our bodies, including the brain . Death by a thousand cuts ,…. unless you die of sudden death from clots .

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Which would be a blessing. Lifelong sickness and astronomical medical bills is a horrible outcome.

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Thank you!!! The people in my family my daughter is now aloof cold and distant!! Her vaccination so she could work has destroyed my mother daughter bond!!!! May satan and the counterparts rot in hell and hurt forever🖕🏼

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I’m very sorry. I had a very angry girl as well after 1 jab but she detoxes regularly we all do it keeps it in control. So far

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Some we know who took the jab are clearly not all there anymore. Thank God we opted out of the global I.Q. Test. Those who participated surely failed.

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Thank you, Lioness.

For re-publishing this man's work, a million thanks.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

SUPER GUT: A FOUR WEEK PLAN by William Davis, MD. Antibiotics are killing people. --- The hospitals might as well have knocked our daughter in the head in what they did to her already injured brain. BayCare in Dunedin, FL treated cerebral spinal fluid coming from her ear as an ear infection. ID docs "confirmed" it with another insurance-covered CT scan (=100 x-rays) which showed fluid on the mastoids; the lab never could culture any bacteria from the CSF. IF the neurologist hadn't been on vacation while our daughter was being lucratively vented by BayCare Alliant, he might have explained CSF to the infectious disease doctors. The antibiotic was to be stopped since no bacteria could be cultivated, but staff forgot and continued to administer it. They were using something for general hospital infections. An older ID doctor no longer with that ID group, had, when our daughter arrived there, told us she SHOULD NOT be getting any more antibiotics, as she had already been on them a long time. It took over 3 months to get the raging fungal infections under control. Weeks before our daughter was released, the mom got kicked out for complaining and being upset about "covid patients" being moved in; the night before some nurses were close to tears as they told the mom about that. Bookhammer's parting words were that the mother had always been a problem. The man, who claimed his son was a Christian evangelist, lined up staff in the hall to intimidate, frighten, and traumatize the mother out the door, so she could no longer advocate / be a nuisance for her adult daughter. Good riddance, lady! She had complained about a staple being left in her daughter's head weeks after the accident by "wound care." And unlike the hospital protocols we were taught in the early 1970s when candy striping for girl scouts, these guys no longer worry about microbes around the room or hospital. Monitor wires laying on the floor are routinely picked up and put on the bed of a patient when it is necessary to move the patient; but those doing so are wearing masks apparently to prove their commitment to good care! Later, two other hospitals went crazy with antibiotics when no bacterial infection could be found, they did stop. Our daughter was "charged" by the DNR doctors too. Do you get that? The first hospital is making our daughter pay them for trying to talk us into letting them have her organs.

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Wooahhh…this sounds like a nightmare…is your daughter okay now? Recovering?

I don’t trust any doctor that didn’t stand up to the Covid fraud…

Maybe the Dr’s who took the shot, are mentally impaired now too!

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Above is only a small part of the nightmare created by "the medical system" and "the probate courts." Praying for recovery every day. Thanks for your compassion. This has all made us more aware of the terrible suffering all around us. Revival is needed.

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It's our governments, not doctors and nurses who should be arrested.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

I was thinking today that having mental health issues has been normalized, like most abnormal things these days. Kids talk about their diagnosis as if it's a good thing. There was a time when talking about health issues wasn't common conversation and being healthy was coveted. I also wonder if Simone Biles wasn't part of this "normalization" by talking about her "struggles". Add to that all the celebrities talking about their illnesses publicly. We all have issues, but most can/should be kept close/private. Encouraging non resilience is crippling everyone.

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Yep, and kids having heart attacks, myocarditis. Like it's always been a thing.

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At this late stage, the proof that one is mentally ill, is in the fact they're still willing to roll up their sleeve for ANY jabs.

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100%. They won’t listen to reason either

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But still be keep speaking the truth and TRYING to wake them up, even though many will actually punish us for our efforts;-) It's the right thing to do. And our collective survival depends upon the majority simply REFUSING to obey the dictates of pharma, perhaps the most potent arm of the depopulation agenda at the moment. Next comes starvation, nuclear war, etc.

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2 Thessalonians 2:10-13

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. ...

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Wonder how many shots are involved.

Assume it's cumulative.

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This time will NOT be as Nuremberg where only a few of the worst are done with.

Every nook and cranny will be explored, and the world will do away with the


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The study found that vaccination reduced the risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

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@Joe Monts Anyone letting those demons inject him already had significant cognitive impairment. Mark of the Beast.

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Part of the means to enforce the mark

Catholic Record

Sept 1,1923

Sunday is our "mark" of authority. The church is above the Bible and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact.

Revelation 14:6-12

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The proof is that if you take ANY vaccine or mRNA injection you have a mental issue. You are completely indoctrinated.

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