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Oct 20, 2023
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What are you talking about?

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Oct 20, 2023
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Kiss my ass in Macy's window at rush hour. Stop getting high. Humans are humans and we cannot corral everyone into your dilusions. Every nationalty has scum, but that does not mean everyone should be demonised. God created each and everyone of us. He also gave us Free Will, that is why we choose to go to Hell or not. There is such a thing as forgiveness and repentenance. I have no intention to be controlled or give up my freedom as Jesus The King will help me meet what everver is in store. This does not mean you should not defend yourself. This means keep Jesus in your heart and keep the commonsense God gave you.

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A ashkeNAZI ? Bye bye

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God bless you...I am literally carrying around now for 3 years an unutterable rage. Thank you for giving voice to why I cant let it go

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Thank you. Thank you for stating the obvious truth.

Thank you for your courage.

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Nothing to add here. speechless

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Spot on.

Allopaths are paid big pharma and hospital assassins.

Especially general pediatricians.

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If “medical professionals” would lie to us about one thing, they would lie to us about anything. No more jabs for our family. Doing our best to convince our children of the same. Yes there are good physicians but the corporate medical complex has drastically changed (for worse)the delivery of medical care. Doctors know this but the incentives are great. Judgement day will be harsh for most.

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He is not wrong!

Thanks Lioness, for spreading the word.

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Tommy Douglas is a moral hero to the left in Canada and has been described by some as the "Father of Medicare." The Public Health Saint, Tommy Douglas did his Master's Thesis on eugenics, "The Problems of the Subnormal Family" in March of 1933, coincidentally about the same time Hitler became Chancellor.

In the world of “free” medical care in the Soviet Union after the Bolsheviks took over, people often had to have connections to obtain many of the medicines prescribed by physicians to save their family members and friends.

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This is what state medicine turns into. Charity and medicine should be private where people voluntarily donate to help those less fortunate, no gov. contributions. When this was done by the Churches there was little or none corruption. A lot of semi poor gave as they thanked God that they were fortunate and had a few pennies to donate. It attracted really dedicated professionals on a a partime basis, but enough to cater to the poor and destitute and they got to know the scammers and the genuine. Then the real racists saw an opportunty to be the top of the heap. The racists were also black as Margie Sanger was preaching to corrupt the black preachers and did they ever go along with it. The eugenists wanted to elimate anyone of any race that did not fit their agenda. They saw $ and people of all races went along with them. Now tell me who the racists are? It is always follow the money. Health care is a corrupt business <some magnificant exceptions, but not enough>. The LOVE of MONEY is the the absolute pact with the devil.

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The link you provide to buy the book is Amazon UK. I checked out Amazon US and the book is not listed. Does anyone know if Amazon UK will accept orders shipped to the US?

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If you want I will get it for you and ship to you. Just let me know

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That would be very nice of you. How might I reimburse you for the book and shipping?? You can send me an email with that information. karen.bracken@reagan.com

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I am sorry for my temper tantrum replying to Cindy and I hope your readers accept my apoligises.

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Your "temper tantrum " was justified IMHO

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I am sorry for my temper tantrum replying to Cindy and I hope your readers accept my apoligises.

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I am not sorry for my tantrum, but I am sorry for my bad launguage.

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Dr Coleman: you've been right on from the beginning, and for decades you've been right, speaking truth to power, so that's why they're not so fond of your truth, the truth about the medical profession and the killing, and much more.

What needs to be understood is that the Nazis who were never arrested and imprisoned or executed for their crimes continued to be Nazis, and that they are still around today, but they are not just after the Jews, the Roma gypsies, or others, but depopulationist psychos with the very popular euphemism for Nazi killing values: Secular humanistic bioethics. And actually "ethics," not what is ethical for any caring human being who recognizes the sanctity of life.

Modern Nazis don't wear a uniform, and after WW II, the Nazi doctors were imported in the thousands into the United States military laboratories and universities and given new names or identities and careers. But their values didn't change and THEY TRAINED the doctors and researchers to come. they were senior "scientists" and "doctors."

What people also need to understand is that instead of mass killing in locations like the death/concentration camps, they figured that to remain undetected and more successful in their demonic killing agenda, they had to use techniques that kill people one at a time, separate from others, and that these medical murders would go undetected. Using "closers" who are trained, intentional medical killers, health care systems and hospices especially, have killed off those patients who were no longer profitable, no longer needed.

The Euthanasia Society tried to legalize euthanasia since 1938, but the people couldn't stomach that so they came up with "Living Wills," Advanced Directives, Do not resuscitate orders, and POLST or MOLST/MOST forms to have "patients rights to self-determination" respected, but only if they didn't want care in such a way that their lives would end sooner.

The medical killing agenda was given a big help when George Soros funded his Open Society organizations such as Project on Death and Dying training doctors and nurses in secular palliative care and hospice (two different things). The Hastings Society as well as others and the serially re-named Euthanasia Society of America, then the Society for the Right to Die, then Choice in Dying, which morphed into the hospice lobbying group of Ira Byock, MD (secular humanist) Partnership for Caring by merging with it.

NOTE: the successor name of the Euthanasia Society of America, Choice in Dying, merged with a HOSPICE organization. The original life-affirming mission of hospice of Dr Cicely Saunders was tainted over decades in the 2000s to the present through continual infiltration of euthanasia advocates into the hospice organizations that trained the trainers of hospice staff throughout the USA (and in other nations as well). And that Partnership for Caring merged with another hospice organization to become Last Acts Partnership which was absorbed by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. Yes! the ONLY national hospice lobbying organization had absorbed what was the Euthanasia Society and did so because Secular hospice is Nazi hospice where good-hearted but naive staff can do their best for the patient and it would only take one "closer" to kill off the undesired patients who no longer serve a financial or other purpose.

Over decades of tainting hospice to become secular, Ira Byock, MD and others taught how to kill through permanent sedation into death where the patient dehydrates, but sleeps into death. instead of instant death, the appearance is a peaceful death but just as lethal and totally intentional and demonic, and often when the patient was/is not dying at all, but this is an imposed death.

Then, the hospice and palliative "care" tainted practices were mandated to be taught to every doctor and nurse and others as "pain management" with some good information, but also falsities about what opioids would do, that they could not cause death (although 100s of thousands die of recreational use of opioids like fentanyl and morphine, etc), or that sedating unnecessarily was a new "standard of practice" but was a lethal practice. And many more death imposing techniques.

All of this is now Stealth Euthanasia: undeclared medical killing with falsified medical records that say things like "patient in extreme pain" so lethal doses of opioids could be prescribed, ... or "patient extremely agitated" (when they were not) so permanent sedation into death could be ordered. and on and on. these practices in England are part of what has been called the Liverpool Pathway, but there are other names.

All of this is explained in detail in the e-book freely available at the site of the Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization at:


The "COVID" "pandemic" was simply a scam to get billions injected with synthetic nanotechnology, modified RNA, and other contaminants that were known and intended to cause massive harm, tendencies toward sterilization/infertility, turbo-cancers, sudden strokes, cardiac arrest, blood and synthetic rubbery "clots" of several inches long that cause loss of blood flow to legs and thereby amputation, disablity, and death to, in time to come, billions.

The depopulationists who are modern Nazis, control the health care systems, the banking systems, and have their agents in the governments, moving the agenda forward as Dr Coleman correctly states.

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Well who would have have thunk. Amazon UK has no book available for this GENTLEMAM . Admits on it's website it was published Oct. 10 2023. If this is the case it should be in the NY Times bestseller list. Anyone please anyone can you explaine this?

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