https://youtu.be/u3ybpTgrjrI?si=saW0Tf2R5JIX1Pm0 “ all you need to know” 🫣😳😬

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With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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Believing any of these lies, could get you murdered.

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Dr. Vernon Coleman - hero and role model!

First heard of him via No Agenda (https://www.noagendashow.net/) in 2020 (Episode 1246?).

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My independent comment box. Apologies Daniel.


Thank you for posting this Lioness.

Thank you for writing this Vernon.

It made me smile.

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You couldn’t have written it any better.👍

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Well, I don't believe those conspiracy theories, but I believe in a different set, which have turned out to be factual.

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Perfect! 🎯

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

I prefer the term conspiracy realist. Because COVID was definitely a conspiracy. It didn't just happen. Someone or some group planned it, and someone authorized it and pushed the START button on the "pandemic". We know the rest. When they started "vaccinating" zoo animals against "Covid" I knew this was a step up to a new level of biomadness.

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I really envy normies. Because they think that Covid was a real event, that there was a new virus, a new dangerous disease, a genuine pandemic, and that the government cares for them and was trying to save lives. It must be truly wonderful to be so naive.

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Wonderful maybe - until the slaughterhouse truck rolls up?

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An amusing new twist.

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well done to the old man in a chair theres much more of his stuff on bitchute....beware the pandemic treaty which far from being dead in the water is going to be back much sooner than you think

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Nice one, Dr C!

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PRICELESS…..! to bad i have no one to send this epic list to🫤

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Please all see my world exclusive coverage of the Scottish COVID inquiry on my substack.


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